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Outcome Logic: A Unifying Foundation for Correctness and Incorrectness Reasoning

Published: 06 April 2023 Publication History


Program logics for bug-finding (such as the recently introduced Incorrectness Logic) have framed correctness and incorrectness as dual concepts requiring different logical foundations. In this paper, we argue that a single unified theory can be used for both correctness and incorrectness reasoning. We present Outcome Logic (OL), a novel generalization of Hoare Logic that is both monadic (to capture computational effects) and monoidal (to reason about outcomes and reachability). OL expresses true positive bugs, while retaining correctness reasoning abilities as well. To formalize the applicability of OL to both correctness and incorrectness, we prove that any false OL specification can be disproven in OL itself. We also use our framework to reason about new types of incorrectness in nondeterministic and probabilistic programs. Given these advances, we advocate for OL as a new foundational theory of correctness and incorrectness.


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          Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 7, Issue OOPSLA1
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          Association for Computing Machinery

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          Published: 06 April 2023
          Published in PACMPL Volume 7, Issue OOPSLA1


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          1. Hoare Logic
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