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A Distributed-GPU Deep Reinforcement Learning System for Solving Large Graph Optimization Problems

Published: 20 June 2023 Publication History


Graph optimization problems (such as minimum vertex cover, maximum cut, traveling salesman problems) appear in many fields including social sciences, power systems, chemistry, and bioinformatics. Recently, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has shown success in automatically learning good heuristics to solve graph optimization problems. However, the existing RL systems either do not support graph RL environments or do not support multiple or many GPUs in a distributed setting. This has compromised the ability of reinforcement learning in solving large-scale graph optimization problems due to lack of parallelization and high scalability. To address the challenges of parallelization and scalability, we develop RL4GO, a high-performance distributed-GPU DRL framework for solving graph optimization problems. RL4GO focuses on a class of computationally demanding RL problems, where both the RL environment and policy model are highly computation intensive. Traditional reinforcement learning systems often assume either the RL environment is of low time complexity or the policy model is small.
In this work, we distribute large-scale graphs across distributed GPUs and use the spatial parallelism and data parallelism to achieve scalable performance. We compare and analyze the performance of the spatial parallelism and data parallelism and show their differences. To support graph neural network (GNN) layers that take as input data samples partitioned across distributed GPUs, we design parallel mathematical kernels to perform operations on distributed 3D sparse and 3D dense tensors. To handle costly RL environments, we design a parallel graph environment to scale up all RL-environment-related operations. By combining the scalable GNN layers with the scalable RL environment, we are able to develop high-performance RL4GO training and inference algorithms in parallel. Furthermore, we propose two optimization techniques—replay buffer on-the-fly graph generation and adaptive multiple-node selection—to minimize the spatial cost and accelerate reinforcement learning. This work also conducts in-depth analyses of parallel efficiency and memory cost and shows that the designed RL4GO algorithms are scalable on numerous distributed GPUs. Evaluations on large-scale graphs show that (1) RL4GO training and inference can achieve good parallel efficiency on 192 GPUs, (2) its training time can be 18 times faster than the state-of-the-art Gorila distributed RL framework [34], and (3) its inference performance achieves a 26 times improvement over Gorila.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing  Volume 10, Issue 2
June 2023
285 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 20 June 2023
Online AM: 23 March 2023
Accepted: 22 March 2023
Revised: 09 January 2023
Received: 13 September 2022
Published in TOPC Volume 10, Issue 2


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