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LinkNER: Linking Local Named Entity Recognition Models to Large Language Models using Uncertainty

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


Named Entity Recognition (NER) serves as a fundamental task in natural language understanding, bearing direct implications for web content analysis, search engines, and information retrieval systems. Fine-tuned NER models exhibit satisfactory performance on standard NER benchmarks. However, due to limited fine-tuning data and lack of knowledge, it performs poorly on unseen entity recognition. As a result, the usability and reliability of NER models in web-related applications are compromised. Instead, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 possess extensive external knowledge, but research indicates that they lack specialty for NER tasks. Furthermore, non-public and large-scale weights make tuning LLMs difficult. To address these challenges, we propose a framework that combines small fine-tuned models with LLMs (LinkNER) and an uncertainty-based linking strategy called RDC that enables fine-tuned models to complement black-box LLMs, achieving better performance. We experiment with both standard NER test sets and noisy social media datasets. LinkNER enhances NER task performance, notably surpassing SOTA models in robustness tests. We also quantitatively analyze the influence of key components like uncertainty estimation methods, LLMs, and in-context learning on diverse NER tasks, offering specific web-related recommendations.

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Cited By

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  • (2024)ChatGeoAI: Enabling Geospatial Analysis for Public through Natural Language, with Large Language ModelsISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information10.3390/ijgi1310034813:10(348)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2024
  • (2024)Software Mention Recognition with a Three-Stage Framework Based on BERTology Models at SOMD 2024Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs10.1007/978-3-031-65794-8_18(257-266)Online publication date: 15-Aug-2024

Index Terms

  1. LinkNER: Linking Local Named Entity Recognition Models to Large Language Models using Uncertainty



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    Published: 13 May 2024


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    1. information extraction
    2. large language models
    3. robustness
    4. uncertainty estimation


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    Funding Sources

    • the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University, Nankai University
    • National Science Fund of Tianjin, China
    • the key program of National Science Fund of Tianjin, China


    WWW '24
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    May 13 - 17, 2024
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    • (2024)ChatGeoAI: Enabling Geospatial Analysis for Public through Natural Language, with Large Language ModelsISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information10.3390/ijgi1310034813:10(348)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2024
    • (2024)Software Mention Recognition with a Three-Stage Framework Based on BERTology Models at SOMD 2024Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs10.1007/978-3-031-65794-8_18(257-266)Online publication date: 15-Aug-2024

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