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10.1145/3597503.3623348acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Enabling Runtime Verification of Causal Discovery Algorithms with Automated Conditional Independence Reasoning

Published: 06 February 2024 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Causal discovery is a powerful technique for identifying causal relationships among variables in data. It has been widely used in various applications in software engineering. Causal discovery extensively involves conditional independence (CI) tests. Hence, its output quality highly depends on the performance of CI tests, which can often be unreliable in practice. Moreover, privacy concerns arise when excessive CI tests are performed.
    Despite the distinct nature between unreliable and excessive CI tests, this paper identifies a unified and principled approach to addressing both of them. Generally, CI statements, the outputs of CI tests, adhere to Pearl's axioms, which are a set of well-established integrity constraints on conditional independence. Hence, we can either detect erroneous CI statements if they violate Pearl's axioms or prune excessive CI statements if they are logically entailed by Pearl's axioms. Holistically, both problems boil down to reasoning about the consistency of CI statements under Pearl's axioms (referred to as CIR problem).
    We propose a runtime verification tool called CICheck, designed to harden causal discovery algorithms from reliability and privacy perspectives. CICheck employs a sound and decidable encoding scheme that translates CIR into SMT problems. To solve the CIR problem efficiently, CICheck introduces a four-stage decision procedure with three lightweight optimizations that actively prove or refute consistency, and only resort to costly SMT-based reasoning when necessary. Based on the decision procedure to CIR, CICheck includes two variants: ED-Check and P-Check, which detect erroneous CI tests (to enhance reliability) and prune excessive CI tests (to enhance privacy), respectively. We evaluate CICheck on four real-world datasets and 100 CIR instances, showing its effectiveness in detecting erroneous CI tests and reducing excessive CI tests while retaining practical performance.


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    Published: 06 February 2024


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