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Reducing the Memory Footprint of IFDS-Based Data-Flow Analyses using Fine-Grained Garbage Collection

Published: 13 July 2023 Publication History


The IFDS algorithm can be both memory- and compute-intensive for large programs as it needs to store a huge amount of path edges in memory and process them until a fixed point. In general, an IFDS-based data-flow analysis, such as taint analysis, aims to discover only the data-flow facts at some program points. Maintaining a huge amount of path edges (with many visited only once) wastes memory resources, and consequently, reduces its scalability and efficiency (due to frequent re-hashings for the path-edge data structure used).
This paper introduces a fine-grained garbage collection (GC) algorithm to enable (multi-threaded) IFDS to reduce its memory footprint by removing non-live path edges (i.e., ones that are no longer needed for establishing other path edges) from its path-edge data structure. The resulting IFDS algorithm, named FPC, retains the correctness, precision, and termination properties of IFDS while avoiding re-processing GC’ed path edges redundantly (in the presence of unknown recursive cycles that may be formed in future iterations of the analysis). Unlike CleanDroid, which augments IFDS with a coarse-grained GC algorithm to collect path edges at the method level, FPC is fine-grained by collecting path edges at the data-fact level. As a result, FPC can collect more path edges than CleanDroid, and consequently, cause fewer re-hashings for the path-edge data structure used. In our evaluation, we focus on applying an IFDS-based taint analysis to a set of 28 Android apps. FPC can scalably analyze three apps that CleanDroid fails to run to completion (under a 3-hour budget per app) due to out-of-memory (OoM). For the remaining 25 apps, FPC reduces the number of path edges and memory usage incurred under CleanDroid by 4.4× and 1.4× on average, respectively, and consequently, outperforms CleanDroid by 1.7× on average (with 18.5× in the best case).


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  1. Reducing the Memory Footprint of IFDS-Based Data-Flow Analyses using Fine-Grained Garbage Collection



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    • (2024)Boosting the Performance of Alias-Aware IFDS Analysis with CFL-Based Environment TransformersProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/36898048:OOPSLA2(2633-2661)Online publication date: 8-Oct-2024
    • (2023)Merge-Replay: Efficient IFDS-Based Taint Analysis by Consolidating Equivalent Value Flows2023 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)10.1109/ASE56229.2023.00027(319-331)Online publication date: 11-Sep-2023

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