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A Reusable Model-agnostic Framework for Faithfully Explainable Recommendation and System Scrutability

Published: 21 August 2023 Publication History


State-of-the-art industrial-level recommender system applications mostly adopt complicated model structures such as deep neural networks. While this helps with the model performance, the lack of system explainability caused by these nearly blackbox models also raises concerns and potentially weakens the users’ trust in the system. Existing work on explainable recommendation mostly focuses on designing interpretable model structures to generate model-intrinsic explanations. However, most of them have complex structures, and it is difficult to directly apply these designs onto existing recommendation applications due to the effectiveness and efficiency concerns. However, while there have been some studies on explaining recommendation models without knowing their internal structures (i.e., model-agnostic explanations), these methods have been criticized for not reflecting the actual reasoning process of the recommendation model or, in other words, faithfulness. How to develop model-agnostic explanation methods and evaluate them in terms of faithfulness is mostly unknown. In this work, we propose a reusable evaluation pipeline for model-agnostic explainable recommendation. Our pipeline evaluates the quality of model-agnostic explanation from the perspectives of faithfulness and scrutability. We further propose a model-agnostic explanation framework for recommendation and verify it with the proposed evaluation pipeline. Extensive experiments on public datasets demonstrate that our model-agnostic framework is able to generate explanations that are faithful to the recommendation model. We additionally provide quantitative and qualitative study to show that our explanation framework could enhance the scrutability of blackbox recommendation model. With proper modification, our evaluation pipeline and model-agnostic explanation framework could be easily migrated to existing applications. Through this work, we hope to encourage the community to focus more on faithfulness evaluation of explainable recommender systems.

1 Introduction

With the emerging development of the Internet over the past few decades, researchers have devoted extensive efforts to the study of recommender systems (RS) [1, 11, 44, 69]. As complex deep neural networks (DNN) are being introduced and deployed in real-world applications, the blackbox nature of such models has raised several concerns in the RS research community. On the one hand, users could be reluctant to trust an uninterpretable RS model that cannot provide explanations to its recommendation decisions. On the other hand, system designers cannot control the behavior and outputs of an uninterpretable RS model directly, which makes it non-trivial to fix the system even when the exact failure cases have been detected. To overcome these problems and challenges, the idea of designing explainable1 and scrutable [7, 8] recommendation models has received considerable attention in recent years.
Existing works on explainable recommendation can be broadly classified into two categories: model-intrinsic explanations and model-agnostic explanations [18, 66, 94]. Model-intrinsic explanations are generated by interpretable recommendation models, while model-agnostic explanations are generated from a separate explanation model by treating the recommendation model as blackbox. Both explanation paradigms have been extensively studied by the RS community, and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. Model-intrinsic explanations can reflect the actual decision mechanism of the RS model, but deploying such applications could be non-trivial in practice. For example, due to historical reasons, deploying model-intrinsic explainable RS means an overhaul to the existing system, which is time- and effort consuming. Also, from the perspective of model design, enhancing model explainability often means the sacrifice of model performance/latency [63], and taking the risk of adversarial attack [17]. Thus, despite recent advances on model-intrinsic explainable models [79, 81, 84], most industrial RS still use uninterpretable (blackbox) model designs [48, 56]. Model-agnostic explanation models, however, can bypass the concerns above in practice by running a separate explanation model that does not disturb the production model. However, whether these explanations are faithful, i.e., reflecting the actual reasoning process of the recommendation model, is often questionable. Existing studies on model-agnostic explainable recommendation methods either ignore the discussion of explanation faithfulness [19, 23, 28, 42, 58, 72, 77, 78] or build explanations that are dependent on the specific choice of blackbox recommendation models [8, 45, 67] and thus cannot be directly applied or compared to other genres of models. To the best of our knowledge, there has not been a reusable framework to build model-agnostic explanations for different RS models and evaluate the quality of these explanations.
Seeing this gap, in this work, we focus on designing a reusable framework to build model-agnostic explanations for different RS models and evaluate the quality of these explanations. We first propose an evaluation pipeline to evaluate model-agnostic algorithms from two perspectives: (1) faithfulness (to what extent can the explanation model reflect the true reasoning process of the recommendation model) and (2) scrutability (whether the explanation model allows the users to correct the system such that the whole explanation system can be further improved). The model-agnostic explanation framework to be evaluated is composed of two separate parts: a recommendation model to make recommendation decisions, which we refer to as the blackbox model,2 and a separate explanation model to explain the recommendation model’s decisions, which we refer to as the whitebox model. By implementing the recommendation model with a model-intrinsic explainable model, the faithfulness and the scrutability of the explanation model can be quantified based on whether the explanation can match the actual explanation provided by the recommendation model.
Following the evaluation pipeline, we propose a model-agnostic explanation framework to operationalize the desiderata of faithful explanation and system scrutability. Inspired by the technique of knowledge distillation, we propose to build a model-agnostic explanation model by taking the outputs of a blackbox recommendation model to train a whitebox explainable model and generate explanations accordingly. In this work, we adopt two types of RS models, i.e., the aspect-based models and knowledge-graph-based models, for both the blackbox recommendation model and the whitebox explanation model to show how we can apply the evaluation pipeline and explanation framework to different types of models. In addition to the aforementioned model categories, we provide concrete guidelines to adapt the proposed explanation framework to other genres of models. As for scrutability, we provide quantitative and qualitative studies to show that our explanation framework can be potentially used to manipulate the blackbox recommendation’s behaviors to enhance the scrutability of blackbox recommendation model. To the best of our knowledge, our work is among the first efforts to propose a model-independent and reusable evaluation and learning framework for model-agnostic explainable recommendation. Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
We propose a reliable evaluation pipeline for model-agnostic explainable recommendation with a focus on explanation faithfulness and system scrutability. Our pipeline can be used on different genres of recommendation models with proper modification.
We propose a model-agnostic explanation framework for recommendation with a knowledge-distillation-style training strategy to improve explanation faithfulness and system scrutability.
We provide qualitative and quantitative studies to show that our explanation framework could enhance the faithfulness of model-agnostic explanations and the scrutability of blackbox recommendation model.
The rest of this article is organized as follows: We first review the related work (Section 2), and then we give a high-level overview of the proposed model-agnostic explanation framework and the proposed evaluation pipeline (Section 3) and introduce the idea of knowledge-distillation-style training strategy in Section 4. We use two types of explainable recommendation models to detail the designs and implementations of the model-agnostic explanation framework, the evaluation pipeline, and the training strategy in Section 5. Further, we discuss the limitations of this work and provide guidelines to adapt our work to other genres of explainable recommendation models in Section 6. We cover the experimental details and report and analyze the results (Section 7). In addition, we also present the qualitative and quantitative scrutability study (Section 7.3). Finally, we summarize the article and point out possible future research directions (Section 8). Our code implementation is made public.3

2 Related Work

There are four lines of works that are related to this article: (1) model-intrinsic explanation vs. model-agnostic explanation in explainable machine learning and recommendation, (2) faithfulness and scrutability in model-agnostic explainable recommendation, (3) existing model-agnostic explainable RS and evaluation, and (4) knowledge distillation.

2.1 Model-intrinsic Explanation vs. Model-agnostic Explanation

With the development of more complicated machine learning (ML) models, such as the “blackbox” deep neural networks, there has been an urge for explainable and controllable/scrutable ML models. By whether the explanations are generated by the decision model itself, the existing explanation paradigms can be broadly classified into two categories: model-intrinsic (or pre hoc) explanations and model-agnostic (or post hoc) explanations [50, 94].
Model-intrinsic approaches aim to design inherently interpretable models, so that the generated explanations can reflect the actual inference mechanism of the decision model [12, 30, 75, 79, 81, 84, 85, 95]. Most of recently proposed explainable recommendation models fall into this category. For example, Zhang et al. [95] propose to combine extracted Aspect-Opinion-Sentiment triplets with vanilla matrix factorization for recommendation explanation. He et al. [30] propose to model user-item-aspect interactions via a tripartite graph. A different line of research propose to leverage the explainable nature of knowledge graph (KG) for recommendation. Wang et al. [79] incorporates knowledge graph into recommendation to improve click-through rate. Knowledge-aware Path Reasoning Network (KPRN) [81] treats the knowledge graph path as a sequence and train a LSTM neural network for explicit reasoning over KG. Xian et al. [84] use a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm featuring soft reward strategy, user-conditional action pruning, and a multi-hop scoring strategy to generate knowledge graph reasoning paths. Inspired by Path Language Modeling [47], Geng et al. [22] propose PLM-Rec framework to learn knowledge graph representations and generate reasoning paths over the knowledge graph for recommendation in an autoregressive manner. For the experiments in this work, we adopt two types of RS models, i.e., the aspect-based models and knowledge-graph-based models for both the blackbox recommendation model and the whitebox explanation model. We will further provide guidelines on modifying the proposed evaluation pipeline and explanation framework on other genres of explainable recommendation models.
Although various model-intrinsic explainable recommmendation models have been proposed, most industrial RS applications still use uninterpretable (blackbox) model designs [48, 56]. As discussed in previous works [58, 63] explainability and model performance/efficiency could sometimes be conflicting goals in model design that we have to tradeoff. Due to the fact that the deep neural recommendation models being deployed take heterogeneous information sources as input, and are growing more complicated in terms of model structures, it is hard to ask the model to provide human-interpretable explanations without hurting the system performance as well as efficiency. However, the model-agnostic approach aims to design a separate explanation model to explain the decision model’s output [2, 3, 23, 38, 58, 72, 77, 86, 89, 96]. With model-agnostic explanation, the decision model’s performance and efficiency can be preserved. But it is also criticized for not being able to fully reflect the actual reasoning process of the decision model [5, 9, 36, 66], thus not exhibiting faithfulness. Seeing this gap, in this work, we make attempts to improve the faithfulness of the model-agnostic explanation paradigm.

2.2 Faithfulness and Scrutability in Model-agnostic Explainable Recommendation

In explainable ML, faithfulness measures how accurately the generated explanations reflect the actual reasoning process of the decision model [25, 29, 31, 35, 36]. A similar concept is transparency, which is whether the explanation explains how the system works, proposed by Tintarev and Masthoff [76] and further refined in References [7, 8]. It is also referred to as trustworthiness [13] and related to completeness [25].4
While the problem of how to improve the faithfulness of model-agnostic explanations has been widely recognized in the explainable ML literature [5, 9, 36], only a few works tackle this problem in explainable recommendation. This discrepancy exists, because RS data and methods are very different from traditional supervised ML settings [54]. The model-agnostic explainable RS model takes user–item pairs as input, and thus the definition and evaluation of faithfulness needs to take both the user and item-side information into account. For example, ter Hoeve et al. [74] take a perturbation approach to generate faithful and model-agnostic explanations for a blackbox news recommendation system. However, their experiments are conducted under the classical learning-to-rank setting, where only a few explicit categorical features are utilized for the recommendation decision, and no representations learning is involved during the model’s training phase. Such an intervention approach is not applicable for state-of-the-art DNN models such as References [48, 56]. Zhu et al. [97] propose a faithfully explainable recommendation model with knowledge graph, but their model generates model-intrinsic explanations, and the faithfulness is defined as the similarity between the generated knowledge graph reasoning paths and the paths in the trainset.
Related but different from faithfulness, in the explainable ML and recommendation literature [75, 76], scrutable/scrutability5 is used to describe whether the system allows its users to correct the system’s reasoning or modify the users’ preferences such that the system can be improved in the long run. Scrutability is also among the desiderata for industrial-level RS applications [8, 24], as a scrutable system could enable the system designers to control the its behavior abd debug its failure cases such that the system could be further improved. It is well recognized that scrutability is related to faithfulness, because one cannot learn how to control a system based on explanations that are unfaithful in describing system behaviors. Yet, having faithful explanations does not necessarily improve system scrutability, e.g., we can explain an attention network by checking the attention scores, but we may not know how the changing of these attention scores would affect the final predictions [36, 83].

2.3 Existing Model-agnostic Explainable RS and Evaluation

Tintarev and Masthoff [76] propose in total seven design goals for explainable recommendation, including effectiveness, efficiency, persuasiveness, satisfication, scrutability, transparency, and trust. Balog and Radlinski [7] and Nunes and Jannach [55] point out that most of the existing works only focus on one single goal, and only a few consider multiple goals [16, 21]. Balog and Radlinski [7] conducted user study to measure the correlation between the aforementioned goals and the results, not surprisingly, show that these goals are interrelated. However, we notice that some goals are more important than others in certain application scenarios/domains, e.g., rersuasiveness in generating post hoc explanations in recipe/music recommendation [46, 87]. More importantly, while various models have been proposed for explainable recommendation, there has not been a universal and model-independent metric to systematically evaluate the quality of generated explanations in terms of faithfulness and scrutability. Peake and Wang [58] propose to mine association rules to explain the recommendations given by matrix factorization, but their evaluation is limited to the explanations’ fidelity, i.e., whether the association rules recommend similar items to the matrix factorization model. Some works [3, 23, 96] use user/case study to prove the generated explanations are superior than those from the baseline models in terms of persuasiveness. For example, Ai and Narayanan [3] conduct crowdsourcing to compare model-intrinsic and model-agnostic explanations from informativeness, usefulness, and satisfaction, where usefulness has the same definition as persuasiveness. Similarly, Ghazimatin [23] shows that the proposed explanation framework outperforms other explanation types in terms of usefulness. A recent line of works [23, 38, 46, 72] takes a counterfactual perspective. Ghazimatin et al. [23] propose to use a subset of users’ interaction history as counterfactual explanation and use user studies to prove the generated explanations are of higher quality. Tan et al. [72] propose to evaluate the explanations using necessity (whether the condition is necessary) and sufficiency (whether the condition is sufficient). However, their methods are bound to the specific recommendation algorithm, and the authors fail to properly illustrate how these explanation frameworks can be adapted to other explanation models. Besides, although the counterfactual models can deliver human-interpretable explanations [23, 65, 72], the evaluation of faithfulness has been overlooked in these works. We also include two counterfactual baselines and show that explanations being counterfactually true do not necessarily guarantee they can reflect the actual reasoning process of the recommendation model. In this work, we propose an evaluation pipeline to evaluate the model-agnostic explanations from the perspective of faithfulness and scrutability. Our work is different from existing works from three perspectives: (1) We focus on the evaluation of generated explanations from the perspectives of faithfulness and scrutability, which has been largely overlooked by previous works in explainable recommendation; (2) our evaluation pipeline is not limited to a certain explanation style, e.g., aspects [72] or association rules [58]; and (3) with proper modification, our model-agnostic explanation framework can be used for other genres of recommendation model (detailed in Section 6.3).

2.4 Knowledge Distillation

The idea of knowledge distillation is first brought up by Hinton et al. [32]. By adding soft-targets generated from teacher networks as training objectives, the student network can achieve knowledge transfer [57]. Originally, knowledge distillation is used for model compression and acceleration [32, 68]. It has also been explored for other purposes, such as efficient building blocks for deep models (see Reference [26] for a comprehensive survey). Hofstätter et al. [33] use cross-architecture distillation to enable model compression and performance improvement for dense retrieval. Within the IR community, knowledge distillation has also been studied. Tang and Wang [73] study ranking distillation for model compression. Liu et al. [49] design a knowledge distillation framework for counterfactual recommendation via uniform data. Zhang et al. [96] explore distilling the knowledge from knowledge graph paths into latent factor embeddings in matrix factorization for better recommendation performance. Perhaps the closest works to this work are References [20, 59], where the authors explore self distillation for better performance. Within this work, we aim to provide a model-agnostic explanation framework for explainable recommendation for better faithfulness and scrutability. To achieve this goal, we use the knowledge distillation technique where the student model, i.e., the explanation model is able to learn the reasoning process from the teacher model, i.e., the recommendation.

3 Overview

We start this section by introducing the problem formulation and presenting a high-level overview to our model-agnostic explanation framework for explainable recommendation (Section 3.1); then we illustrate the design logic for the proposed evaluation pipeline with the focus of improving explanation faithfulness and system scrutability (Section 3.2). In Section 3.3, we discuss the assumptions we use in this work.

3.1 Problem Formulation and Overview of Model-agnostic Explanation Framework

We study the task of top-N recommendation task with implicit feedback. Formally, let \(\mathcal {U}\) , \(\mathcal {I}\) be the set of users and the set of items. We observe the user–item interactions set \(\mathcal {D}=\bigcup _{u \in U}\lbrace (u,i)|i \in \mathcal {I}_u \rbrace\) where \(\mathcal {I}_u\) is the set of items user u previously interacted with. The task is to provide each user with a ranklist of recommended items and to provide a piece of explanation E to each item. Depending on the specific model choices, the explanations can be in different forms (detailed in Section 5.1). A summary of notations can be found in Table 1.
Table 1.
u, \(\mathcal {U}\) , i, \(\mathcal {I}\) , a, \(\mathcal {A}\) , \(\mathcal {D}\) user, user set, item, item set, aspect, aspect set, interaction set
\(\mathcal {I}_u\) items that user u has interacted with previously
\(\mathcal {A}_{ui}\) aspects of item i mentioned by user u
\(\mathcal {A}_u\) aspect set mentioned by user u
\(\mathcal {A}_i\) aspect set of item i
\(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {u}}\) , \(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {i}}\) , \(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}}\) user/aspect/item latent factor
\(X_{|\mathcal {U}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}\) user–aspect attention matrix
\(Y_{|\mathcal {I}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}\) item–aspect quality matrix
\(s_{ui}\) ranking score for user–item pair \((u,i)\)
\(\mathcal {A}_{ui}@k\) most important k aspects determined by blackbox recommendation model
\(\mathcal {A}^{\prime }_{ui}@k\) most important k aspects determined by whitebox explanation model
\(s({path}_{ui})\) \(\in \mathcal {P}_{ui}\) knowledge-graph reasoning path & paths set connecting \((u,i)\)
Table 1. A Summary of Notations We Use in This Article
Our explanation framework consists of two parts: a blackbox recommendation model to generate recommendation decisions and a whitebox explanation model to generate the explanations for the recommendation decisions. We provide an overview of our model-agnostic explanation framework in Figure 1. The blackbox recommendation model is on the left side and the whitebox explanation model on the right side. The input of the whitebox explanation model is the user–item pair, and it will generate explanations for why this item might be relevant to the user.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. We use a simple product recommender to explain the proposed model-agnostic explanation framework and evaluation pipeline. The faithfulness is evaluated by the overlap of important features determined by the blackbox recommendation model and the whitebox explanation model. We show a workflow of scrutability analysis in the outer loop.

3.2 Evaluation Pipeline

The proposed evaluation pipeline evaluates a model-agnostic explanation framework from two perspectives, explanation faithfulness and system scrutability. Here we illustrate the high-level logic for our evaluation pipeline and leave the detailed design and implementation of metrics to Section 5.4.

3.2.1 Faithfulness and Its Evaluation.

Faithfulness measures to what extent the generated explanations can reflect the actual reasoning process of the recommendation model. From this sense, it is hard to quantify the level of faithfulness if the two parts of the explanation framework utilizes completely different inputs and model structures, e.g., matrix factorization for blackbox recommendation model and association rules for whitebox explanation model [58]. Some works in natural language processing (NLP) [35, 36, 83] and computer vision (CV) [42] propose to evaluate the faithfulness by measuring the overlap of important inputs with regard to model predictions determined by the decision model and explanation model, i.e., feature attribution, such as the overlap of input tokens or pixels highlighted by the two models. We take a similar view and propose to consider the overlap of important input features to the output of interest.
In our evaluation pipeline, the explanation faithfulness is measured by the overlap between explanation generated by blackbox recommendation model and explanation generated by whitebox explanation model ( \({\it Explanations} \rightarrow {\it Faithful} \rightarrow {\it Reasons}\) in Figure 1).

3.2.2 Scrutability and Its Evaluation.

Scrutability is another ideal property for industrial-level RS [8, 24, 38, 75]. A scrutable RS model could help system designers analyze failure cases, e.g., a video received Dislike on YouTube, and improve the system in the long run. In Reference [75], scrutability is defined as whether the system allows its users to tell it is wrong. Balog et al. [8] propose a scrutable explainable RS algorithm with set-based preference, but their discussion is limited to model-intrinsic explanations. In model-agnostic explainable RS, the concept of scrutability and its evaluation has not been well studied.
Here in a model-agnostic setting, we adapt the definition of scrutability to whether the explanation model can take the negative feedback from users, understand the reasons for the failure cases, and improve the system in terms of other explanable recommendation design goals. The whitebox explanation model is responsible for finding the exact reasons for the failure cases and uses those to help improve the blackbox recommendation model. In our evaluation pipeline, the workflow of system scrutability measurement is shown in the outer loop of Figure 1 ( \({\it Ranklist} \rightarrow {\it Failure Cases} \rightarrow {\it Failure Reasons} \rightarrow {\it Improved RS}\) ). Here we should note that, unlike faithfulness, the evaluation of scrutability does not require the blackbox recommendation model and whitebox explanation model to share the same set of input features. A content-based explanation model can still help debug a matrix factorization recommendation model if with specific design (more discussion in Section 6.3).

3.3 Assumptions

Throughout this article, we follow three key assumptions:
The blackbox recommendation model is already trained, and we only focus on providing a good whitebox explanation model to improve explanation faithfulness and system scrutability.
We use input features as explanations, which is referred to as the Attribution method [4] and has been common practice in previous explainable AI/ML literature [2, 23, 58, 61, 62, 65, 72, 74].
Following the previous point, we assume the blackbox recommendation model and the whitebox explanation model share the same set of input features.6 The whitebox explanation model has access to the blackbox recommendation model’s predictions but has no knowledge on the detailed model structures, gradients, and embeddings of the blackbox recommendation model; thus our whitebox explanation model is “model agnostic” and “data-type agnostic” [39]. This setup has also been widely adopted by previous explainable AI/ML and recommendation literature [2, 3, 8, 58, 61, 62, 65, 72, 74, 82].

4 Model-agnostic Recommendation Explanation with Knowledge Distillation

Since we follow the model-agnostic setting i.e., the whitebox explanation model will have no knowledge w.r.t. the blackbox recommendation other than its predictions, it can be challenging to design a trainable whitebox model, because neither the blackbox recommendation model’s structures nor the trained parameters are available. Ideally, the whitebox explanation model should be able to learn the blackbox recommendation model’s actual reasoning process. Previous works [32, 33, 68] has shown that with knowledge distillation style training, the student network is able to efficiently and effectively distill the knowledge from teacher network. This matches our design goal of explanation faithfulness and system scrutability.
In this work, we propose to train the whitebox model in our model-agnostic explanation framework with a knowledge-distillation-style training strategy. Specifically, the whitebox explanation model is treated as a student network and is trained with the supervision signals generated by the teacher network, i.e., the blackbox recommendation model in our problem setting. By using this knowledge-distillation strategy, the whitebox explanation should be able to learn from blackbox recommendation model’s decision pattern and learn its actual reasoning processes, even if their model structures and parameters are different. We should note that we are not the first to use this knowledge-distillation-style training strategy in the explainable AI/ML literature. Bastani et al. [9] term this as Model Extraction and use it to train model-agnostic explainer. However, their experiment is conducted under classical ML settings, e.g., classification tasks with random forest as whitebox explanation model. And how to adapt this strategy for model-agnostic explanation for explainable recommendation has not been studied by the IR community.
We present an example figure for our training strategy in Figure 2. Considering recommendation as a personalized ranking task, for each user u, we denote the supervision signals \(S_u = [s_{u1}, s_{u2}, \ldots , s_{u|\mathcal {I}|}]\) , where \(|\mathcal {I}|\) denotes the size of whole item set, and \(s_{ui}\) is blackbox recommendation model’s predicted ranking score for \((u,i)\) ; similarly, we let the whitebox explanation model generate the corresponding \(S_u^{\prime }\) in the forward pass. We construct the loss function as standard cross entropy loss used in previous knowledge distillation literature [32]. In addition, we normalize the supervision signals \(S_u\) to \(P_u\) with a softmax operation with \(\tau\) as a hyperparameter to smooth the gradients:
\begin{equation} p_{ui} = \frac{\exp {(s_{ui} /\tau })}{\sum _{j =1}^{\mathcal {I}} \exp (s_{uj}/\tau)}. \end{equation}
This \(P_u\) reflects the user’s preference over \(\mathcal {I}\) as a softer probability distribution learned by the blackbox recommendation model, and we use it to train the whitebox explanation model. Similarly, we denote the output probability distribution from the whitebox model’s forward as \(P_{u}^{\prime }\) . And the loss is computed by
\begin{equation} \mathcal {L} = \sum _{u \in \mathcal {U}} \texttt {CrossEntropy}(P_u, P_u^{\prime }) = -\sum _{u \in \mathcal {U}} \sum _{i \in \mathcal {I}} p_{ui} \log p_{ui}^{\prime }. \end{equation}
We leave the specific details of constructing \(S_u\) and transformation from \(S_u^{\prime }\) to \(P_u^{\prime }\) to Section 7.1.3 and Section 5.3, respectively.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. A closer look of our model-agnostic explanation framework for recommendation, both the blackbox recommendation model and the whitebox explanation model take user id and item ids as input and generate prediction scores \(P_u\) and \(P_u^{\prime }\) , respectively. The parameters of the whitebox explanation model is optimized by the cross-entropy loss function \(\mathcal {L}(P_u, P_u^{\prime })\) . Within the whitebox explanation model, the path u \(\rightarrow\) r1 \(\rightarrow\) a \(\rightarrow\) r2 \(\rightarrow\) i1 means user u interacts item i via aspect a; the path u \(\rightarrow\) r3 \(\rightarrow\) b \(\rightarrow\) r4 \(\rightarrow\) c \(\rightarrow\) r5 \(\rightarrow\) d \(\rightarrow\) r6 \(\rightarrow\) i2 means user u interacts item i2 via a multi-hop knowledge-graph reasoning path.

5 Detailed Design and Implementation

In this section, we first summarize the model-specific notations (Section 5.1). Then we illustrate how we implement the above model-agnostic explanation framework using two representative genres of models, aspect-based models and knowledge-graph-based models. We further introduce the model-specific design and implementation for our evaluation pipeline metrics (Section 5.4).

5.1 Model-specific Notations

In this work, we include both explicit feedback-based datasets, i.e., user-generated reviews, and implicit feedback-based datasets, i.e., clicks. For implicit feedback-based datasets, we can observe the click/interaction set \(\mathcal {D}\) . For explicit feedback-based datasets, each user–item interaction pair \((u,i) \in \mathcal {D}\) is associated with a piece of textual reviews from which we can extract explicit textual features that describes the aspects of the item, e.g., price, novelty, and durability. We denote these explicit textual features as Aspects \({\bf a}\) (s), and the aspects extracted from this user–item interaction as \(\mathcal {A}_{ui}\) This user-aspect-item relations form a triparitite graph (example in Figure 3(a)) and has been studied by previous works [30, 80]. In the meantime, we can also extract a product knowledge graph \(\mathcal {G}\) from the dataset with entity set \(\mathcal {E}\) and relation set \(\mathcal {R}\) (example in Figure 3(b)). A summary of notations can be found at Table 1.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. In Figure 3(a), a sample user-aspect-item tripartite graph is presented where u stands for User, a stands for Aspect, and i stands for Item; the graph nodes are connected via undirected edges. In Figure 3(b), a sample product knowledge graph is presented, additionally, b stands for Brand, c stands for Category; the user node and item node are connected via multi-hop connections through different categories of nodes and edges. Note that the product knowledge graph is a directed graph.
In our experiments, we implement the model-agnostic explanation framework with two genres of models. The aspect-based model predicts the ranking score \(s_{ui}\) via aspect-level interactions. The explanation task is defined as follows: For user u and a recommended item i, find several explicit textual features/aspects from \(\mathcal {A}\) and use them to explain why this item is recommended to u. The knowledge-graph-based model predicts the ranking score \(s_{ui}\) from learning the representations from product-knowledge-graph \(\mathcal {G}\) and interaction set \(\mathcal {D}\) . The explanation task is defined as follows: For user u and a recommended item i, to generate a knowledge graph reasoning path \({path}_{ui}\) connecting u and i to explain the recommendation.
We present a running example in the right-hand side of Figure 2, where u \(\rightarrow\) r1 \(\rightarrow\) a \(\rightarrow\) r2 \(\rightarrow\) i1 means user u interacts item i1 because of aspect a and u \(\rightarrow\) r3 \(\rightarrow\) b \(\rightarrow\) r4 \(\rightarrow\) c \(\rightarrow\) r5 \(\rightarrow\) d \(\rightarrow\) r6 \(\rightarrow\) i2 means user u interacts item i2 via a multi-hop knowledge-graph reasoning path. For the aspect-based models, we adopt the explanation template used by previous works [30, 95]: You might be interested in [aspect a], on which this product performs well. We will cover more model details in Sections 5.2 and 5.3.

5.2 Blackbox Recommendation Model

We use two representative lines of models: aspect-based models and knowledge-graph-based models. For aspect-based models, we select the Explicit Factor Model (EFM) [95] and Attribute-aware Collaborative Filtering Model (A2CF) [15]; we select Policy-Guided Path Reasoning (PGPR) [84] and Coarse-to-Fine Neural Symbolic Reasoning (CAFE) [85] as the representative knowledge-graph-based models. We give a brief introduction here and refer the model details to the original papers.

5.2.1 Explicit Factor Model.

In EFM, the user, item, and aspect latent representations are learned by performing matrix factorization over the user–item rating matrix \(R_{|\mathcal {U}|\times |\mathcal {I}|}\) , the user–aspect attention matrix \(X_{|\mathcal {U}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}\) , and the item–aspect quality matrix \(Y_{|\mathcal {I}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}\) . In the inference stage, the predicted ranking score \(s_{ui}\) is computed by combining the user–item rating score and user–item similarity score, which is based on the top-k most important product aspects in \(\mathcal {A}_u \cap \mathcal {A}_i\) . Here the top-k important aspects are determined by acquiring the top-k largest values of the element-wise product between the user–aspect vector from \(X_{|{\mathcal {U}|\times \mathcal {A}}}\) and item–aspect vector from \(Y_{|{\mathcal {I}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}}\) .

5.2.2 Attribute-aware Collaborative Filtering Model.

The training of A2CF model consists of two stages. First, it leverages a residual feed-forward network to predict the missing values in user–aspect attention matrix \(X_{|\mathcal {U}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}\) and item–aspect quality matrix \(Y_{|\mathcal {I}| \times |\mathcal {A}|}\) . Then it combines the aspect latent factors in stage 1 to build user and item representations and use a deep feed-forward neural network to compute the ranking score. The algorithm originally considers both user–item preference relations and item–item similarity relations for substitute recommendations. To make it compatible with our problem setting, we only use the user–item preference relations.

5.2.3 Policy-guided Path Reasoning.

PGPR regards the path reasoning in knowledge graph as a searching algorithm and propose a RL algorithm motivated by Markov Decision Process. The graph reasoner starts from user node u, walks through graph \(\mathcal {G}\) , and eventually reach item node i via path \(p_{ui}\) . In the training stage, the ground-truth paths are not annotated so the authors propose to train the model by interactions \(\mathcal {D}\) . In the inference stage, the graph reasoner search all the items reachable from the user node and construct the ranklist using the ranking scores of the paths connecting the user node and item nodes.

5.2.4 Coarse-to-Fine Neural Symbolic Reasoning.

Similarly to PGPR, CAFE also treats the path reasoning in knowledge graph as a search process, and the same authors improve over PGPR by using a behavior cloning [37] technique to improve the search process. In the training stage, a random walk module is used to sample the paths between training user–item pairs, and then these paths are used to train a behavior cloning module with negative log-likelihood loss. In the inference stage, for each user, CAFE first constructs a layout tree starting from the user node and then ranks the candidate items by sorting the ranking scores from the log-likelihood of the possible paths to the candidate items.

5.3 Whitebox Explanation Model

Correspondingly, we also utilize aspect-based model and KG-based model as our whitebox explanation model. For aspect-based models, we take the common practice in the literature [30] to treat the User-Aspect-Item (U-A-I) relations as a tripartite graph and use node embeddings to represent the users, items, and aspects. The recommendation process is divided into two stages: user–aspect match and item–aspect match. Correspondingly, we propose two simple models referred to as Hard-Aspect-Match (HAM) model and Soft-Aspect-Match (SAM) model. A sample U-A-I tripartite graph gets shown in Figure 3(a).

5.3.1 Hard-Aspect-Match Model.

The HAM model utilizes hard user–aspect match and item–aspect match. The hard user–aspect matching score \(s_{ua}\) is computed by
\begin{equation} s_{ua}=\frac{f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {u}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}})}{\sum _{a_j \in \mathcal {A}_u} f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {u}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}_j})}, \end{equation}
where \(f(\cdot , \cdot)\) is a function to measure the similarity of two vectors, e.g., dot product or cosine similarity. Similarly, we have
\begin{equation} s_{ia}=\frac{f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {i}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}})}{\sum _{a_j \in \mathcal {A}_u} f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {i}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}_j})}. \end{equation}
The matching score of user u interacting with item i via aspect a is computed by
\begin{equation} s_{uai}=s_{ua} \cdot s_{ia}. \end{equation}
The matching score \(s_{ui}\) is computed by summing up all aspects in \(\mathcal {A}_u \cap \mathcal {A}_i\) ,
\begin{equation} s_{ui}= {\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \sum _{a_j \in \mathcal {A}_u \cap \mathcal {A}_i} (s_{ua_j} \cdot s_{ia_j}), & \text{if $\mathcal {A}_u \cap \mathcal {A}_i \ne \emptyset $} \\ 0, & otherwise \end{array}\right.}, \end{equation}
and we simply set \(p_{ui}=s_{ui}\) . Here \(\sum _{i}^{|\mathcal {I}|} p_{ui}=1\) , and thus we can train the hard-aspect-match model with cross entropy loss from Equation (2). In HAM, the term “hard” means that we force the user–item interaction to happen through the aspects they have in common.

5.3.2 Soft-Aspect-Match Model.

In the SAM model, we relax the constraint on the user–item interaction by allowing the user and item to attend to every aspect a in \(\mathcal {A}\) even if a is not in \(\mathcal {A}_u\) or \(\mathcal {A}_i\) . We have
\begin{align} s_{ua} &= \frac{f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {u}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}})}{\sum _{a_j \in \mathcal {A}} f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {u}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}_j})}, \end{align}
\begin{align} s_{ia} &= \frac{f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {i}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}})}{\sum _{a_j \in \mathcal {A}} f(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {i}}, \overrightarrow{\boldsymbol {a}_j})}, \end{align}
\begin{align} s_{ui} &= \sum _{a_j \in \mathcal {A}} (s_{ua_j}\cdot s_{ia_j}). \end{align}
Similarly to Equation (6), \(p_{ui}=s_{ui}\) and \(\sum _{i=1}^{\mathcal {I}} p_{ui}=1\) . As we do not restrict the user–item interaction to happen in shared aspects set, we refer to this model as the Soft-Aspect-Match model.

5.3.3 Knowledge-graph-based Model.

We show a sample knowledge graph in Figure 3(b). We use an existing path-based model KPRN [81]. KPRN treats the knowledge graph paths as sequences and nodes and relations as tokens in a sequence. It trains a LSTM model to score the potential paths \(s({path}_{ui})\) connecting \((u,i)\) pairs in interactions set \(\mathcal {D}\) . In the inference stage, it first uses a graph search algorithm to find all potential paths connecting \((u,i)\) and uses the LSTM model to generate a ranking score for each path \({path}\) . The final ranking score is derived by averaging \(s({path}_{ui})\) in \(\mathcal {P}_{ui}\) . The model can be formulated as
\begin{align} s({path}_{ui}) &= {\it FFN}({\it LSTM}({path}_{ui})), \end{align}
\begin{align} s_{ui} &= \frac{1}{|\mathcal {P}_{ui}|} \sum _{{path}_{ui} \in \mathcal {P}_{ui}} s({path}_{ui}), \end{align}
where FFN is a feed-forward neural network, and \(|\cdot |\) denotes the size of the set. We convert the ranking scores \(S_u\) over \(\mathcal {I}\) into probability distribution \(P_u\) with a softmax operator similar to Equation (1).

5.4 Detailed Evaluation Pipeline Design and Implementation

We have briefly covered the high-level logic for our evaluation pipeline, and now we dive into more details on how we design and implement the evaluation metrics of explanation faithfulness and system scrutability.

5.4.1 Faithfulness Metric Design.

As mentioned in Section 3.2, we opt to evaluate the explanation faithfulness by measuring the overlap of important input features determined by the blackbox recommendation model and whitebox explanation model. Under this setup, the design of faithfulness metric is quite flexible and more model dependent. Here we only provide two sample faithfulness metric designs for aspect-based models and KG-based models and will discuss guidelines for other genres of models later in Section 6.3.
Previous aspect-based explainable recommendation models [10, 30, 34, 95] define their task as to provide item recommendations as well as the aspects that the user may be interested. Bauman et al. [10] evaluate their model by computing precision between the predicted aspects and the ground-truth aspects, i.e., the aspects that appear in users’ reviews. Therefore, we believe the overlap of predicted aspects between our blackbox recommendation model and whitebox explanation model should be a good reflection on the faithfulness of whitebox explanation model. Formally, for aspect-based model, we define the faithfulness as the Average Aspect Overlap (AAO) per item as follows:
\begin{equation} {\it AAO}=\frac{\sum _{u \in \mathcal {U}} \sum _{i \in \mathcal {I}_u@n}|\mathcal {A}_{ui}@k \cap \mathcal {A}^{\prime }_{ui}@k|}{|\mathcal {U}| \times n}, \end{equation}
where \(\mathcal {A}_{ui}@k\) and \(\mathcal {A}_{ui}^{\prime }@k\) are the top-k most important aspects determined by the blackbox recommendation model and whitebox explanation model, respectively; \(\mathcal {I}_u@n\) are the blackbox recommendation model’s top-n recommended items for u; and \(|\cdot |\) is the size of the set.
For knowledge-graph-based model, we propose to evaluate the faithfulness by computing the normalized Generalized Levenshtein Distance (nGLD) [50, 52, 92] between blackbox recommendation model generated path \({path}_{ui}\) and whitebox explanation model generated path \({path}_{ui}^{\prime }\) . Generalized Levenshtein Distance is originally proposed to measure the similarity of two strings by computing the minimum number of steps to transfer one string to the other through Insert, Delete, or Replace. We propose to evaluate the similarity of two knowledge graph reasoning paths by casting them as two sequences of strings and compute the similarity between the two strings. Specifically, we encode \({path}_{ui}\) and \({path}_{ui}\) into two strings \(str_{ui}\) and \(str_{ui}^{\prime }\) and compute the nGLD as
\begin{equation} {\it nGLD} = \frac{max \lbrace len(str_{ui}), len(str_{ui}^{\prime }) \rbrace - {\it GLD}(str_{ui}, str_{ui}^{\prime })}{max \lbrace len(str_{ui}), len(str_{ui}^{\prime }) \rbrace }, \end{equation}
where GLD is the Generalized Levenshtein Distance.7 From Equation (13) we can see \(nGLD \in [0,1]\) where 1 means two paths are identical and 0 means two paths are totally different.

5.4.2 Scrutability Metric Design.

Recall from Section 3.2 that the idea of scrutability in model-agnostic explainable recommendation is to use the whitebox explanation model to help debug/improve the blackbox recommendation model. We start from the logic that after detecting one failure case \((u,i)\) (e.g., Dislike on Youtube), the explanation model could generate an explanation on why i is being recommended. If the explanation model is correct about this explanation, then removing it from the dataset can prevent this failure item from being recommended, i.e., the rank of the failure item will drop out from the top of ranklist. This reason located by the explanation model could be a historical record of user u when matrix factorization is used as blackbox recommendation model, or an aspect/KG-entity in our experiments. If the failure item i is ranked lower after removing the training instances located by the whitebox explanation model, then it suggests that the agnostic explanation model could be used to interpret the blackbox recommendation model and improve the system scrutability. A more interpretable example is presented in the outer loop of Figure 1.
We propose to measure the scrutability of a model-agnostic explanation algorithm by Average Position Change (APC):
\begin{equation} {\it APC} = \frac{\sum _{f_{ui} \in F} R(f)^{\prime } - R(f)}{|F|}, \end{equation}
where \(f_{ui} \in F\) is a failure case, \(R(f)\) and \(R(f)^{\prime }\) are the item’s rank on the ranklist before and after removing the training instances, and \(|\cdot |\) measures the size of set. A higher APC for failure items suggests the effectiveness of the explanation model, i.e., it is able to help find the reason for the failure cases, and in return improve the blackbox recommendation model. We leave the detailed algorithm to Section 7.3.

5.5 Detailed Training of Whitebox Explanation Model

In our model-agnostic explanation framework, we adopt a knowledge-distillation-style training strategy. Specifically, we train the whitebox explanation model using blackbox recommendation model’s output as supervision signals. To better understand our whitebox explanation models, we also use ground truth in trainset as supervision signals to train them and use the result on testset as a benchmark. We refer to this training strategy as vanilla training. For simplicity, we refer to SAM model trained with EFM output as SAM-EFM, SAM model trained with A2CF output as SAM-A2CF, and SAM model trained with ground truth as SAM-Vanilla; the same naming pattern also applies for HAM; we refer the KPRN model trained with PGPR output as KPRN-PGPR, KPRN model trained with CAFE output as KPRN-CAFE, and, similarly, KPRN-Vanilla.

5.5.1 Knowledge-distillation-style Training.

For user u and item i, let \(s_{ui}\) be the blackbox recommendation model’s prediction for \((u,i)\) , and \(s_{ui}^{\prime }\) be the whitebox prediction on \((u,i)\) , thus \(S_u\) denotes the blackbox recommendation model’s predictions for user u over the item set. We apply a softmax transformation (Equation (1)) to map \(S_u\) into probability distribution \(P_u\) , and construct whitebox model’s output such that it can be treated as probability distribution over \(\mathcal {I}\) (detailed in Section 5.3). Then we optimize the whitebox models with the cross entropy loss (Equation (2)) between the two probability distributions. We detail the construction of supervision signals \(S_u\) in Section 7.1.3.

5.5.2 Vanilla Training.

For each user u in the trainset, we use the negative sampling approach to sample a small set of negatives \(\Omega (\mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}_u)\) . Then we correspondingly construct the supervision signals \(S_u\) and optimize the following loss function,
\begin{equation} \mathcal {L} = -\left(\sum _u \sum _{i \in \mathcal {I}_u} \frac{exp(s_{ui}^{\prime } /\tau)}{\sum _{j \in \Omega (\mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}_u) \cup \mathcal {I}_u} exp(s_{uj}^{\prime } /\tau)}-\lambda ||\Phi ||^2\right), \end{equation}
where \(\Phi\) is the set of all model parameters to be learned in the training process, \(\tau\) is a temperature hyperparameter for gradient smoothing and model convergence, and \(\lambda\) is regularization coefficient to prevent overfitting.

6 Discussions

Within this section, we discuss the time complexity as well as limitations of the proposed model-agnostic explanation framework and provide practical guidances on adapting it to other genres of recommendations.

6.1 Time Complexity Analysis

We should note that within the proposed model-agnostic recommendation and explanation framework, the recommendation stage and explanation stage can be executed asynchronously, i.e., the framework first generates a small ranklist \(\pi _{k}\) of \({\it k}\) items from the whole collection of size \(|\mathcal {I}|\) with the blackbox recommendation model and then generates explanations for these \({\it k}\) items with the whitebox explanation model.
Denote the time complexity of blackbox recommendation model’s inference for one item as \({\it P}\) , and time complexity of generating explanation for one single item as \({\it Q}\) , which varies in practice depending on the specific choice of the whitebox explanation model, the overall time complexity for the recommendation stage is \(O(P|\mathcal {I}|)\) , and the explanation stage is \({\it O(Qk)}\) ; the overall time complexity for our framework is \(O(P|\mathcal {I}|+Qk)\) . Since in real-world systems the item collection usually consists of millions of items, among which only a small subset of items is shown in the final ranklist, \({\it k} \ll |\mathcal {I}|\) , it is therefore safe to assume \(O(P|\mathcal {I}|+Qk) \approx O(P|\mathcal {I}|)\) . Moreover, we do not need to restrict the model choice of the recommendation model to model-intrinsic explainable models and have the freedom to choose uninterpretable but efficient models, such as embedding-based models; this way we can make \(P \lt Q\) , and \(O(P|\mathcal {I}|+Qk) \approx O(P|\mathcal {I}|) \lt O(Q|\mathcal {I}|)\) .

6.2 Limitations

At this stage, one potential concern from the readers may be how our explanation framework can be truly model agnostic, i.e., the whitebox explanation model should assume no knowledge w.r.t. the blackbox recommendation model, such as input features; Our experiment is currently limited, because for the sake of evaluation, we still need to implement the blackbox recommendation model with model-intrinsic explainable recommendation model and allow the blackbox recommendation model and whitebox explanation model to share the same set of input features. Only with this setting, the faithfulness of the whitebox explanation model could be quantitatively evaluated by whether the explanation generated by the whitebox explanation model can match the explanation generated by the blackbox recommendation.

6.3 Guidelines on Adapting our Framework to Other Recommendation Models

According to the genres of blackbox recommendation model, we can further divide our framework into two separate subcategories:

6.3.1 The Recommendation Model Does Not Use Explicit Content-based Features.

Such kinds of recommendation models can include matrix factorization [60] and other complicated interaction-based models [71, 88]: This setting can be intricate, as there has not been a well-established method to quantitatively evaluate the faithfulness of explanations w.r.t. interaction-based models. Unlike faithfulness, we can still measure the system scrutability following the same idea as Section 5.4. For example, similarly to Reference [8], we can implement the explanation model as a model-intrinsic explainable model and use the explicit features as explanation, e.g., the tags of user’s previously interacted items as in Reference [8]; then we measure the Average Position Change after removing the corresponding user–item pair of the tags found by the explanation model from user’s historical interactions.

6.3.2 The Recommendation Model Makes Use of Explicit Features.

These models make use of content-based features, such as user-generated product reviews [14, 90, 93], Heterogeneous Information Graph or Product Knowledge Graph [22, 84, 85], or hand-crafted learning-to-rank style features [70, 91]. This setting is more straightforward, because as system designer, we already know what features the blackbox recommendation model uses and its detailed model structure. The design goal is changed to designing a similar but simpler whitebox explanation model with same set of features and to train it with the knowledge distillation training strategy in Section 4 such that certain requirements can be met. For example, if the reasoning of recommendation model is too complicated for users to comprehend, then the system designer can design the whitebox explanation model to provide simplified and more straightforward reasonings while maintaining a certain degree of faithfulness with the proposed knowledge-distillation-style training strategy; if the design goal is to provide real-time explanation for an offline recommendation model, e.g., to provide explanation to a certain recommended item that the user clicks through from a promotional email, then the system designer can put the focus of whitebox explanation model on latency, e.g., predefined templates with aspects predicted by an aspect-based explanation model.

7 Experiments

In this section, we study the effectiveness of our framework. Specifically, we discuss three research questions:
Can our model-agnostic framework and training strategy improve the faithfulness of generated explanations?
Can our whitebox explanation model be used to improve the scrutability of blackbox recommendation model?
Since our whitebox explanation model can give recommendations by itself, how is the recommendation performance? To what extent can it mimic the blackbox recommendation model’s recommendation decisions?

7.1 Experimental Setup

7.1.1 Datasets and Dataset Partitions.

We use three categories of data from the famous Amazon Product Review Dataset8 [53] and one implicit-feedback click dataset Last FM.9 Amazon datasets focus on product recommendation while Last FM dataset focuses on music recommendation.
For the Amazon datasets, we use the well-established aspect extraction tool Sentires10 [95] to extract the aspects from the product reviews. We filter out the users, items, and aspects with fewer than five, five, and three entries, respectively. Thus, each user will have at least five interactions. Due to the sparsity of our dataset, we use each user’s last two interactions as a testset, the second-to-last interaction as a validation set, and the rest as the trainset. For the Last-FM dataset, we use the preprocessed knowledge graph and train-test split from Reference [6]. Since the Last-FM dataset is constructed from implicit-feedback clicks, we do not conduct aspect-based models’ experiments on it. Detailed statistics of the dataset are shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
DatasetElectronicsOffice ProductTools & HomeLast-FM
#total nodes7,3133,7121,88833,970
#total relations14141414
interaction density0.31%1.15%1.63%1.73%
Table 2. The Basic Statistics of the Datasets

7.1.2 Ablations and Baselines.

Ablations: We use the whitebox explanation model trained with ground-truth (vanilla training) as an ablation. The intuition is that if our knowledge-distillation-style training strategy works, then the result generated by the explanation model should have better faithfulness compared to the result from the explanation model with vanilla training strategy.
We additionally make use of two other model-agnostic counterfactual baselines:
PRINCE [23]: PRINCE propose to find a subset from user’s historical interactions and use them as counterfactual explanations. More specifically, the explanation of PRINCE is defined as a user’s necessary set of historical actions such as Click, View, and Add-to-cart and if removed will lead to a different recommended item.
CountER [72]: CountER is another comparable baseline that proposes a counterfactual joint optimization problem by solving which it generates explanations based on the explicit aspects of the items.
We adapt both baselines to make them work for the aspect- and KG-based models. For ease of comparison, we also include a weak Random baseline, specifically, in the inference stage, we randomly arrange the candidates items (or candidate aspects) in the candidates set.

7.1.3 Construction of Supervision Signals.

For aspect-based models, we construct the supervision signals \(S_u\) over the whole item set \(\mathcal {I}\) . For KG-based models, it is computationally expensive to go through \(\mathcal {I}\) due to the unparalleled nature of LSTM. We adopt the negative sampling strategy used in the original KPRN paper [81]. Specifically, for each u, we construct \(S_u\) \(P_u\) by assigning top-20 items from the blackbox recommendation model’s ranklist with label 1 and assign the sampled negatives from the rest of ranklist with label 0, i.e., \(p_{ui} \in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace\) . This can be regarded as \(s_{ui}=+\infty\) for positive items and \(s_{ui}=-\infty\) for sampled negatives. In practice, we use a ratio of 1:4, i.e., 20 positive items and 80 negative items for each u. More specifically, during training we organize each training batch into mini batches, and each mini batch consists of 1 positive item and 4 negative items. Then we compute the loss with Equation (2), but instead the denominator is calculated over the mini batch rather than the whole item set \(\mathcal {I}\) . For vanilla training, we use a same 1:4 ratio, but instead the positive items are from the training set rather than the ranklist from the blackbox recommendation model as teacher. And the same mini batch training setup applies to vanilla training for the aspect-based models as well.

7.1.4 Training and Evaluation.

We train our model on the trainset and use the validation set to tune hyperparameters. We conduct a full ranking on all datasets, namely, for each user u, we rank all items in \(\mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}_u\) . We use the evaluation metrics introduced in Section 5.4. We use the top-20 items on the ranklist and top-5 aspects per \((u,i)\) pair for AAO, top-1 KG path per \((u,i)\) pair for nGLD. We repeat each experiment three times and report the mean values.

7.1.5 Implementation Details.

For implementation, we build EFM, A2CF, PGPR, CAFE, HAM, SAM, and KPRN using PyTorch. We train all the models using Adam [43] and SGD [64]. We set the latent factor size to 128 for all models. We search the learning rate between 1e-1 and 1e-6, L2-regularization between 1e-1 and 1e-4, and the number of negative samples in Equation (15) between 2 and 10. We search the temperature hyperparameter \(\tau\) for knowledge-distillation-style training and vanilla training separately.

7.2 Comparison of Faithfulness

We report the AAO and nGLD results in Table 3. We find (1) when using EFM as blackbox recommendation model, all whitebox explanation models have better AAO compared to Random. (2) Compared to PRINCE and CountER, the vanilla training approach generally are not able to generate more faithful explanations. For example, in the Electronics dataset, when using EFM as blackbox recommendation model, PRINCE has an AAO of 0.072 and CountER has an AAO of 0.087 compared to HAM-Vanilla’s 0.074. The same pattern applies for A2CF. (3) Our knowledge-distillation-style training strategy could enable the whitebox explanation model to generate more faithful explanations compared to the other model-agnostic baselines and the whitebox explanation model with vanilla training strategy. For aspect-based models, HAM-EFM, SAM-EFM, HAM-A2CF, and SAM-A2CF all outperform their vanilla versions and the best counterfactual baselines. For example, compared to the vanilla versions, SAM-A2CF has 0.089 improvement in Electronics, 0.062 in Office, and 0.058 in Tool & Home, and HAM-A2CF has 0.222, 0.120, and 0.119, respectively. Compared with CountER, SAM-A2CF’s improvement is 0.041, 0.069, and 0.032 on three datasets, respectively. And the improvement is 0.257, 0.099, and 0.080 for HAM-A2CF. When use knowledge graph-based models as the blackbox model, with the proposed training strategy, the improvement in terms of nGLD is also significant. For example, KPRN-PGPR outperforms best baseline CountER by 0.026, 0.024, and 0.027 in three Amazon datasets, respectively, and outperforms best baseline PRINCE by 0.023 in Last-FM. And the improvement is 0.042, 0.034, and 0.036 over KPRN-Vanilla in three Amazon datasets and 0.028 in Last-FM dataset; the same pattern also applies for KPRN-CAFE and KPRN-Vanilla.
Table 3.
DatasetsElectronicsOffice ProductTool & HomeLast FM
Aspect-based Models (measured in AAO)
SAM-EFM \({\bf 0.119}\) \({\bf 0.066}\) \({\bf 0.053}\)
HAM-EFM \({\bf 0.175}\) \({\bf 0.152}\) \({\bf 0.141}\)
SAM-A2CF \({\bf 0.153}\) \({\bf 0.214}\) \({\bf 0.168}\)
HAM-A2CF \({\bf 0.369}\) \({\bf 0.244}\) \({\bf 0.216}\)
KG-based Models (measured in nGLD)
KPRN-PGPR \({\bf 0.469}\) \({\bf 0.493}\) \({\bf 0.489}\) \({\bf 0.645}\)
KPRN-CAFE \({\bf 0.482}\) \({\bf 0.499}\) \({\bf 0.487}\) \({\bf 0.657}\)
Table 3. The Evaluation of Faithfulness
We use the AAO metric and nGLD metric for aspect-based model and KG-based model, respectively. We highlight the whitebox explanation model with best performance within each sub-category. We conduct paired t-test at 0.05 level and mark the whitebox explanation model that are significantly better than other models with the same blackbox recommendation model with \(\dagger\) . The left-most column is the blackbox recommendation model while the second column from the left is the whitebox explanation model.
To summarize, the proposed model-agnostic explanation framework can provide more faithful explanations compared to the existing model-agnostic algorithms and our model ablations. The improvement is consistent on both genres of models, suggesting our framework’s universality under the model-agnostic and data-type-agnostic settings.
We go further to discuss the evaluation of faithfulness in model-agnostic explanation paradigm. Lakkaraju et al. [45] discuss the definition of faithfulness in the problem of decision model and propose to evaluate the level of faithfulness by the overlap of decision rules set used by the two models. Works in CV and NLP [35, 36, 42, 51, 62, 83] also propose to measure faithfulness by the overlap of important inputs determined by the two models, e.g., important input text tokens and pixels. By definition, the evaluation of faithfulness can be flexible and model dependent, as long as it measures the overlap of inputs or important intermediate features shared by both the blackbox recommendation model and the whitebox explanation model. Therefore, the proposed evaluation pipeline could be easily adapted and extended to other genres of explainable recommendation models.

7.3 Scrutability Analysis

Scrutability is an ideal property for industrial-level RS. Suppose one user purchased the item being recommended by the blackbox recommendation model and was not satisfied with it afterwards. In this case, the blackbox recommendation model generates one failure case. We want to analyze the potential reason behind this failed case with the help of the agnostic explanation model and potentially find methods to fix the problem for the blackbox recommendation model.
In our scrutability analysis, for each failure case in blackbox recommendation model, we use the whitebox explanation model to determine the top-1 most important aspects/KG-path used in recommending this i to u. After that, we manually set the aspect/KG-path embedding vector to 0s for \((u,i)\) 11 and re-run the blackbox recommendation model to generate a new ranklist for u. We are interested to know that whether the items in failure cases will be ranked lower after masking the aspect. We show the algorithm we use for quantitative scrutability analysis in Algorithm 1 and report the APC result in Table 4.
Table 4.
DatasetsElectronicsOffice ProductTool & HomeLast FM
Aspect-based Models
HAM-EFM \({\bf 1068.43}\) \({\bf 43.22}\) \({\bf 124.06}\)
HAM-A2CF \({\bf 1411.41}\) \({\bf 59.52}\) \({\bf 197.23}\)
Knowledge graph-based Models
KPRN-PGPR \({\bf 1352.49}\) \({\bf 62.55}\) \({\bf 205.39}\) \({\bf 175.26}\)
KPRN-PGPR \({\bf 1178.35}\) \({\bf 69.24}\) \({\bf 192.73}\) \({\bf 186.40}\)
Table 4. The Quantitative Scrutability Analysis
We show the result for APC defined in Equation (14). Being positive means the item is ranked lower on the ranklist. For each blackbox recommendation model, we highlight the whitebox explanation model with highest APC. We use \(^{\dagger }\) to indicate the model’s improvement over other models is significant in terms of paired t-test at the 0.05 level. The leftmost column is the blackbox recommendation model while the second column from the left is the whitebox explanation model.
We find that (1) for aspect-based models, the proposed training strategy enables the whitebox explanation model to have significantly higher APC compared to the vanilla strategy. For example, in the Electronics dataset, HAM-A2CF has 1411.41 APC compared to HAM-Vanilla’s 457.60, and the number is 45.59 compared to 2.72 for SAM-A2CF and SAM-Vanilla. (2) For aspect-based models, the HAM model has higher APC compared with SAM. For example, in the Electronics dataset, HAM-A2CF has APC of 1411.41 compared to SAM-A2CF’s 45.59. The reason is the nature of “hard-match” make impact of the removal of aspect significant. (3) Compared to PRINCE and CountER, HAM-A2CF and HAM-EFM have significantly higher APC, which suggests the effectiveness of the proposed training strategy. However, SAM-A2CF and SAM-EFM fail to outperform PRINCE and CountER. The reason is PRINCE and CountER are still “hard-match” model by design, and the removal of important aspects still have significant impact for the item’s position on the ranklist. (4) The result for KG-based models is consistant with the aspect-based models. We observe that both KPRN-PGPR and KPRN-CAFE has the highest APC compared to the baselines and its ablation. Interestingly, we find that KPRN-Vanilla outperforms baselines in three Amazon datasets, but is outperformed PRINCE in Last FM datasets. This might be because of the different path patterns and distributions between the Amazon and Last FM dataset.
We also present qualitative studies to help readers understand how the proposed framework achieves system scrutability (Table 5) and its limitation (Table 6). From Table 5, we can see that when the whitebox explanation model is able to extract meaningful aspects for \((u,i)\) pair, the blackbox recommendation model could further effectively rank the failed items to the lower part of the ranklist after masking those aspects. For example, item B002R5AM7C is ranked lower after masking the aspect Sound. Similar pattern holds for the knowledge graph-based models; for example, for \((user\_2426, product\_789)\) , the rank of \(product\_789\) drops from 1 to 525 after setting the embedding vector of \(product\_3648\) and \(user\_1945\) to 0s. However, this also suggests that our whitebox explanation model effectively distills the knowledge learned by the blackbox recommendation model and achieves better faithfulness.
Table 5.
Aspect-based Models
DatasetsUserTarget Failure ItemItem TypeMasked AspectOriginal RankNew Rank
ElectronicsA12GKGLR2L4MZYB002R5AM7CVideo CameraSound11332
Office ProductA3BTL4FV60DKATB005HFJFK4Inkjet PrinterNetwork221
A1HFT68GJ42LTMB002K9IHJKRemovable Label PadTape215
Tool & HomeA1MC6BFHWY6WC3B005NXPSTMLED PenlightBatteries28
A1KJO5VP4K3CHUB00GY71PT8Lantern FlashlightWeight38
Knowledge graph-based Models
DatasetsUserTarget Failure ItemMasked KG PathOriginal RankNew Rank
Last FMuser_2426product_789 \(\text{user}\_0 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_3648 \xrightarrow {rev\_listened} \text{user}\_1945 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_789\) 1525
user_837product_985 \(\text{user}\_837 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_7490 \xrightarrow {belongs\_to} \text{category}\_0 \xrightarrow {rev\_belongs\_to} \text{product}\_837\) 21091
user_405product_1300 \(\text{user}\_405 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_3536 \xrightarrow {sang\_by} \text{artist}\_907 \xrightarrow {rev\_sang\_by} \text{product}\_1300\) 2927
Table 5. The Result for Qualitative Analysis of Correct Cases
Within each dataset, we show three cases where the failed items are ranked significantly lower after masking the top-1 important aspect/knowledge graph path for the failed user–item pair. The results of aspect-based models are generated with A2CF as blackbox recommendation model and HAM as whitebox explanation model, and the results of knowledge graph-based models are generated with PGPR as blackbox recommendation model and KPRN as whitebox explanation model.
Table 6.
Aspect-based Models
DatasetsUserTarget Failure ItemItem TypeMasked AspectOriginal RankNew Rank
ElectronicsA1EARN5PUVIF1SB002R5AM7CVideo CameraFeature12
Office ProductABDR6IJ93HFIOB005HFJFK4Inkjet PrinterPrice11
A1V4VVBQBFXRHCB002K9IHJKRemovable Label PadPlastic23
Tool & HomeA2MSBIA18RXYQCB005NXPSTMLED PenlightOutput12
A55PCTJ6NINETB005Z29U6SLED PenlightOutput12
Knowledge graph-based Models
DatasetsUserTarget Failure ItemMasked KG PathOriginal RankNew Rank
Last FMuser_612product_16 \(\text{user}\_612 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_379 \xrightarrow {rev\_listened} \text{user}\_492 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_16\) 11
user_4465product_95 \(\text{user}\_4465 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_126 \xrightarrow {rev\_listened} \text{user}\_2294 \xrightarrow {listened} \text{product}\_95\) 11
Table 6. The Result for Qualitative Analysis of Cases Where the Proposed Framework Fails
Within each dataset, we show two cases where the failed items are ranked not significantly lower after masking the top-1 important aspect/knowledge graph path for the failed user–item pair. The results of aspect-based models are generated with A2CF as blackbox recommendation model and HAM as whitebox explanation model; and the results of knowledge graph-based models are generated with PGPR as blackbox recommendation model and KPRN as whitebox explanation model.
We can also observe some limitations of our framework from Table 6. (1) When the whitebox explanation model is not able to find the important features, i.e., aspects or knowledge graph paths, removing these features makes hardly any effect on the ranks of the target items. For example, item B002K9IHJK is not ranked lower when the masked aspect is Plastic. This suggests our framework can be improved by designing better knowledge distillation training strategy to train the whitebox explanation model. (2) Whether our framework can achieve scrutability is also limited by the features set used by the recommendation and the explanation models and is related to the patterns of the dataset itself. For example, item B005NXPSTM is not ranked lower when the masked aspect is Output, and Output is an ambiguous aspect. For knowledge graph-based models, by manually examining the cases where items are not ranked lower, we find that most of the paths belongs to the metapath \(user\_a \xrightarrow {listeded} product\_b \xrightarrow {rev\_listened} user\_c \xrightarrow {listened} product\_d\) , which is the most common metapath on the dense Last FM dataset. Between one \((u,i)\) pair, there might be hundred of such paths; therefore, removing one of them does not make the item being ranked lower. Thus suggests that when applying the proposed framework, we need to take dataset-specific factors into consideration.
The scrutability of our framework is potentially helpful from two perspectives: (1) Using the agnostic model could help us understand how blackbox recommendation model works. In our implementation, the whitebox explanation model helps us better profile user preferences as well as item features and conduct more personalized recommendations. (2) With the information extracted by the whitebox explanation model, we can effectively control the results of an originally not-controllable blackbox recommendation model. This is particularly important for debugging production models online and could potentially lead to new algorithms and techniques for the study of negative feedback and conversational recommendation with non-explainable recommendation models.

7.4 RS Performance and Decision Pattern

Since our whitebox explanation model is also able to generate recommendation decisions by itself, we additionally include a subsection to discuss its performance. Also, fidelity is defined as the extent to which the explanation model could mimic the decision model’s decision pattern [35, 58, 70], i.e., the similarity of ranklists or the overlap of recommended items given by the two models. We show the comparison of recommendation performance (evaluated by hit rate@20 and nDCG@20) in Table 7 and fidelity in Table 8.
Table 7.
DatasetsElectronicsOffice ProductTool & HomeLast FM
Table 7. The Recommndation Performance (Hit Rate@20, nDCG@20) Measured in %
We highlight the model with best Performance within each sub-category. Note we do not include CountER and PRINCE, because they cannot generate recommendation decisions.
Table 8.
DatasetsElectronicsOffice ProductTool & HomeLast FM
Models / Metrics \(\rho\) AIO \(\rho\) AIO \(\rho\) AIO \(\rho\) AIO
Table 8. The Evaluation of Fidelity
We use Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient (Spearman’s \(\rho\) ) and AIO. We highlight the whitebox explanation model that is significantly better its vanilla version by paired t-test at 0.05 level. The left-most column is the blackbox recommendation model the whitebox explanation model compares the ranklist to. The second column from the left is the whitebox explanation model.

7.4.1 Recommendation Performance.

From Table 7, we find that (1) EFM, A2CF, PGPR, and CAFE can deliver good recommendation performance, and thus it is suitable to use them as blackbox recommendation models. (2) Compared to the vanilla versions, the whitebox explanation models trained with the proposed knowledge-distillation-style training strategy can also deliver competitive performance, even if no ground-truth labels are used in training. For example, in the Electronics dataset, KPRN-PGPR outperforms both vanilla PGPR and KPRN in terms of hit rate and nDCG, and KPRN-CAFE outperforms vanilla CAFE and KPRN as well. This finding is consistent with recent knowledge-distillation papers [20, 59]. It may suggest we could utilize the same training strategy to design better model-intrinsic explainable recommendation models.

7.4.2 Fidelity of Explanation Model.

We evaluate the fidelity from both the item level and ranklist level. Similarly to previous works [58], we measure the item-level fidelity by the overlap of recommended items given by blackbox recommendation model and whitebox explanation model via Average Item Overlap (AIO),
\begin{equation} AIO = \frac{\sum _{u \in \mathcal {U}} |\mathcal {I}_u@n \bigcap \mathcal {I}_u^{\prime }@n|}{|\mathcal {U}|}, \end{equation}
where \(\mathcal {I}_u@n\) and \(\mathcal {I}_u@n^{\prime }\) are the blackbox recommendation model’s and whitebox explanation model’s top-n recommended items for user u, respectively, and \(|\cdot |\) denotes the size of set. In practice, we calculate the overlap between the top-20 items on the ranklists for each user. The Item Overlap is calculated for each user and is averaged to derive AIO. We also evaluate the ranklist-level fidelity by the similarity between the two whole ranklists via Spearman Rank Coefficient \(\rho\) [40, 41].
For a sample of size n, the n raw scores \(X_i\) , \(Y_i\) are converted to ranks \(R(X_i)\) and \(R(Y_i)\) , and Spearman’s Rank Correlation \(\rho\) is computed by
\begin{equation} \rho = \frac{cov(R(X), R(Y))}{\sigma _{R(X)} \sigma _{R(Y)}} \in [-1,1], \end{equation}
where \(cov(R(X), R(Y))\) is the covariance of the rank variables, \(\sigma _{R(X)}\) and \(\sigma _{R(Y)}\) are the standard deviations of the rank variables, and we have
\begin{equation} \begin{split}cov(R(X), R(Y)) &= E[(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])] \\ &= E[XY]-E[X]E[Y]. \end{split} \end{equation}
Specifically, in our implementation, there are no tied ranks of the items, so we compute \(\rho\) as
\begin{equation} \rho = 1-\frac{6\sum _{i \in \mathcal {I}} d_i^2}{n(n^2-1)}, \end{equation}
where \(d_i\) is the difference of item i’s rank between two ranklists and \(n=|\mathcal {I}|\) . \(\rho =-1\) means the two ranks are perfect negative correlation, while \(\rho =1\) means perfect positive correlation; \(\rho =0\) means no correlation between two ranks.
We report the results for fidelity in Table 8. We find the following: (1) within the scope of aspect-based models, SAM has better fidelity compared to HAM model. This might be because the “hard-match” nature of HAM limits the candidate items so that it cannot learn the blackbox recommendation model’s decision pattern well; (2) for both aspect-based models and KG-based models, the whitebox explanation model with the proposed training strategy has signiciantly better Spearman Rank Coefficient as well as AIO. To summarize, the proposed training strategy enables the whitebox explanation model to generate more similar recommendation decisions to the blackbox recommendation model, compared to its vanilla versions.

8 Conclusion and Future Work

In this work, we propose a reusable evaluation pipeline for model-agnostic explainable recommendation. Our pipeline focuses on faithfulness and scrutability, which have not been the focus of previous model-agnostic explainable recommendation literature. We further propose a model-agnostic explanation framework with a knowledge-distillation-style training strategy. Extensive qualitative and quantitative studies demonstrate that our explanation framework could enhance the faithfulness of model-agnostic explanations and the recommender system scrutability. Our framework could be potentially used in other IR tasks such as negative feedback, conversational recommendation/product search and dense retrieval, which will be the focus of our future work.


We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions.


we use the terms interpretable and explainable interchangeably.
Because model-agnostic explanation assumes no knowledge on the structure of the recommendation model, here we simply refer to the recommendation model as the blackbox model. Note that this does not mean that the recommendation model has to be implemented with models that are uninterpretable and inaccessible.
The terminologies are not yet standardized in literature and we choose the most well-accepted Faithfulness throughout the article.
also referred to as “decipherable” or “understandable” [7, 8, 27].
Also classified as dataset sharing in Reference [50].
We skip the detailed computation process here as this is not the focus of this article; interested readers can refer to Reference [52] for details.
We refer to this step as “mask the aspect/path for \((u,i)\) .”


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Large Language Models as Evaluators for Recommendation ExplanationsProceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems10.1145/3640457.3688075(33-42)Online publication date: 8-Oct-2024
  • (2024)Knowledge-reinforced explainable next basket recommendationNeural Networks10.1016/j.neunet.2024.106675(106675)Online publication date: Sep-2024
  • (2024)Model-Agnostic Knowledge Graph Embedding Explanations for Recommender SystemsExplainable Artificial Intelligence10.1007/978-3-031-63797-1_1(3-27)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2024

Index Terms

  1. A Reusable Model-agnostic Framework for Faithfully Explainable Recommendation and System Scrutability



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Information Systems
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 42, Issue 1
    January 2024
    924 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 21 August 2023
    Online AM: 18 June 2023
    Accepted: 06 June 2023
    Revised: 26 April 2023
    Received: 29 July 2022
    Published in TOIS Volume 42, Issue 1

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    1. Explainable recommendation
    2. faithfulness
    3. scrutability


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    • (2024)Large Language Models as Evaluators for Recommendation ExplanationsProceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems10.1145/3640457.3688075(33-42)Online publication date: 8-Oct-2024
    • (2024)Knowledge-reinforced explainable next basket recommendationNeural Networks10.1016/j.neunet.2024.106675(106675)Online publication date: Sep-2024
    • (2024)Model-Agnostic Knowledge Graph Embedding Explanations for Recommender SystemsExplainable Artificial Intelligence10.1007/978-3-031-63797-1_1(3-27)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2024

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