Support of MISRA C++ Analyzer for Reliability of Embedded Systems
Article No.: 9, Pages 1 - 27
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are increasingly used in many complex applications, such as autonomous delivery drones, the automotive CPS design, power grid control systems, and medical robotics. However, existing programming languages lack certain design patterns for CPS designs, including temporal semantics and concurrency models. Future research directions may involve programming language extensions to support CPS designs. However, JSF++, MISRA, and MISRA C++ are providing specifications intended to increase the reliability of safety-critical systems. This article also describes the development of rule checkers based on the MISRA C++ specification using the Clang open-source tool, which allows for the annotation of code and the easy extension of the MISRA C++ specification to other programming languages and systems. This is potentially useful for future CPS language research extensions to work with reliability software specifications using the Clang tool. Experiments were performed using key C++ benchmarks to validate our method in comparison with the well-known Coverity commercial tool. We illustrate key rules related to class, inheritance, template, overloading, and exception handling. Open-source benchmarks that violate the rules detected by our checkers are also illustrated. A random graph generator is further used to generate diamond case with multiple inheritance test data for our software validations. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can provide information that is more detailed than that obtained using Coverity for nine open-source C++ benchmarks. Since the Clang tool is widely used, it will further allow developers to annotate their own extensions.
A Appendix
Listing 21 gives the program generated for Figure 5. The class names correspond to the node numbers in the graph. The node numbers in Figure 5 are converted to characters. The node 0 is converted to A and the node 1 is converted to B, and so on. There are randomly generated variables inside these generated classes, for the generality of the programs. We can see that there are three virtual inheritances inside the program. Two of them are within the diamond structure formatted by D, G, N, and I classes, which correspond to nodes 3, 6, 13, and 8. We generated programs for the graph to be used as the validation test suites for the diamond case.
Listing 21.

Table 7.
Required | |||||||||
Rule 0-1-3 | Rule 0-1-4 | Rule 0-1-5 | Rule 0-1-7 | Rule 0-1-10 | Rule 0-1-11 | Rule 0-1-12 | Rule 2-3-1 | Rule 2-7-1 | Rule 2-7-2 |
Rule 2-10-3 | Rule 2-10-4 | Rule 2-10-6 | Rule 2-13-1 | Rule 2-13-2 | Rule 2-13-4 | Rule 2-13-5 | Rule 3-1-2 | Rule 3-1-3 | Rule 3-2-1 |
Rule 3-3-2 | Rule 3-9-1 | Rule 3-9-3 | Rule 4-5-1 | Rule 4-5-2 | Rule 4-5-3 | Rule 4-10-1 | Rule 4-10-2 | Rule 5-0-3 | Rule 5-0-5 |
Rule 5-0-6 | Rule 5-0-7 | Rule 5-0-8 | Rule 5-0-9 | Rule 5-0-10 | Rule 5-0-11 | Rule 5-0-12 | Rule 5-0-13 | Rule 5-0-14 | Rule 5-0-15 |
Rule 5-0-19 | Rule 5-0-20 | Rule 5-0-21 | Rule 5-2-4 | Rule 5-2-5 | Rule 5-2-6 | Rule 5-2-8 | Rule 5-2-11 | Rule 5-2-12 | Rule 5-3-1 |
Rule 5-3-2 | Rule 5-3-3 | Rule 5-3-4 | Rule 5-14-1 | Rule 5-18-1 | Rule 6-2-2 | Rule 6-2-3 | Rule 6-3-1 | Rule 6-4-1 | Rule 6-4-2 |
Rule 6-4-3 | Rule 6-4-4 | Rule 6-4-5 | Rule 6-4-6 | Rule 6-4-7 | Rule 6-4-8 | Rule 6-5-2 | Rule 6-5-3 | Rule 6-5-4 | Rule 6-5-6 |
Rule 6-6-1 | Rule 6-6-2 | Rule 6-6-4 | Rule 6-6-5 | Rule 7-1-2 | Rule 7-2-1 | Rule 7-3-1 | Rule 7-3-2 | Rule 7-3-3 | Rule 7-3-4 |
Rule 7-3-5 | Rule 7-3-6 | Rule 7-4-2 | Rule 7-4-3 | Rule 7-5-1 | Rule 7-5-3 | Rule 8-0-1 | Rule 8-3-1 | Rule 8-4-1 | Rule 8-4-2 |
Rule 8-4-3 | Rule 8-4-4 | Rule 8-5-1 | Rule 8-5-2 | Rule 8-5-3 | Rule 9-3-1 | Rule 9-3-2 | Rule 9-3-3 | Rule 9-5-1 | Rule 9-6-2 |
Rule 9-6-3 | Rule 9-6-4 | Rule 10-1-2 | Rule 10-1-3 | Rule 10-3-1 | Rule 10-3-2 | Rule 10-3-3 | Rule 11-0-1 | Rule 12-1-1 | Rule 12-1-3 |
Rule 12-8-1 | Rule 12-8-2 | Rule 14-5-2 | Rule 14-5-3 | Rule 14-6-1 | Rule 14-6-2 | Rule 14-7-1 | Rule 14-7-3 | Rule 14-8-1 | Rule 15-0-3 |
Rule 15-1-1 | Rule 15-1-2 | Rule 15-5-3 | Rule 16-0-1 | Rule 16-0-2 | Rule 16-0-3 | Rule 16-0-4 | Rule 16-0-5 | Rule 16-0-7 | Rule 16-0-8 |
Rule 16-1-2 | Rule 16-2-1 | Rule 16-3-1 | Rule 17-0-5 | Rule 18-0-1 | Rule 18-0-2 | Rule 18-0-3 | Rule 18-0-4 | Rule 18-0-5 | Rule 18-2-1 |
Rule 18-4-1 | Rule 19-3-1 | Rule 27-0-1 | |||||||
Advisory | |||||||||
Rule 2-5-1 | Rule 2-10-5 | Rule 3-9-2 | Rule 5-0-2 | Rule 5-2-3 | Rule 5-2-9 | Rule 5-2-10 | Rule 5-19-1 | Rule 10-1-1 | Rule 10-2-1 |
Rule 12-1-2 | Rule 14-8-2 | Rule 15-0-2 | Rule 15-3-2 | Rule 16-3-2 |
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- Support of MISRA C++ Analyzer for Reliability of Embedded Systems
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Published: 22 January 2025
Online AM: 31 July 2023
Accepted: 20 July 2023
Revised: 05 July 2023
Received: 15 January 2023
Published in TCPS Volume 9, Issue 1
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