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Heterogeneous Testing for Coverage Profilers Empowered with Debugging Support

Published: 30 November 2023 Publication History


Ensuring the correctness of code coverage profilers is crucial, given the widespread adoption of code coverage for various software engineering tasks. Existing validation techniques, such as differential testing and metamorphic testing, have shown effectiveness in uncovering bugs in coverage profilers. However, these techniques have limitations as they primarily rely on homogeneous sources, i.e., different coverage profilers or the profilers themselves, for validation. In this paper, we propose Decov, a novel heterogeneous testing technique, to validate coverage profilers using the information provided by debuggers as a heterogeneous source. Coverage profilers record execution counts for each source line in the program, while debuggers monitor hit counts for each source line when running the program in debug mode. Our key insight is that the execution counts obtained from coverage profilers should align with the hit counts monitored by debuggers, without conflicts. Decov constructs multiple heterogeneous relations and utilizes them to uncover bugs in coverage profilers. Through experiments on Gcov and LLVM-cov, two widely used code coverage profilers, we discovered 21 new bug reports, with 19 of them directly confirmed by developers. Notably, developers have resolved 5 bugs in the latest trunk version. Decov serves as a simple yet effective coverage profiler validator and offers a complementary approach to existing techniques.

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"Ensuring the correctness of code coverage profilers is of critical importance as code coverage has been widely adopted to facilitate substantial software engineering tasks. Recent studies have proposed to leverage differential testing and metamorphic testing to validate code coverage profilers, which have been shown to be effective in uncovering bugs for coverage profilers. However, existing techniques still have a bunch of drawbacks as they only use textit{homogeneous source}, i.e., different coverage profilers or the profilers themselves, to validate coverage profilers. In this paper, we propose Decov, a textit{heterogeneous testing} technique, to validate coverage profilers with the support of information provided by a textit{heterogeneous source}, which are the debuggers. The coverage profilers record the textit{execution count} for each line of a program during execution, while the debuggers monitor the textit{hit count} for each line of a program when running the program in debuggers. Our key insight is that the execution count obtained from the coverage profilers for any statement should not conflict with the hit count monitored by the debuggers. As such, Decov constructs a number of textit{heterogeneous relations} and utilizes them to uncover bugs in coverage profilers. The experiments on Gcov and LLVM-cov, two popular code coverage profilers, have led to 21 new bug reports and 18 of them are directly confirmed by developers. Of which, 5 bugs are fixed/resolved by developers in the latest trunk version. Decov is a simple yet effective coverage profiler validator that can be viewed as a complementary approach to existing ones."


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ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
November 2023
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Published: 30 November 2023


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  1. Code coverage
  2. bug detection
  3. coverage profiler
  4. debugging support
  5. heterogeneous testing


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