1 Introduction
Live augmented presentation is an emerging presentation format that overlays digital content with presenters’ real-time speaking and gesturing performance [
36]. Its expressiveness stems from the synchronization and interaction between digital content with the presenters’ live performance [
43], blending the boundaries between digital and physical realms as well as creating a captivating and engaging experience. As such, it is becoming an increasingly popular communication and demonstration medium for concept explanation [
31], education [
39], and storytelling [
36]. For example, in his powerful demonstration of the relationship between GDP and life expectancy, Rosling masterfully coordinated the animation of the visualizations, his narration, and body poses to deliver engaging and memorable presentations [
Achieving the congruent coordination between gesture, speech, and graphics during live performances is enormously challenging. For example, a typical approach for authoring a live augmented presentation is to
pre-define the presentations using presentation software that allows video feed integration [
memorize the mappings across the modalities through rehearsals, and deliver the final presentation [
34]. Because any performance deviation and misalignment of speech, gesture, and visuals can compromise the presentation quality and break the illusion of blending physical and digital worlds, presenters often invest substantial time and effort in content preparation and rehearsal while juggling attention to the graphic content, speech and gesture during the live performance to ensure a high-quality presentation.
Recent work explored an alternative approach to authoring live augmented presentations, which leverages speech and gesture recognition to create one-on-one mappings across the modalities, such as mapping spoken keywords in the narration to trigger animations [
25], and animating visuals by attaching them to a body part and following its movement [
36]. During the performance, the presenter leveraged the defined mappings to create live-defined presentations. While these methods can deliver robust synchronization between the physical and virtual worlds, the resulting presentations often suffer from inferior visual artifacts, such as uneven graphic layouts and jittery motion. This is because the motion and layout of graphics are
determined during live performances through rigid mappings, which are more prone to imperfect physical manipulation and system recognition. For example, the graphics may fail to appear or animate due to incorrect performance or recognition errors, exhibit rigid and jittery motions, or be placed at an undesired final position and scale if the gesture overshoots or undershoots.
We see a gap between
pre-defined presentations with memorized mappings (PM), which requires significant practice and effort for the presenter to fully conform to the presentation, and
live-defined presentations with rigid mappings (LR), which relies on the presenter’s on-the-spot manual control but often results in inferior visual quality. We seek to bridge this gap by supporting an approach to authoring live augmented presentations that can strike a balance between maintaining the desired synchronization across modalities and generating consistently high-quality visual artifacts during live performances. Through a comparative analysis of existing approaches for live augmented presentations, we identified two main causes of compromised presentation quality: the reliance on real-time specification of layouts and effects of the visuals, and the rigid mappings between modalities (e.g., keyword–graphic mapping [
25], graphic-body joint mapping [
36]), make the graphic content sensitive to performance deviations and allow errors of one modality to propagate to another.
We propose adaptive presentations for a live augmented presentation that employs pre-defined presentations with elastic mappings (PE). By pre-defining the layouts and effects of graphics, as one would do in typical presentation applications, along with a set of customizable and algorithmic constraints to allow speech, gesture, and graphics to be elastically connected, the prepared presentation can adapt to presenters’ real-time gestures and speech for achieving synchronization between presenter’s performance and graphical animations, while constraining the adaptation to pre-defined states to ensure visual quality.
We implemented a prototype system, Elastica, which enables users to create and customize expressive adaptive animations for live presentations. When preparing the presentation, Elastica allows users to specify desired animation timing with script annotations; and specify customized animation effects that are synchronized with gestures through demonstration. During the live performance, the pre-defined animations in the presentation are triggered and adapted to users’ real-time speech and gesture performance with elastic mappings across modalities, resulting in coherent synchronization that is resilient to imperfect performances and expressive presentation effects.
We evaluated Elastica with a user study with eight participants to author an augmented presentation from planning to presenting using Elastica. Our result showed that adaptive animation can support users’ expressive and high-quality augmented presentation while effectively preventing 73.6% of undesired visual results that are caused by live performance deviations. To delve deeper into the potential strengths and limitations of adaptive animation, we conducted a second comparative study with six participants who evaluated their experience with adaptive presentation against existing approaches. Our analysis unveiled that adaptive presentations are the collaborative interplays between human performance and intelligent adaption, yielding high satisfaction for their ability to react flexibly to presenters’ performance while ensuring the desired visual layouts and effects. Combined, this paper contributes:
A real-time adaption method that leverages pre-defined states and elastic mappings across modalities to automatically adjust animated graphics to real-time speech and gesture performance to ensure synchronization and visual quality;
A prototype system, Elastica, that enables users to flexibly specify the mappings across the modalities - script (speech), gestures, and graphics, and specify customized gestures for expressive presentation effects;
Evaluations of Elastica and the adaptation mechanism with three studies that demonstrate its effectiveness, and limitations from the perspectives of presenters and viewers.
2 Related Work
As Kang et al. pointed out, effective presentations are a symphony of gestures, language, and props — in our case, graphics [
21]. In this section, we first review augmented presentations and then dive into how the synchronizations of gestures, language, and graphics are supported and leveraged in HCI.
2.1 Augmented Presentation
While augmented presentation — blending graphics, speech, and gestures — has become popular recently, the integral of these modalities has long been realized and widely used for explanation and communication in practices, such as in educational settings [
31], public presentations [
35], and online explanatory videos [
Extensive research in psychology has also investigated the integral power of these modalities and the coordination of the different modalities [
30]. Kang et al., for example, refer to successful explanatory presentations as the symphony of gesture, language, and props, and found that props such as diagrams served as the backbone of the communicated information, and the gestures and language served to annotate and animate the diagrams [
21]. Despite the desired synchrony of these modalities [
21], prior work found that they do not follow strict simultaneity in practice. For example, some modalities can be absent [
21]; the modalities often only partially overlap, or one modality may proceed with the others [
30], suggesting the interplay of these modalities are highly dynamic and context-dependent.
It is perhaps because of the intricate coordination of these signals and technical challenges in creating and capturing interactive presentations, that many augmented presentations are produced via post-production [
25]. This allows creators to configure the various elements post hoc, achieving optimal visual and presentation quality. With the growing popularity of augmented reality and live streams, recent HCI research has explored augmenting live videos with interactive graphics to create compelling and engaging presentations [
For example, RealityTalk employs a keyword-matching table to link the speech and graphical elements so that pre-defined graphics appear when certain keywords are detected in real-time speech, which can be subsequently manipulated using hand gestures [
25]. Saquib et al. explored body-driven graphics, in which prepared graphics are mapped to certain body parts and can follow body movement [
36]. Because animation and layout of elements are determined live, the overall presentation style is well-suited for sketchy and improvisational settings. ChalkTalk [
31] and Augmented Chironomia [
16] employ polished graphics with predefined interactive controls and programmatic animations, which can be interacted live for high-quality visual effects. However, creating flexible interactive experiences requires significant expertise and effort.
Our work takes inspiration from these explorations but addresses an important gap. Instead of requiring users to prepare polished interactive graphics, which requires significant expertise, or requiring users to configure layout and animations live, which can add cognitive load during live presentations with the potential cost of the visual quality, we aim to create presentations that can adapt to users’ real-time performance. With user-defined constraints that can be configured using typical GUIs and embedded algorithmic constraints, the adaptive presentation that we propose adapts to users’ performance for spontaneity and synchronization while ensuring the visual quality does not deviate significantly from users’ prepared content.
2.2 Synchronization of Gestures and Graphics
While significant research has explored using gestures to manipulate graphics on 2D and 3D spaces [
50], closely aligned to our work are those where gestures are leveraged for their descriptive and communicative aspects [
18]. For example, Holze and Wilson leveraged the descriptive ability of gestures and proposed computationally matching users’ descriptive gestures with 3D models of physical objects to enable the retrieval of 3D graphical objects based on users’ gesture performance [
18]. In the context of animation authoring, MagicalHands presented a set of gestures for complex graphical effects (e.g., particle systems) based on a gesture elicitation study, where participants provide gestures that could describe the intended animation effects [
Because human gestures and body postures are notoriously complex due to the rich degrees of freedom our hands and body possess, developing gestural interaction has been challenging. One approach is to reduce the rich input space to a few selected points. For example, RealityTalk [
25], and Augmented Chironomia [
16] utilize finger point positions of thumbs and index figures for simplicity and precise manipulation. Body-driven Graphics supports attaching graphics to body joints recognized human skeletons [
36]. Other approaches leverage programming-by-demonstration [
26] or physical simulation [
47], by allowing users to flexibly utilize the rich gesture input space for interaction.
Our work builds upon the programming-by-demonstration technique, which enables the flexible update of the transformation of graphical objects based on real-time gestural performance constrained by user-provided sample mappings between gestures and object transformations. Instead of strictly mapping gestures to graphics, which often leads to low-quality visuals due to the noise in gesture performance, we also leverage motion-warping techniques, pioneered in character animation [
48], to ensure smooth transformations of graphical objects.
2.3 Synchronization of Language and Graphics
The rich structures embedded in language, including the temporal, linguistic, and narrative structures, have made language-based authoring an increasingly popular content authoring paradigm for a wide range of storytelling content such as videos [
41], presentations [
49], motion graphics [
20], and animation [
38]. Instead of manually arranging various elements on a timeline or canvas to achieve the desired temporal and semantic congruence between language and graphics for effective storytelling [
49], creators can leverage the high-level structures in the language to efficiently compose the elements that satisfy congruence.
For example, by aligning the timing of motion rhythm detected in videos with music beats, Davis and Agrawala demonstrated a method to automatically create or manipulate the appearance of dance in video for compelling audio-visual effects [
10]. Crosscast proposed a set of heuristic-based algorithms to align relevant images to audio travel podcasts based on timing and semantics to automatically create travel videos [
51]. With Quickcut, video creators can efficiently identify and place the numerous segments in raw footage into the final video, by aligning the transcripts of verbal annotations of raw footage with the transcript of the voiceover of the final video [
41]. DataParticles employs mappings between natural language and data properties to automate the creation of data articles featuring rich animated data visualizations [
In these systems, the timing of animations and transitions are aligned with the timing of the corresponding words and phrases in the script for temporal coherence, and the motion effects are often created to be semantically congruent with the script. Building upon the previous work, our system enables users to create and align corresponding visual elements, effects, and associated gestures with the script during the preparation stage to reduce editing effort. During the presentation, the system matches the presenter’s speech with the script, triggering and adapting corresponding animations in real-time to ensure temporal congruence for enhanced presentation delivery.
2.4 Synchronization of Gestures and Language
Gesture in itself is a form of language [
44]. Prior research in HCI has explored leveraging gestures as part of the communication language with computers [
37]. For example, ‘Put-that-there’ explored integrating gesture and spoken language to form a mix-modality computer command[
6]. Oviatt et al. explored multi-modal interaction by combining speech and pen input [
30]. While these works mostly focus on the integration of gestures and spoken language, they have provided insights into how people coordinate gestures and spoken language to express their intentions.
For example, prior work repeatedly reported that gestures often proceed the spoken language [
30], suggesting animation may need to adapt to gestures performed before the corresponding words are spoken. This contrasts systems that trigger graphics when keywords are spoken, which can then be manipulated using gestures [
25]. Prior work in psychology also found that people often make larger gestures when speaking to others than for themselves [
14], indicating that gestures performed live in front of an audience may become larger than prepared or rehearsed, suggesting that an adaptive system should be able to handle gestures that overshoot the intended scale. Similarly, during live performances, users may deviate from their script, skipping the intended words or using alternative words with similar semantic meanings.
In this work, we consider the various cases where gesture and language may deviate from the intended performance and design algorithms to handle these deviations. While the algorithms we propose can not address all possible deviations, they contribute a step toward relaxing the requirement of tightly following the prepared presentation for intended presentation quality, reducing the effort and cognitive load required during the preparation and performance of augmented presentations.
3 Comparative Analysis and Design Goals
The goal of this work is to create engaging and compelling live augmented presentations that can deliver a sense of liveliness by enabling authors to have control of graphics using speech and gestures in a manner that mitigates the side effects of imperfect live performance to ensure high-quality presentation quality.
To achieve this, we conducted a comparative analysis of the two existing approaches of delivering live augmented presentations, the
pre-defined presentations with memorized mappings [
29], and
live-defined presentations with rigid mappings [
36]. Based on the analysis of their preparation and presentation mechanisms and the challenges in handling speech and manipulation deviations during live performances, we define the design goals of the proposed adaptive presentation, including how the adaptive presentations should be prepared and how they should address deviations to ensure both synchronization and visual quality.
3.1 Comparative Analysis
The essence of live augmented presentations is to seamlessly align presenters’ performance (i.e., speech and gesture) with visuals (i.e., content and animations). The distinction among various approaches hinges on how mappings of the different modalities are configured during preparation and how these mappings were utilized during presentation to achieve the desired alignment.
3.1.1 Pre-defined Presentations with Memorized Mappings (PM).
In this approach, visual content and animations are predefined, and their mappings to speech and gestures are memorized and rehearsed. During the presentation, the presenter aligns their performance to the pre-defined sequence, timing, and animations of the visual content to achieve the intended presentation quality. This is often achieved with presentation applications that can add the live video feed from the camera as the background of slides such as Apple Keynote [
2] and Microsoft Powerpoint [
29]. This serves as real-time visual feedback, allowing them to view alignment on the screen as it would appear for audiences.
3.1.2 Live-defined Presentations with Rigid Mappings (LR).
In this approach, the presenter prepares the content and specifies the order or the trigger mechanism (e.g., keywords the presenter needs to say) [
36] to make the content appear in the presentation. The control mechanism of the content is also specified, such as the body part that the visual will be attached to, and the hand input the content will be following. Not specified ahead of time are the beginning state (i.e., the beginning set of graphic parameters), the effects (i.e., animation presets), and the end state of the animations of the content, which will be determined during the live performance. During the presentation, when predefined triggers are detected, the content will appear at the position of the specified control input and animate based on the control (e.g., following body movement or hand manipulation). When the control input is detected from the content (e.g., next animation triggered or hand manipulation stopped), the content will stop at the final detected input position.
3.1.3 Comparison Results.
Having explained the preparation and presentation mechanisms for both approaches, we then examine how the presentation qualities are impacted by various factors that may occur during the presentation. Figure
2 presents a detailed description and comparison of various conditions.
Lack of pre-defined final states of animations leads to inferior visual quality. From Figure
2, the presentation quality of the
LR approach suffers from mistakes and imperfections during the real-time performance. Since the position, scale, and other transformations of graphic effects are contingent on the presenter’s real-time performance, the uncertainties and imperfections of live performance will inevitably translate to decreased visual quality, which may in turn reduce the overall effectiveness of the concept delivery. Without the constraint of pre-defined end states, graphics may deviate in position, scale, and alignment.
No mappings or rigid mappings are sensitive to performance errors and deviations. When graphics are unresponsive to real-time performance (PM approach), it places the burden on the presenter to synchronize their performance both spatially and temporally, and any misalignment will comprise the presentation quality. Rigid mappings (LR approach), on the other hand, synchronize and propagate the errors and deviations that occur in the input modality to others. For example, with rigid mappings, graphics will deviate with jittery gesture motions or fail to appear when the presenter misspeaks the trigger words.
In summary, as both visual quality and synchronization are important in delivering an effective and engaging presentation, we envision a versatile live augmented presentation approach that can overcome the limitations of both approaches.
3.2 Design Goals
The comparative analysis reveals an opportunity to strive for high-quality visual content while fostering spontaneous and expressive live performances. We herein proposed the following design goals for the envisioned adaptive animation:
[DG1] Anchoring the visual content with predefined states, so that graphic elements can latch onto or return back to from deviations or errors that may occur during live performances, thereby guaranteeing the visual quality
[DG2] Establishing elastic and customized mappings between animation and performance to enable graphic elements to adapt to real-time speech and gestures to achieve synchronization and expressive presentation effects.
4 Elastica : User Interface and Workflow
Elastica is a prototype system that incorporates our design goals (Section
3.2) to allow users to prepare and present augmented presentations with animations that are both bound to predefined states and responsive to the presenter’s real-time performance. The interface of Elastica contains three major components: the visual panel, a text editor, and the configuration panel (Figure
3 C).
With Elastica, a user can add graphical objects to the canvas and configure their animations, similar to other presentation applications. To author a live augmented presentation, the user can further map the parameters of animations to speech and gestures to enable graphical objects and animations to adapt to speech and gestures during live performances.
4.1 Create Graphical Objects and Configure Animations (DG1)
With Elastica, the user can add text and images to the canvas and adjust their position and size using direct manipulation. The user can further add and configure animations of the objects using the configuration panel. Elastica supports two types of animations: ‘enter’ and ‘update’. The ‘enter’ animation allows users to introduce a new graphic object to the canvas, and the ‘update’ animations transform existing graphic objects. For both ‘enter’ and ‘update’ animations, there are three configuration parameters that Elastica supports to enable expressive visual effects.
Effects. Elastica provides simple template effects. There are three types of entering animations, ‘zoom in’, ‘float up’, and ‘fade in’; and four update animations, ‘transform to’, ‘hand follow’, ‘seesaw’, and ‘exit’. Elastica also allows users to author various customized animations with gesture demonstration (Section
Handed. This determines which hand gesture the animation will adapt to during the presentation. Users can choose between the ‘left’, ‘right’, and ‘none’ options. Selecting ‘none’ means that the animation will not be adapted to hand gestures.
After. Elastica allows the user to specify the behavior of the object after the animation is played, including ‘stay’, ‘exit’, and ‘hand following’ options to support different presentation effects.
4.2 Specify Speech-Animation Mapping (DG2)
Instead of mapping an animation to a specific keyword, Elastica enables users to directly specify the intended trigger and duration of animations in relation to the text segments within a script. To define such mappings, the user can select an animation associated with a graphical object from the animation view and use markers in the script to select a text segment. Alternatively, when a text segment is selected in the text editor, the configuration panel allows users to select corresponding graphical elements (i.e., text and images) and the animation view displays all animation parameter options.
In Elastica, the entire script is used as a global timeline, and each mapped text segment serves as a local timeline of the mapped animation. As we will explain later, this mapping is elastic to allow certain deviations.
4.3 Specify Gesture-Animation Mapping (DG2)
In Elastica, the animation and gesture mapping are established by linking graphic states with corresponding hand pose states through demonstrations.
To establish the animation-gesture mapping, users can toggle on the ‘customize’ mode (Figure
4 A). Once enabled, the hand indicators and the border of the visual panel turn green, indicating that the system is in customization mode. The configuration of gesture-graphic mappings in Elastica is achieved by demonstrating the desired graphic states and hand poses simultaneously. As shown in Figure
4 A-1, the user demonstrates a pinch gesture and moves the text object to be center-aligned with index and thumb fingers.
Once the user is satisfied with the mapping presented, they can press a button to record the desired mapping between the hand pose and the graphic object state. The hand indicator flashes red to indicate a successful recording (Figure
4 A-2). Multiple mappings can be created using the same interaction, allowing users to create a wide range of custom gestures to animate their graphic objects (Figure
4 B). If the users are not satisfied with the mapping, they can click the ‘reset’ button to clear the previous records. Additionally, users can select fallback animations that will be triggered if the system fails to detect any gestures.
Rather than limiting the system to recognizing only specific gestures such as pointing or pinching, the demonstration mechanism allows users to tailor the associations between hand gestures and their preferred animations for the system to computationally respond to in real-time, as detailed in section
4.4 Adapt Animations Based on Speech and Gestures During Performance (DG2)
In this section, we elaborate on how the speech-animation and gesture-animation mappings are treated algorithmically in Elastica to enable predefined animations to elastically adapt to real-time speech and gestures.
4.4.1 Adaptation Method.
While a typical animation can be considered as a function of a graphic’s parameters over time, in an augmented presentation, animation should additionally adapt these parameters to both speech and gesture inputs. Therefore we define adaptive animation Padp(t, gt) as a function of graphic parameters that are controlled both by the time of speech (t) and the gesture (gt) at that time. Specifically, we define adaptive animation as a blend between speech-driven animation Pspeech(t)and gesture-driven animation Pgesture(t).
Speech-driven Animation Pspeech(t) is defined as the animation of a graphic element when only speech is present as an input. This is the same as typical animation which is an interpolation between the predefined start (
PS) and end (
PE) states:
t) is a cubic weight function easing between the start and end states.
Gesture-driven Animation Pgesture(t) is the animation of a graphic element, given the current gesture performance. As mentioned in Section
4.3, intended animation effects are mapped to customized gestures by recording a set of
n user-created mappings between graphic parameter (
\(P_{record}^{(i)}\)) and gesture performance (
\(g_{record}^{(i)}\) is a hand feature vector constructed using hand landmarks, and
Precord captures the position, scale, and rotation of a graphic object. We elaborate the details of
grecord in Section
A.3.2. Given the limited discrete samples collected during preparation and the continuous space of the gesture vector, we compute the animation during the presentation by a weighted summation of all the recorded animation-gesture mappings based on the similarity between the current gesture (
g) and all the recorded gestures:
where (ϵ
bs) are hyper parameters chosen empirically (as detailed in Section
Adaptive Animation.
gt) blends the speech-driven animation and gesture-driven animation with a dynamically changing weight
w considering the timing
t, gesture
gt and the discrepancy between gesture-driven animation
gt) and speech-driven animation
Because Pspeech is an interpolation between pre-defined animation states, which serves as the safeguards of animation quality, and Pgesture determines the animation states based on live gesture performance, which can lead to drastic deviations, the w that controls the contribution of Pspeech and Pgesture plays a critical role in determining the adaption quality. Therefore, we elaborate on the heuristics and formula for choosing w.
4.4.2 Balancing Speech-driven and Gesture-driven Animations.
As formulated in Equation
gt) blends the speech-driven animation and gesture-driven animation with a dynamic changing weight
w =
rt). A larger
w makes the adapted result appear closer to the gesture-driven animation, while a smaller
w makes it closer to the speech-driven animation.
Under the assumption of a structured and prepared augmented presentation, these two animations are preferred in different ways: Pspeech(t) (speech-driven animation) yields grounds visual states of the object to intended timing, preferring congruence between animation and speech content. This is important in a structured presentation where it is important for the animation to be played in the right sequence. On the other hand, the Pgesture(t) (gesture-driven animation) enables interactivity between the graphic objects and the presenter. Such congruence between animation and gesture makes the content visual compelling and engaging. While in perfect performance, these two animations are designed to be synchronized, discrepancy is almost inevitable during live presentations. Thus, to generate both visually compelling and grounded animations, the adaptation is designed with the following heuristics:
[H1]: The adapted animation should prioritize the gesture-driven animation at the beginning of the animation to better direct the viewer’s attention while it grounds to the defined final state at the end of the animation.
[H2]: The adapted animation should be robust to unintentional gestures.
[H3]: The adapted animation should prioritize the predefined states when there are large discrepancies (i.e. deviations) measured by rt.
The blending weight
w captures these heuristics as a function of time
t [H1], gesture
gt [H2] and discrepancy
rt [H3]:
t) controls the
timing factor [H1]. It decreases from 1 to 0 with a cos function:
gt) captures the
gesture intentionality [H2] determined by evaluating the similarity of the performed gesture to a recorded gesture with the same similarity measurement as defined in Equation
(3). The gesture intentionality is defined with the largest similarity (i.e. the most similar gesture) by
gt) =
1 ≤ i ≤ n). In the case of an entering animation, the system also takes the extent of hand constancy into consideration, interpreting a static gesture as a cue for intentional staging to reveal the graphic object. To determine hand constancy, the system measures hand center movements within a 0.5-second time window. If the cumulated movements is smaller than a threshold
κ = 5(
px), then
gt) = 1, otherwise,
gt) =
t) adds a
discrepancy penalty [H3] to the weight when the gesture-driven animation deviates from the speech-driven animation near the end of the intended time period, which usually indicates a timing shift or forgetting certain gestures that were planned. The distance penalty allows a faster convergence to the desired state in such non-ideal cases.
t) is given by an inverse quadratic function:
In Elastica, we choose ϵ
Φ = 1,
t0 = 0.8.
4.4.3 Timing in the Adaptation.
The interpolation of the speech-driven animation and the w that controls the mix of speech-driven and gesture animations both depend on where the current time is in the intended period of the animation. Here we describe how time t is determined.
Each animation is linked with a chunk of text as its local timeline. The intended animation period is represented as the start (
IS) and end index (
IE) of the marked text segment in a sentence. For example, in the sentence
‘Let’s talk about Elastica, a tool for authoring live augmented presentations’, the highlighted word
‘Elastica’ has an intended timing of
[3,4]. During the presentation, the index of the words is tracked with script following (details in Section
A.2) and the current index (
I*) of the presenter’s speech indicates the current time.
For each local timeline, Elastica determines an
Active Period where the adaptation is feasible. The active period extends the intended animation period of
δ words at the start point: [
IS −
IE]. The decision to have this extended buffer period is due to the fact that gestures often precede lexical items in communication [
40]. By default, we choose
δ = 2. For consecutive highlighted words, less buffer is needed:
δ = 1; and for the first word in a sentence, no buffer is needed:
δ = 0.
During the Active Period, Elastica monitors the gestures of the presenter and starts adaptation when the gesture is considered intentional, which opens an Adaptation Period and records the start index of the adaptation period (\(I_S^{*}\)). We estimated a total time duration for the Adaptation period with \(T = \omega (I_E - I_S^{*})\), where ω is a constant we used for converting word index to timing. We chose ω = 400(ms/word).
Finally, during the Adaptation Period, the adaptive animation,
gt) (Equation
(4)), is calculated based on a the time elapsed since the start of adaptation (
Δt) and the estimated total time (
4.5 Utilizing Elastica for Post Production
While Elastica is primarily designed for live augmented presentations, it also offers valuable capabilities for post-production purposes. These same interaction techniques, integrated with the underlying animation adaptation pipeline, can be effectively utilized to create augmented presentations after the initial recording.
In a post-production context, content creators can upload pre-recorded videos and automatically generate transcripts of the spoken content. By highlighting specific portions of the transcript, users can establish local timelines within the video. This action prompts the system to identify the corresponding video clips that match the highlighted text segments, allowing users to add graphic animations corresponding to the speech content.
Within each local timeline, the configured animations dynamically adapt to the gestures and speech present in the video stream, courtesy of the proposed adaptive animation technology. For more tailored and personalized results, users can take advantage of the gesture customization function, enabling them to fine-tune animations. Additionally, users have the option to import pre-recorded gesture and speech mappings as default settings for convenience and consistency in their post-production work.
5 Evaluation of Adaptive Presentation
Having developed the algorithmic methods and user interfaces that can support the preparation and presentation of adaptive presentations, we were motivated to answer the following research questions for a comprehensive understanding of the adaptive presentation approach that we proposed:
[RQ1] What is the user experience of creating and delivering adaptive presentations with Elastica ? Specifically, how satisfied are the users with authoring presentations with the adapted animations? How effective is Elastica in supporting preparing and presenting an adaptive presentation? How effective can adaptive animation manage deviations in live performance?
[RQ2] How does adaptive presentation compare with existing approaches to augmented presentations? Specifically, what are the potential benefits and drawbacks the adaptation offers in terms of preparation and performance compared with alternative approaches? What are the potential gains and limitations in terms of the viewing experience?
To answer these research questions, we conducted three user studies, investigating the questions from both the presenter’s and the viewer’s perspectives. In the first study, participants learned and used Elastica to create augmented presentations and reported their evaluations and experiences [RQ1]. In the second study, a new group of participants was recruited to learn and use all three approaches to create augmented presentations and reported their perceptions of the differences among the three approaches [RQ2].
Finally, in the third study, we conducted a survey to gather feedback from viewers on the presentations created in the second study, enabling us to evaluate the three approaches from the viewers’ perspectives [RQ2].
6 Study 1: Creation Study with Elastica [RQ1]
We conducted a user study with 8 participants (4 female and 4 male) to evaluate the effectiveness of creating live augmented presentations using Elastica. All participants had experience creating presentations and editing videos. They reported having watched augmented presentations in the past, but none had previously created such content. Participants were recruited through university internal communication channels and mailing lists.
6.1 Study Procedure
The study for each participant lasted for 75-90 minutes. Each participant was paid $40 Amazon gift card. Seven studies were conducted in person within the lab setting. One study (P7) was conducted via Zoom, where the participant accessed Elastica with a web browser. The authoring and presenting processes with Elastica are recorded with screen and audio. The study is conducted in 4 parts:
Introduction and System Walkthrough (∼ 30min). In this part, the experimenter briefly introduces the concept of augmented presentations and a brief motivation behind Elastica. The experimenter then walked through the features of Elastica with a short sample script. During the walk-through, the experimenter described the interaction verbally and demonstrated it with actions. The participant then practiced creating some animation effects and presenting part of the script under the guidance of the experimenter.
Reproduction Task (∼ 25min). Participants were asked to reproduce a video created by Elastica. They were provided with the video and the script used for creating the video. During the authoring, they can use the preview function to rehearse as many times as they want. After they were done with the authoring, they were asked to rehearse and present it.
Creation Task (∼ 20min). Since it can be challenging for participants to prepare scripts within a limited amount of time, to control the study time while allowing for creation freedom, we provided participants with 5 scripts and instructed them to choose one script for authoring and presenting with Elastica.
Questionnaire and Interview (∼ 15min). After finishing all the tasks, participants filled out a questionnaire about their experience with Elastica. The participants were instructed to think aloud while completing the questionnaire.
6.2 Results and Findings
Overall, participants expressed that the whole experience with Elastica was unique and
“a lot of fun" (P5, P6, P8). Participants on average spent 14.5 minutes on the reproduction task and 7.3 minutes on the creation task. They agreed that Elastica allows them to be expressive and creative while creating an augmented presentation (5 strongly agree; 2 agree; 1 neutral) and would love to use Elastica for future presentation needs (Figure
6 A). We further summarize our results and findings in terms of their preparation and presentation experience with adaptive animation.
6.2.1 Planning synchronized content in a ‘less rigid timeline’.
All the participants felt that our script annotation interface is new, yet easy to learn and use for adaptive animation authoring (Figure
6 B). The tight coupling between script and animation allowed participants to
“link (animations) into the real (live) timeframe” (P1) and
“think how the animation could be aligned with the script”(P7). P8 saw the script as a
“less rigid timeline” and considered it useful for an adjustable congruence in the live setting, where the timing is less predictable:
“it doesn’t make me think that, oh, I have to pace myself to read this sentence in 10 seconds. [With Elastica ] I can just read it.". Participants also found that being able to advance the presentation content using speech can result in a more natural performance. As p2 puts,
“Now I almost feel it’s necessary for this (augmented presentation). You are gesturing and you don’t want to perform clicking (to trigger animations).” However, participants also mentioned that script-based authoring means they always need to map the animations with a particular part of the script, which could be limiting for animations that do not have a clear linkage with the script (P6), or for effects that are only triggered by gestures (P3, P5).
6.2.2 Preparing dynamic mappings between gesture and animation.
6 out of 8 participants (P3-P8) mentioned that being able to customize animations by gestures is their most-liked feature, enabling them to be expressive and creative by bringing their own gestures into the performance (P3) and have the agency over the animation effects they wish to achieve(P5). It also allows more natural performance by offloading their stress on remembering pre-defined gestures (such as pinch, and pointing). As P4 and P8 noted:
“...I can DIY a lot of things with the gesture I am familiar with, rather than remember a particular gesture" (P4)
“I also liked that the gesture mapping is not rigid. When I designed my gestures for myself, I realized that’s all my habits, so I could perform very naturally. " (P8)
However, compared to the script annotation feature, this feature rated lower in terms of ease of learning and use (Figure
6 C). Our interviews with participants revealed two main reasons for this. Firstly, the script annotation is a familiar element from their previous presentation experience, but gesture demonstration is relatively new. Therefore, it required some effort to think about how to incorporate gestures to support their presentations. Secondly, participants reported some challenges in learning the configuration of mappings between static gestures and static states of graphic elements. While this approach resembles animation keyframing, it was not intuitive for some participants. P5 and P8 commented that they typically think of animation as a continuous motion within a period, rather than configuring discrete states. This mismatch between the mental model of users and the system’s design might have contributed to the lower rating for ease of use.
6.2.3 Gradually built trust through previewing and presenting.
We observed a clear trend that our participants gradually built trust in the adapted result and were satisfied with the adaptive animation generated.
“I was a bit confused at the beginning because there were two things happening. So you had this speech, where you had the times prepared, but you also had the gesture mapping, and I think they’re defined differently. But at the end, it just worked out fine. So I started not to worry too much about it. " (P5)
When initially presenting with Elastica, participants usually appeared to be nervous and would always hold their hands to make sure they were visible to the camera and tended to wait for the animations to happen. However, after 1-2 rounds of practice, they became confident and performed more naturally with smooth speech and gestural performance.
6.2.4 Predefined states put minds at ease when presenting.
As our adaptation method grounds the visual results to the defined end states, it sets a guard wheel to the animation regarding the deviations that would happen during live augmented presentations. Participants mentioned that being able to perform with “things will eventually be in the right place"(P2) in mind can offload many of the concerns and worries while presenting live:
“I would’ve been worried if that’s hand following the whole time. But I figured the main thing I wanted would happen anyway." (P3)
“Even if I can’t remember the specific gesture if I have a hand there, I know it will just pop out with some reasonable effects. So I am not too worried about presenting." (P4)
6.2.5 Video Coding Results and findings.
Several participants (P3, P6, P7, P8) have provided positive feedback on the accuracy of our script tracking and gesture recognition method used for generating adaptive presentations. One participant (P5) referred to it as "satisfying," indicating that it allows them to present the effect they designed ideally.
We also noticed some failure cases during the study. To better understand and evaluate the adaptive presentation’s ability to address different types of deviations, we coded all 16 final presentation videos for both reproduction and creation tasks with observed deviations, intended results, and final adapted results.
The video coding results in 91 animations with different deviations, including speech deviations (e.g., missing or mispronouncing words) and gesture deviations (e.g., inaccurate location, overshooting, undershooting, etc.). The adaptation method successfully addressed 73.6% of these deviations, resulting in fairly smooth animations that matched the users’ intended effects. We also summarize the 24 failure cases in two categories.
Failure to adapt (5/24) In this case, the system shows the default animation without adapting to the gesture performance. This is due to the failure of detecting an intentional gesture within a given time period. The 5 cases we observed during the study are either linking animation to the first word in a sentence (e.g.,
“Farfalle means butterflies") or multiple animations are added consecutively with short words (e.g.,
“You should not use chopsticks as drumsticks”). In these cases, we opened a fairly shorter window for detection (Section
4.4.3) making the system less tolerant to the deviation of the gestures.
Flawed adaptations (19/24) In this case, the system adapts to the gestures, but the results are not ideal in terms of timing, location, or effects.
(1) Animation starting early (3/19): This occurred when the performer kept their hand static within the camera view and forgot about the gesture, causing the system to mistake their current hand pose as an intentional staging gesture.
(2) Animation starting late (5/19): These cases were due to the same reason as the "fail to adapt" cases since the active detection window started late.
(3) Animation ending late (5/19): This happened when there were speech deviations on the highlighted words. As the speech did not follow, the playhead got stuck at certain parts and took more time to pick up the tracking point in the script.
(4) Less smooth animation (2/19): This occurred when the movement was too quick. As the gesture detection cycle was around 80ms, quick movements may result in jumpy animations.
(5) Moving to an undesired position (4/19): This occurred when the presenter forgot about the gesture or when gesture detection was less than ideal, such as poor lighting.
6.2.6 Summary.
This study confirmed the effectiveness of Elastica in creating live augmented presentations. Participants find using the script annotation and gesture demonstration can effectively establish flexible mappings between animations and runtime performance. Through the previewing function, participants gradually built trust with the adaptive presentation method, allowing for more natural performances and reducing cognitive workload during presentations. The video coding results showed that, despite some external factors, most failure cases were related to the timing determined by the script, suggesting room for improvement by considering using gesture performance to time the animations.
7 Study 2: Comparison Study of Three Augmented Presentation Approaches [RQ2]
We were interested in further examining how the proposed approach compares with the other two existing approaches as we contrasted in Section
3. Therefore, we conducted a separate qualitative comparison study encompassing all three approaches to understand participants’ perceptions and evaluations of the approaches concerning visual quality, synchronization, learning, and other aspects. To ensure a fair and direct comparison, we implemented the other two mechanisms within the same user interface as Elastica, resulting in three conditions:
[PM] Pre-defined Presentation with Memorized Mappings
[LR] Live-defined Presentation with Rigid Mappings
[PE] Pre-defined Presentation with Elastic Mappings
We recruited another group of six participants (2 female and 4 male) through university internal communication channels and mailing lists. The recruited participants all reported having experience creating presentations and editing videos.
7.1 Study Procedure
The study for each participant lasted for 90-120 minutes with a $40 Amazon gift card for compensation. All six studies were completed in person. The study consisted of three stages:
Introduction (∼ 15min). The experimenter provided a brief overview of augmented presentations and introduced the three approaches participants would use for creating an augmented presentation.
Guided Creation Task (∼ 45min). Participants were asked to author an augmented presentation with a provided script (the same as the script used for the reproduction task in Study 1). Initially, the experimenter guided them through the system on part of the script, and participants then completed the remainder independently. After each creation, the participants were given enough time to practice and rehearse the presentation until they expressed confidence in presenting. Their final presentations using each system were recorded. When introducing the three conditions, the PM condition was always introduced first as it only incorporates speech-following, upon which the other two conditions expand. The other two conditions were randomly assigned (P2, P3, P4, P6 in the order of LR and PE, and P1, P5 in the order of PE and LR).
Questionnaire and Interview (∼ 30min). After finishing all the tasks, participants filled out a questionnaire about their experience with all three different approaches. The participants were instructed to think aloud while completing the questionnaire. The experimenter conducted a follow-up interview.
7.2 Results and Findings
Based on participants’ interactions with three different systems, we summarize our findings in terms of implications of trust and control, fluidity in performance, learning curves, and the situational appropriateness of each approach.
7.2.1 Trust and Control.
While existing methods provide more control and predictability in animation, they are also more restrictive. Participants expressed higher satisfaction with the performance of adaptive presentations, with 4 out of 6 strongly agreeing that it enhanced their confidence in presenting. They valued the flexibility to use natural gestures, as opposed to limited, predefined ones (P1, P4, P6).
However, participants noted a lack of control with adaptive animations, as these are generated in real-time. As P3 pointed out, even though the final state of the animation was defined, the actual motion path of this approach (PE) was less predictable. We observed that presenters occasionally wanted to intentionally create ‘deviated’ visual effects. For example, P3 circled their finger when triggering an object to appear. However, this decorated path was smoothed out by the adaptation method. This adaptability also made imagining the exact output challenging for the presenters (P5, P6). This aligns with earlier findings that establishing trust in the system’s output requires additional preview and rehearsal, which cost an extra effort compared to existing approaches.
7.2.2 Fluidity of Performance.
In Section
3, we compared the three approaches in terms of visual quality of graphics and synchronization. Our study results showed that these mechanisms indeed led to different qualities in terms of the fluidity and authenticity of the performance. The participants recognized the ability to deliver a seamless and genuine performance as a distinctive advantage of the adaptive approach, thanks to its high tolerance to gesture detection errors. As pointed out by P6:
“You can actually add many expressive and creative details with a simple gesture." (P6)
“... I liked it allows you to perform gestures without worrying too much about whether it makes sense to the system. It will always give me effects that make sense. " (P2)
On the other hand, participants raised concerns about the fluidity of performance for the LR approach. P1 and P3 both commented that using ‘pinch’ to select and manipulate graphic objects added unwanted pauses in their presentation. P1, P2, P4, and P6 all encountered gesture detection failures that caused unintentional object movement.
7.2.3 Preparation Cost and Outcome Expectation.
The adaptive presentation approach was seen as fun, engaging, and creative. However, participants felt that mastering it required more time and practice compared to the existing approaches.
“ It takes some time to be more familiar with like how to configure the gesture and the animation. But I can see like over time when I’m more familiar with it, it’s not too hard.” (P1)
In contrast, the other two conditions employ a more direct mapping and require fewer configurations. This simplicity made them easier to grasp, allowing users to quickly understand and confidently utilize them while recognizing the boundaries of the mechanism. As noted by P2:
“It (LR) is super easy because there’s absolutely no setup work that I have to do. Yeah. All I have to know is what element is going to appear. That’s the only thing I have to remember...And my practice is also pretty straightforward."
Interestingly, the original goal of the adaptive presentation approach was to let users perform gestures without worrying about precision, this is compromised due to the heightened cost of customizing the mappings between animations and gestures. Due to the extra required effort, users began to aim for the exact gestures they specified to achieve optimal visual outcomes. This was evident during the rehearsal stage, where 4 out of 6 presenters posed a similar question: "What did I customize for this animation?" While continued practice could boost users’ proficiency with the adaptive animation method, our results suggested that a steeper learning and preparation curve can set higher outcome expectations, potentially placing additional stress on presenters.
7.2.4 Well-suited Settings.
Participants noted that our adaptive presentation approach is best suited for scenarios where content needs to be delivered with both high visual quality and engagement (e.g., pitching to investors). Participants found allowing the content to initially follow gestures and then settle into the intended position is particularly valuable for storytelling, where the presenter relies on animations to guide the viewer’s attention. The animation created considering both gesture and defined state can “add a layer of importance in presentation" (P2) While the LR approach required the least amount of configuration, as graphic states were defined in real-time, participants expressed reservations about using this method for formal and structured presentations. However, they believed it is better suited for informal discussions and brainstorming sessions (P1, P2, P4). Surprisingly, the PM approach garnered substantial praise for its smooth motion and complete predictability. However, content created with the PM approach was perceived as more mundane compared to the other two methods (P1, P6). P1 mentioned their preference for using the PM approach when presentations demand precise control over visual elements.
7.3 Summary
Our comparison study results revealed that the adaptive presentation, as a collaborative interplay between the presenter and the algorithm, results in high satisfaction for its flexibility, natural gesture support, and fluidity of the presenter’s performance compared to existing approaches. However, its unpredictability on the motion effect can sometimes make the presenters feel a lack of control and trust over the system. Its relatively more complex configuration will likely set higher outcome expectations.
8 Study 3: Viewing Experience of Three Augmented Presentation Approaches [RQ2]
While the above two studies focused on evaluating our approach from the presenters’ perspectives, we wanted to further investigate the impact of adaptive presentation on viewers’ perception and how it differs from the previous approaches.
8.1 Evaluation Material Preparation
We sought to use videos recorded from Study 2 as comparison materials. However, these videos contain participants’ performance errors, which can arbitrarily affect our evaluation. Our major interest was to investigate the effects of the inherent characteristics of the three approaches on viewers’ experiences. This comparison required materials where all presentations were well performed across three conditions. To this end, we curated clips from the presentations created in Study 2 with the following criteria: (a) Consistent Quality. We selected clips that exhibited smooth, error-free performances across all three conditions, to minimize the influence of technical glitches or performance mishaps. (b) Diverse Representation. We aimed to include a broad range of participants, to avoid a single individual’s performance disproportionately influencing the results. (c) Comprehensive Coverage. We curated clips that collectively encompass the full narrative of the presentation, ensuring viewers could fully grasp the content being presented.
Since our adaption approach emphasized adapting the animation to gestural movement, we were also interested in a focused assessment of the perceived animation quality by viewers. Therefore, we segmented the clips from each condition into smaller segments, each featuring a singular animation event (e.g., the entrance animation of the word ‘Elastica’ as depicted in Figure
5). We removed the speech component from these smaller segments, as the corresponding speech was often incomplete, with words cut into syllables. The resulting clips were saved as GIFs. The compiled videos and individual clips are included in the supplemental materials.
8.2 Procedure
The evaluation was conducted with online survey method. We distributed our online survey through multiple listservs for a wide variety of participants.
The survey comprised four sections. The first three sections presented participants with three sets of GIFs selected randomly from the aforementioned animation segments. Each set was drawn from specific segments of a speaker’s presentation. In the fourth section, participants were presented with the compiled videos of all three conditions sequentially. Following the viewing of the animation segments/videos, participants were asked to rate the clips based on 5 criteria described in Figure
7, using a 5-point scale. To reduce bias, the order of viewing sequences for the three conditions was randomized. At the end of the survey, we collected additional comments on each approach to gather more nuanced feedback.
8.3 Results and Findings
We received 42 valid responses from our survey, including ratings for a set of compiled video clips and three sets of individual animated GIFs. Ratings for three individual animated GIFs are aggregated as one score during the analysis. We calculated the average viewer’s ratings on each metric across three conditions. For each metric in our rubric, we performed a pairwise t-test to identify any significant differences among the three conditions. The results of these tests are presented in Figure
Overall, our results indicated that the output created by our approach (PE) was able to provide a distinctively engaging and comprehensible viewing experience. As shown in Figure
8 (a), it significantly outperforms the PM approach in terms of expressiveness (p =.0005) and synchronization (p =.0191) and surpasses the LR approach in smoothness (p =.0015), unobtrusiveness (p =.0459), and overall visual quality (p =.0005). Notably, viewers’ perception of visual quality varies across individual animations and within the broader context of a presentation. The LR approach, in particular, received higher ratings for individual animation segments (Figure
8 (b)). We elaborate on these findings in the following sections.
Note that, since the three approaches ultimately lead to three different types of performance, and the way we select video clips relies on subjective assessment, we recognize the potential limitations of our selection process and its impact on the generalizability of our findings. Hence, the statistical observations are mainly used to drive our observations and elicit discussions around the understanding of the viewer’s perception of these augmented presentations. To better inform the findings, we supplemented these statistical results with qualitative feedback gleaned from participant responses.
8.3.1 Balance between Expressiveness and Unobtrusiveness in Animation.
The study results highlight the need for a balance between expressiveness and unobtrusiveness in animations used within presentations.
Our method effectively delivered engaging visuals that were both expressive and non-distracting, avoiding overshadowing the content. As one viewer noted, “I liked that performance 3 was more dynamic than 1, but less distracting than 2. I feel like it was a good balance between the two." (P17) This aligns with our goal of providing grounded while reactive visuals that complement the presenter’s performance. Despite viewers acknowledging the animations’ synchronicity and smoothness, the added effects were sometimes seen as overwhelming for content consumption. The easing effect in the algorithm occasionally made animations feel slower and more lagging compared to other methods, leading to moments where they seemed to “overly linger on the presenter’s movements” (P32).
8.3.2 Perception of visual quality varies under different contexts.
The results reveal that the perception of visual quality varies between individual animations and within the context of a full presentation.
The LR approach was noted for its expressiveness (p12 <.0001, p23 =.0039) and synchronicity (p12 <.0001, p23 =.0002) in individual animations. However, within a presentation setting, this condition introduced noticeable misalignments between speech and gesture, along with graphical quality issues, as also noted in Study 2. This led to significant distractions (p12 <.0001, p23 =.0459) for viewers and diminished the overall perceived quality (p12 =.0355, p23 =.0005): “Very distracting that your eyes are drawn to the shaky and constantly moving graphics, and make you wonder, would the presenter successfully have them stop at the desired position.” (P2). Conversely, the PM approach’s emphasis on control and simplicity garnered notably higher perceived quality ratings within the presentation context, showing viewers’ preference for unobtrusiveness over expressiveness and synchronization. As exemplified by one comment, “The synchronization is slightly off, but it’s more acceptable than animations being distracting as in other conditions." (P39)
8.4 Summary
This study highlights that viewers’ perceived visual quality varies in different contexts, emphasizing the need for a balance between expressiveness and unobtrusiveness in animations used in presentation settings. Our approach makes a step towards this objective, by delivering engaging visuals without overshadowing content, and was appreciated for its collaborative aspect. However, it occasionally felt overwhelming due to additional animation effects.
9 Discussion and Future Work
9.1 Adaptive Animation: Can it facilitate?
Our comparative analysis in section
3 explored three approaches based on mechanisms and theoretical capabilities. The analysis revealed an opportunity to integrate grounded visual content [DG1] and foster expressive animations [DG2] in the presentation. We proposed adaptive presentation with predefined visual states and elastic mappings to bridge the gap. Our evaluations with both presenters and viewers highlighted our adaptation method provides benefits in effectively balancing the expressiveness and unobtrusiveness of animations within an augmented presentation while also revealing certain challenges in terms of animation controllability. Moreover, these empirical insights shed light on the nuances of the other two approaches in terms of their strength, weaknesses, and suitable scenarios. We comparatively summarized our findings as shown in Figure
9.2 Adaption, to What Extent?
With the algorithmic method we proposed, we wished to conduct a comprehensive technical evaluation of its performance. However, traditional methods like error rate calculation were impractical given the complexity of the adaption algorithm, which involves multiple factors and weights calculated as numerical similarity rather than categorization. In addition, it has proved challenging for us to collect reliable testing cases from users’ real performances, as it was difficult to control how much a user should deviate from an intended performance. We have considered controlled technical evaluations using simulated avatars, but the vast array of possible gestural deviations in 3D space made this approach infeasible.
Therefore, we opted for assessing participants’ real-world performance in our user study, identifying failure cases, and understanding major failure reasons, as we reported in Section
6.2.5. However, defining a standard metric for “successful adaptation" remained elusive. In our current evaluation, we considered an adaptation successful if the visual object appeared at the intended end state with smooth animation. However, this criterion did not consistently correspond with the intended outcomes by the presenters or viewers. For example, Study 2 highlighted instances where presenters intentionally deviated animations for emotional impact; Study 3 shows viewers occasionally prefer more constrained and minimal animations to avoid distractions. These findings emphasized the importance of considering users’ perception in evaluating animation effectiveness, beyond just the technical aspects of the animation.
THe adjustable hyperparameters in our approach enable a nuanced balance between more pronounced and restrained animations. However, the absence of quantitative metrics to assess perceived visual quality complicates both the evaluation and optimization processes. This challenge highlights a broader issue on human-center evaluation within computational generative methods: the critical need to develop metrics that prioritize human perception, rather than solely relying on analytical standards.
9.3 Understanding the Semantic Associations of Gesture and Speech
Although gesture and speech are considered semantically parallel as they refer to the same underlying cognitive representation [
17], our research focuses on their discrepancies during presentations. These discrepancies, although often imperceptible in real-life communication, can add an extra challenge in generating automatic solutions to facilitate information consumption by leveraging information from both channels simultaneously.
To develop the algorithm for adaptive presentation, we relied on prior research that found a relationship between speech and gesture, where gestures usually precede lexical items and end before a full meaning is communicated through speech. We incorporated these empirical findings into fixed parameters. However, during evaluation, we encountered failure cases that highlighted the variability in the timing of speech and gesture under different contexts. This could be compensated by understanding the semantic association between gestures and speech to further improve the algorithm’s performance. These semantic associations can also be leveraged to suggest suitable gestures that are congruent with speech or desired visual effects. Although gestures are ubiquitous in communication, designing gestures can be challenging for end users. Our future work will explore methods to suggest appropriate gestures, given the speech and visual content.
9.4 On a Human-Machine Collaborative Perspective
Authoring an adaptive presentation can be seen as a collaboration between human performance and intelligent adaption. From that perspective, the PM approach delivers a presentation with completely machine-generated animation, which is perceived as ‘precise’ and ‘clean’, but ‘less spontaneous’; while the LR approach relies on fully human control, which results in ‘snappy’, ‘lively’ viewing experience, but could be ‘messy’ and ‘distracting’ in terms of content delivery. The elastic mapping we proposed aims to establish a collaborative setting where predefined parameters provide a common ground for human-machine interaction.
Nonetheless, identifying additional signals for the machine to utilize could potentially enhance its adaptation. For instance, to improve the visual quality of impromptu presentations, we can consider inferring desired graphical layouts and effects by drawing from existing graphics. This could involve harnessing Gestalt Theory to structure graphics effectively (as demonstrated in [
32]), aligning with the semantics embedded in the speech content to infer graphic structures (as demonstrated in [
49]); to determine the nuanced timing and effects of an animation, we can incorporate the semantics of gestures and better adjust animations based on the nature of continuous gestural motion.
In the pursuit of creating an ideal collaborative output, we believe it is important to establish flexible and context-aware mechanisms that adjust the division of control between humans and machines, which would benefit from combining contextual signals with established theoretical principles.