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The Unequal Opportunities of Large Language Models: Examining Demographic Biases in Job Recommendations by ChatGPT and LLaMA

Published: 30 October 2023 Publication History


Warning: This paper discusses and contains content that is offensive or upsetting. Large Language Models (LLMs) have seen widespread deployment in various real-world applications. Understanding these biases is crucial to comprehend the potential downstream consequences when using LLMs to make decisions, particularly for historically disadvantaged groups. In this work, we propose a simple method for analyzing and comparing demographic bias in LLMs, through the lens of job recommendations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by measuring intersectional biases within ChatGPT and LLaMA, two cutting-edge LLMs. Our experiments primarily focus on uncovering gender identity and nationality bias; however, our method can be extended to examine biases associated with any intersection of demographic identities. We identify distinct biases in both models toward various demographic identities, such as both models consistently suggesting low-paying jobs for Mexican workers or preferring to recommend secretarial roles to women. Our study highlights the importance of measuring the bias of LLMs in downstream applications to understand the potential for harm and inequitable outcomes. Our code is available at https://github.com/Abel2Code/Unequal-Opportunities-of-LLMs.


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cover image ACM Conferences
EAAMO '23: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization
October 2023
498 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 30 October 2023


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Author Tags

  1. Bias across LLMs
  2. Bias analysis
  3. ChatGPT
  4. Demographic Bias
  5. Empirical experiments
  6. Fairness in AI
  7. Intersectionality
  8. LLaMA
  9. Large Language Models
  10. Natural Language Generation
  11. Real-world applications
  12. State-of-the-art models


  • Research-article
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