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Avoiding Instruction-Centric Microarchitectural Timing Channels Via Binary-Code Transformations

Published: 27 April 2024 Publication History


With the end of Moore's Law-based scaling, novel microarchitectural optimizations are being patented, researched, and implemented at an increasing rate. Previous research has examined recently published patents and papers and demonstrated ways these upcoming optimizations present new security risks via novel side channels. As these side channels are introduced by microarchitectural optimization, they are not generically solvable in source code.
In this paper, we build program analysis and transformation tools for automatically mitigating the security risks introduced by future instruction-centric microarchitectural optimizations. We focus on two classes of optimizations that are not yet deployed: silent stores and computation simplification. Silent stores are known to leak secret data being written to memory by dropping in-flight stores that will have no effect. Computation simplification is known to leak operands to arithmetic instructions by shortcutting trivial computations at execution time. This presents problems that classical constant-time techniques cannot handle: register spills, address calculations, and the micro-ops of complex instructions are all potentially leaky. To address these problems, we design, implement, and evaluate a process and tool, cio, for detecting and mitigating these types of side channels in cryptographic code. cio is a backstop, providing verified mitigation for novel microarchitectural side-channels when more specialized and efficient hardware or software tools, such as microcode patches, are not yet available.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ASPLOS '24: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 2
April 2024
1299 pages
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