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Dataset Discovery and Exploration: A Survey

Published: 09 November 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Data scientists are tasked with obtaining insights from data. However, suitable data is often not immediately at hand, and there may be many potentially relevant datasets in a data lake or in open data repositories. As a result, data discovery and exploration are necessary, but often time consuming, steps in a data analysis workflow. Data discovery is the process of identifying datasets that may meet an information need. Data exploration is the process of understanding the properties of candidate datasets and the relationships between them. Data discovery and data exploration often go hand in hand and benefit from tool support. This article surveys research areas that can contribute to data discovery and exploration, particularly considering dataset search, data navigation, data annotation and schema inference. For each of these areas, we identify key dimensions that can be used to characterize approaches and the values they can hold, and apply the dimensions to describe and compare prominent results. In addition, by surveying several adjacent areas that are often considered in isolation, we identify recurring techniques and alternative approaches to related challenges, thereby placing results within a wider context than is generally considered.

    1 Introduction

    There are ever more repositories containing structured or semi-structured data that are candidates for future analysis. These may be collected within organisations in data lakes [38], published as open data by public sector organisations [5], or obtained from the Web, either from Web tables [29] or by extraction from the deep Web [36]. Analyses can be applied to these data directly, or can combine external and internal data to obtain insights that are not provided by either in isolation [61].
    In principle, this data deluge presents significant opportunities, but evidence suggests that unlocking value from large data repositories comes only with significant costs. It is often quoted that data scientists, who are hired to obtain insights from data, spend in the region of 80% of their time on data preparation, and thus rather less on actually analysing the data and interpreting the results. This is supported by survey evidence [76], where it is also reported that 19% of a data scientist’s time is spent discovering and selecting suitable datasets—the focus of this survey.
    To support data scientists and data engineers in the management and use of data repositories, a variety of metadata models have been developed [31, 43, 83], which in turn underpin data catalogs [39, 43, 88]. Such catalogs often support policies around data governance [51], and thus record the provenance of datasets [64] along with usage information [51], and potentially the results of statistical data profiling over individual datasets or groups of datasets [1, 62]. However, in a setting where there may be millions of datasets, and where these datasets may change rapidly [39], it is impractical to manually curate data catalogs with rich descriptions of all the available data and it can still be challenging to understand what data is available to support a specific task.
    As a result, there has been significant effort invested in the development of techniques that, for example, support search over datasets that have been minimally annotated, automate annotation of datasets with terms from ontologies, facilitate exploration of relationships between datasets, identify recurring domains, and infer recurring structural patterns. This research all seeks to support data scientists in identifying datasets that, individually or together, may be useful for a task at hand. To the best of our knowledge, the associated body of research results on data discovery and exploration at scale has yet to be reviewed as an integrated body of work.
    In terms of the applicability of this work, the market for data catalogs, which may be expected to build on the results of such analyses, has been predicted to grow from $523M in 2020 to $1,788M in 2026,1 reflecting the growing business need for a consolidated view of the available data. To illustrate the concepts and techniques associated with data discovery and exploration, we will use the running example in Figure 1, which is derived from several UK Open Government sites.2
    Fig. 1.
    Fig. 1. Running example with open government data.
    We assume throughout that we are dealing with datasets that have an explicit structure, represented in Figure 1 by tables with named attributes, but most techniques discussed can also be applied with minimal adaptation to semi-structured models such as XML or JSON. We do not consider text or specialised data types such as videos or images. To reflect this, we will use the word dataset to represent a table or a semi-structured document, for example, in JSON or XML, except where the context is specific to an individual paradigm.
    Data discovery and exploration is challenging, addressing the requirement to identify several, potentially interrelated datasets within huge repositories, where the datasets within the repositories were likely produced independently of each other. Independently produced datasets tend to manifest a variety of heterogeneities [52] that complicate the data environment facing data scientists and engineers. For example, such heterogeneities may involve inconsistent naming of attributes, capturing a concept using one table or attribute or several, and inconsistent formatting of values. There is no silver bullet for understanding and resolving these heterogeneities at scale, so data discovery and exploration involves a collection of different tasks and techniques. In describing these tasks, we use the following notation which assumes tabular data, although in practice some surveyed approaches use different data models. A collection \(C\) consists of a set of datasets \(d \in C\) . Each such dataset is associated with a set of \(n \gt 0\) attributes, which we denote together as \(d(a_1, \ldots ,a_n)\) or individually as \(d.a_i\) . In this survey, we focus on the following inter-related areas:
    Dataset Search:
    Given a repository of data, a search aims to retrieve datasets that, individually or together, satisfy an information need. Thus, given a collection of datasets \(C\) and a search request \(R\) , \({\rm S}{\rm\small{EARCH}}(C,R) \rightarrow S\) returns a collection \(S \subseteq C\) . There may additionally be a function \({\rm R}{\rm\small{ANK}}\) or \({\rm S}{\rm\small{CORE}}\) applicable to the result collection \(S\) that imposes an order on the results of the search reflecting their similarity to the request \(R\) . A request may be expressed in different ways. For example, a request could be based on keywords; with reference to Figure 1, a search for school would likely retrieve all three school-related tables, although a search for school attainment would likely not be able to establish that School3 is about attainment, whereas School1 and School2 are not. Alternatively, given one table, a search could look for similar tables; in relation to Figure 1, a search with School1 might be expected to identify a high level of similarity with School2. The dataset search techniques surveyed assume there is access to a collection of datasets, and so do not support repository discovery.
    Data Navigation:
    Having identified a dataset, for example, as a result of a search process, it is often useful to be able to explore related datasets that may provide additional information or context. Relationships used in navigation are typically between the attributes of datasets. Thus, given a dataset \(d(a_1, \ldots , a_n)\) and a collection of datasets \(C\) , there there may be an operation of the form \({\rm R}{\rm\small{ELATED}}{\rm A}{\rm\small{TTRIBUTES}}(d.a_i,C) \rightarrow S\) that returns a collection of attributes from datasets in \(C\) that are related to \(d.a_i\) . Different approaches infer relationships with different semantics, and as with search, results may associated with ranks or scores. For example, in Figure 1, School1.Borough may be a candidate for joining with Deprivation.Name, thus providing additional information about income in the vicinity of a school. However, joining is not the only relationship it may be interesting to explore. It may also be useful to know which columns share the same domain3 as a given column. For example, in Figure 1, the attributes School1.Town and School2.Town seem to belong to the same domain, and for the values given, it is possible that Brownfield Sites.Organisation and School1.Borough belong to the same domain, even though there are representational inconsistencies relating to Camden.
    Data Annotation:
    In a large repository, there are likely to be a variety of naming conventions, for example, because the data was originally produced by different publishers. This is a nuisance, as it places the burden on the user of resolving inconsistencies as part of the process of selecting data for analysis. Data annotation is the process of associating intensional or extensional data items with a term from a vocabulary or a concept from an ontology. Thus, assuming we have a vocabulary \(V\) that defines a collection of terms \(t \in V\) , there may be operations of the form \({\rm A}{\rm\small{NNOTATE}}{\rm D}{\rm\small{ATASET}}(d,V) \rightarrow A\) or \({\rm A}{\rm\small{NNOTATE}}{\rm A}{\rm\small{TTRIBUTES}}(d.a_i,V) \rightarrow A,\) where \(A \subseteq V\) that respectively annotate datasets or attributes within datasets with terms from the vocabulary \(V\) . It is then possible, for example, to search or browse repositories using the annotations; this has the effect of linking a potentially ad hoc collection of datasets in a repository to a well-defined description of generic or application-specific concepts. For example, in Figure 1, the columns School1.Borough, Brownfield Sites.Organisation and School3.LA_Name could all be annotated with the type GovenmentOrganization from Schema.org.4
    Schema Inference:
    Data integration can be associated with the notion of a global schema—a schema that an end user interacts with, and behind which the heterogeneity of different sources is hidden, for example, using mappings expressed as views [56]. As such, given a collection of datasets \(C\) , there may be an operation of the form \({\rm I}{\rm\small{NFER}}{\rm S}{\rm\small{CHEMA}}(C) \rightarrow S\) that returns an inferred schema \(S\) that defines a collection of dataset definitions where each such definition may be of the form \(d(a_1, \ldots ,a_n)\) . Note that, typically, the objective is that the inferred schema should be smaller than the underlying collection (i.e., \(|S| \ll |C|\) ) as the inferred schema should contain a single dataset definition for, say, \(school\) whereas there may be many different tables about schools in \(C\) . The inferred schema may also be associated with a function \({\rm M}{\rm\small{APPINGS}}\) that describes how the dataset definitions in the inferred schema relate to the datasets in \(C\) . Such an inferred schema provides a consolidated but abstract representation of a complex data environment. For example, in Figure 1, the tables School1 and School2 could be associated with a School table in a global schema that contains the attributes of both School1 and School2, except in the case of School1.Borough and School2.La_Name which are represented by a single attribute in the global schema, such as School.GovenmentOrganization.
    Together, the preceding activities can support data discovery and exploration. Data discovery is the process of identifying datasets that may meet an information need. This may, for example, be done directly through a search, by navigating from related datasets, or by browsing the datasets with a specific annotation. As such, data discovery can benefit directly from the techniques covered in this survey. Data exploration is the process of understanding the properties of candidate datasets and the relationships between them. This may, for example, be carried out by exploring the relationships of a given dataset, by viewing shared annotations at dataset or attribute level, or by exploring relationships that are shared by several datasets in an inferred schema. As such, data exploration can benefit directly from the techniques covered in this survey. In practice, data discovery and data exploration often go hand in hand.
    The areas surveyed can be considered to represent early stages in data integration, that can inform the construction of application-specific data integration pipelines, for example, that make use of Extract-Transform-Load platforms [90]. However, we note that data discovery and exploration is a prerequisite to analysis not only in enterprise settings [70], but is also a key activity for individual data scientists using notebooks, who also stand to benefit from access to tool support for dataset discovery and exploration [13, 102].
    To characterise the state of the art in dataset discovery and exploration, in this article we make the following contributions:
    We provide the first survey of automated techniques that span data discovery and exploration, which underpins the population of current and future data catalogs to support data scientists in obtaining value from large data repositories.
    We define dimensions for each of Dataset Search, Data Navigation, Data Annotation and Schema Inference that identify key recurring features of these areas.
    We apply the dimensions from (2) to compare and contrast key papers in each of these areas, and identify potential gaps and opportunities for future work.
    In addressing these objectives, we identify complementary and competing approaches to challenges facing data scientists, clarify the relationships between different technical areas, and highlight directions that stand to benefit from further work. With a view to ensuring that the survey focuses on results that are of good quality and influential, in selecting papers for inclusion in the survey, we have prioritised (i) papers from well-regarded outlets, with more than 80% of the papers discussed being from top outlets in databases, artificial intelligence or closely related disciplines (e.g., PVLDB, ACM SIGMOD, IEEE ICDE, VLDB J., EDBT, AAAI, ISWC, Semantic Web Journal, ACM SIGIR); (ii) papers that are well cited, with more than 70% of the papers discussed have more than 25 Google Scholar citations, and most of the others being too recent to have obtained many citations; and (iii) papers that cover diverse approaches so that distinctive and innovative techniques are suitably represented.
    The remainder of the article is structured as follows. In Sections 2 through 6, we introduce key concepts in data discovery and exploration in the form of dimensions, and use the dimensions to describe representative results from each of the areas. Then, in the light of the review material, for each topic we highlight the characteristics of the state of the art and identify open issues. Overall lessons learned are presented in Section 7.

    2 Dimensions

    The survey uses a collection of dimensions to provide a framework for Summarizing results in each of the areas covered by the survey, namely Dataset Search, Data Navigation, Data Annotation and Schema Inference . This section introduces the dimensions, which are illustrated in Figure 2. These dimensions form table headers when surveying papers in each area, but typically the specific values that are used to populate the dimensions vary from area to area (e.g., the Input to a Dataset Search task is not the same as the Input to a Data Navigation task). Furthermore, not all dimensions apply to every area (e.g., a Dataset Search tends to involve Ranking Criteria, but this is not the case for Schema Inference). The dimensions are as follows:
    Fig. 2.
    Fig. 2. The dimensions.
    The input describes the data that is specific to a run of a task, such as the Keywords that specify a Dataset Search.
    The output describes the data produced by a run of a task, for example, indicating that an XML Schema is the result of a Schema Inference task.
    The subject describes the focus of a task, for example, indicating that a Keyword search is being conducted against the Header of each dataset in a collection.
    Ranking criteria:
    The ranking criteria indicate how results are ordered, where multiple alternative results may be available. For example, where a Dataset Search is looking for results that are similar to a given dataset, the results could be ordered by Header Similarity.
    Additional evidence:
    The additional evidence describes existing data resources that may be used in addition to the Input to carry out a task. In contrast with the Input dimension, additional evidence is not specific to a run of the task. For example, an existing Ontology could be used to generalize or rewrite the Keywords for many runs of a Dataset Search.
    Auxiliary data structure:
    An auxiliary data structure is used to support the carrying out of a task. For example, an LSH Index can be used to support efficient, scalable and approximate Dataset Search.
    A task is carried out using an approach, which makes explicit the algorithm type or method. For example, schema inference is often initiated by Clustering similar datasets from a collection.
    The purpose specifies the reason why a task is being carried out, where a task could address different goals. For example, in Schema Inference, one possible purpose is to produce a format that is precise enough to allow users to Query the underlying data resources, and a different purpose is to concisely Summarize the resources.
    As such, the dimensions seek to capture key features of dataset discovery and exploration tasks, capturing information on (i) inputs, outputs and output ordering; (ii) how the task is carried out in terms of the evidence used, key data structures and algorithmic approach; and (iii) the specific purpose that is being pursued. The specific values for the dimensions used by the different areas are introduced in Sections 3 through 6.

    3 Dataset Search

    Dataset Search is the process of identifying datasets on the basis of some information on what is required. It refers to the task of finding datasets from repositories that are most relevant to given keywords, datasets or queries. Datasets are ranked according to the extent to which they are predicted to satisfy the requirements expressed in the search. In practice, dataset search can be the first step taken by a data scientist when looking for data on which to act (e.g., I wonder what data there is on schools in England) or can be used later in the process to supplement earlier discoveries (e.g., I wonder what other datasets are similar to this one). Dataset search is constrained by the available information on what is required. For example, when looking for schools in England, there may be a keyword search for school, perhaps qualified with location information. In contrast, when looking for something similar to a known dataset, the input to the search is the known dataset. The need to meet such diverse requirements means that there is not a single best approach to dataset search; different approaches are complementary, and may be expected to coexist in a data discovery and exploration system. Furthermore, dataset search must provide rapid responses at scale, accommodate imprecise requests, and produce a plausible ranking of candidate solutions.
    Chapman et al. [21] has previously provided an overview of dataset search but focuses primarily on keyword search over published metadata. Datasets can also be identified from publications by way of the data citation index [80, 87]. Here, we characterise and compare recent generic results in dataset search and provide equal attention to dataset search for different query input categories, thus complementing the earlier survey and techniques that depend on curation or explicit references.

    3.1 Dataset Search Dimensions

    In this subsection, we introduce the dimensions used to characterize dataset search techniques; Figure 3 illustrates dimensions and their associated values, on which we now elaborate. The Output of a search is always a collection of datasets, as described in Section 1. The dimensions are as follows:
    Fig. 3.
    Fig. 3. Dataset search dimensions and their values.
    Dataset search is assumed to act over large repositories and to be carried out by a user who has some idea as to what is required. This idea as to what is required constitutes a request and can be expressed in a variety of forms. As in information retrieval for textual data, a search for relevant structured data can be carried out using Keywords that may be compared with features of the datasets in a repository. However, as the focus is on datasets that are structured or semi-structured, data contain intensional and extensional elements. A search that provides only intensional elements, such as the name of the collection or the names of attributes, would be considered to be searching using the terms from the Header. In contrast, a search that is given the Body of a dataset is extensional and would be considered to be seeking to answer the question what other datasets contain values that are similar to those given. Although a classical database query, say in SQL, assumes familiarity with the intensional aspects of a database, which typically are not known with any confidence during dataset search, some languages, such as SPARQL [72], can express queries that range over both extensional and intensional data (e.g., to retrieve the types of the resources that have any attribute with a given value), and thus query languages can be designed that express data search tasks.
    The Input to the search, of one of the types described earlier, is then compared in the search to some features of the datasets in the repository. The Subject of the search may be closely associated with the Input to the search. For example, if the Input to the search is the Body of a dataset, there is a good chance that the Subject of the Search will also be the Body of a dataset, and thus there is a similarity search at the extensional level. However, if the Input to the search is Keywords, then these keywords can be matched with the Header or Body of datasets in the repository, or with supplementary data such as human or computer generated Annotations or the textual Caption of a Web table.
    Ranking criteria:
    Search requests often yield multiple results that need to be ranked, in terms of closeness to the input request; this ranking tends to involve computing metrics that involve one or several criteria, drawn from Header Similarity (how similar are the names of datasets or their attributes?), Value Similarity (how similar are the extensional values in the datasets?), Format Consistency (how consistently are the values in two columns formatted?), Value Distribution (how consistent is the distribution of numerical values in two columns?) and Domain Similarity (how consistent are the predicted domains of different columns?).
    Additional evidence:
    A search may use additional information, for example, to reduce the impact of representational inconsistencies on the recall of a search. For example, an Ontology can identify relationships between terms that can inform either the search or the ranking, and Word Embeddings provide vector encodings of textual values that are closer in the vector space for words that are expected to have similar meanings [3].
    Auxiliary data structures:
    Search needs to scale, and as a result is likely to depend on data structures that support the efficient evaluation of requests over large repositories. Search may depend directly on an Inverted Index to provide a mapping from content, such as words or numbers, to their locations in a dataset. However, exact lookups may provide low recall, so approximate indexes are often deployed. For example, Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is an approximate indexing scheme that builds on hash functions for which the collision probability is higher for values that are more similar [44]. Hash functions have been developed that support different notions of similarity, such as Jaccard and Cosine similarity. An LSH Index exploits such hashing for similarity lookup, and LSH Forest is a refinement that reduces the need for manual parameter tuning [7]. In addition to indexes, Relationships between datasets in a repository may provide additional information on similarity. For example, in a search where the Input to the search is the Body of a dataset, the use of relationships could establish that the given Body matches several joined datasets better than any individual dataset.

    3.2 Dataset Search Proposals

    In this section, we review specific dataset search techniques in light of the dimensions from Section 3.1; the values of the dimensions for specific techniques are provided in Table 1. In practice, dataset search techniques can be grouped based on the Input to the search dimension; the techniques used tend to follow from the input, and we discuss proposals following the values for this dimension.
    Table 1.
    ProposalInputSubjectRankingAdditional EvidenceAuxiliary Data Structure
    Google Body   
    DatasetKeywordsHeaderValue SimilarityOntologyRelationships
    Search [16] Caption   
    OCTOPUSKeywordsBodyValue SimilarityInverted Indexes
    [17]  Format Similarity  
    TRSSKeywordsBodyValue SimilarityWord EmbeddingsRelationships
    [100] Annotations   
    TSBERTKeywordsBodyValue SimilarityWord EmbeddingsRelationships
    [23]  Header Similarity  
    WWTKeywordsHeaderValue SimilarityRelationships
    [75] BodyHeader Similarity  
    TUSBodyBodyValue SimilarityOntologyLSH Forest
    [66]  Domain SimilarityWord Embeddings 
       Header Similarity  
    D3LHeaderHeaderValue SimilarityWord EmbeddingsLSH Forest
    [12]BodyBodyFormat Similarity Relationships
       Value Distribution  
    QCR [81]BodyBodyValue DistributionInverted Indexes
    InfoGatherBodyBodyDomain SimilarityInverted Indexes
    [94] HeaderValue Similarity Relationships
    EntiTablesBodyBodyValue SimilarityWord EmbeddingsRelationships
    [99]   Ontology 
    AurumQueryHeaderValue Similarity LSH Index
    [33] Body  Relationships
    KGLacQueryBodyValue SimilarityWord EmbeddingsRelationships
    [42] Caption Ontology 
    Table 1. Dimensions for Dataset Search Proposals

    3.2.1 Keyword-Driven Search.

    Keyword search is a well-established paradigm for use with documents that can also be applied to initiate a discovery and exploration process for data. This task returns a ranked list of datasets from the corpus in descending order of their relevance scores with respect to one or several keywords. Keyword search allows users to target data with minimal knowledge of dataset structure and relationships. Instead, users can submit a set of keywords, and the search system returns a ranked list of datasets that are relevant to the query.
    As there is an existing survey that reviews results on keyword search for datasets with an emphasis on metadata search [21], we do not cover this ground again here, although we include Google Dataset Search in Table 1 as a prominent example of such an approach. Google Dataset Search [16] provides a keyword-based search over published annotations of Web datasets. The annotations, represented using Schema.org5 or W3C DCAT,6 are retrieved via Web crawls. The crawled annotations are then processed to resolve inconsistencies in how terms are used in annotations, to reconcile the annotations with a Knowledge Graph (KG), and to identify replicated datasets. The resulting representation is then indexed and searched using Web search technologies. Such an approach is potentially effective but requires that datasets are suitably annotated.
    Analogous to Web search, it is also possible to apply an information retrieval style search to datasets. For example, OCTOPUS [17] supports keyword searches on the content and context of Web datasets, and returns the top-k most relevant datasets. Using syntactic similarity measures, these datasets are clustered into groups of unionable datasets. In contrast to OCTOPUS, which matches datasets syntactically, more recent solutions tend to prefer semantic matching. For example, TRSS [100] represents both Input keyword queries and the datasets that are the Subject of the search in a semantic space. Specifically, they consider both word-based searches where the query and the dataset consist of lexical tokens, and entity-based searches where entities in the dataset are terms from a knowledge base that occur in the subject attribute of the dataset. The subject attribute is considered to capture what a dataset is about (e.g., in Figure 1, the Name is the subject attribute of the school tables, as the tables are about schools). The resulting terms are then mapped into a vector space using word or graph embeddings, and the similarity between keyword-dataset pairs is used to calculate the ranking.
    Semantic matching solutions can also apply deep contextualized language models, such as BERT [27], to match keywords with datasets on the basis of their semantics rather than their syntax. In Natural Language Processing (NLP), BERT has achieved impressive results on a wide variety of tasks (e.g., [2]). TSBERT [23] uses BERT to match keywords and datasets, following a select-then-rank framework. Firstly, a feature selection technique chooses the most relevant content from the cells, rows and columns of each dataset, then BERT is used to encode the concatenated text sequence of the selected dataset content as features. The resulting encoding, potentially combined with other features, is then used to derive the similarity between search terms and the dataset.
    Instead of matching and calculating relevance scores of keyword-dataset pairs or keyword-annotation pairs, WWT [75] defines a keyword search over datasets as a column mapping task: given multiple-keyword sets, the system treats each keyword set as a column query, and therefore matches each keyword set with columns from different datasets, finally consolidating relevant columns from matching tables into a new dataset. Intuitively, WWT identifies a set of datasets via column search, with both column headers and the context of datasets taken into account to calculate the relevance. As a strategy, by using keywords to provide example values for a target table, WWT can be considered to have some similarity to dataset-driven search, as discussed next.

    3.2.2 Dataset-Driven Search.

    Given a dataset, that may have been identified by other search or navigation tasks, techniques that search based on the Header and/or Body of that dataset can be used to identify additional data of relevance. Such a follow-on search may be to address a specific requirement. For example, Table Union Search (TUS) [66] aims to retrieve individual datasets that are union compatible with a given dataset. TUS considers similarity between the values in different columns, in the domains represented in different columns and in the word embeddings of values from different columns. With less of an explicit focus on unionability, Dataset Discovery in Data Lakes (D3L) [12] seeks to identify collections of one or more datasets that, when joined, are as similar as possible to the given dataset. A further difference between TUS and D3L is that although TUS considers several types of evidence in identifying related attributes, a probabilistic model is used to select the single most promising type of evidence for each column pair. In contrast, D3L uses a ranking function that considers the Euclidean distance between columns taking into account all the available evidence.
    Compared with TUS and D3L, QCR [81] addresses a more specialised dataset search problem, namely join-correlation search: find the top-k datasets that are joinable with the given dataset and contain columns highly correlated with the numerical columns in the given dataset. For example, in Figure 1, an analyst may want to study the potential relationship between average grades in school and deprivation levels. They may find School3 and Deprivation, which are joinable and have correlation in columns School3.Average Points and Deprivation.Income Deprivation Rate and Deprivation.Deprivation Rate Quintile . The proposed solution, QCR, relies on a hashing scheme that builds on sketches that capture correlations between numerical columns. Using this hashing scheme, the join-correlation search task identifies the top-k candidate datasets taking into account both joinability and the presence of correlations.
    In essence, TUS, D3L and QCR all work by taking as input a dataset and returning related datasets. There is, however, a related problem of table augmentation : given a dataset, search for relevant datasets that can be used to extend the given dataset with additional attributes or rows. InfoGather [94] and EntiTables [99] treat datasets as rows of entities. In Figure 1, School1 and School3 both contain data about entities of type School, although School1 primarily contains location attributes and School3 primarily contains performance attributes. Thus, in principle, each table could be used to augment the other with columns that provide additional information about individual schools. InfoGather [94] identifies three forms of augmentation: augmentation by attribute name, where the goal is to populate a given attribute based on its name; augmentation by example, where as well as the attribute name some example values are provided; and attribute discovery, that identifies potentially relevant attributes. Using schema matching techniques [78], a preprocessing phase creates a weighted, directed graph where nodes represent datasets and edges represent matches between their attributes, and derives properties for this graph that support efficient ranking of datasets at search time. At search time, given a search dataset and the graph, a PageRank variant identifies tables that are candidates for augmenting the search dataset. EntiTables [99] considers two forms of dataset augmentation: the addition of rows and the addition of attributes; both tasks are seen as ranking problems, where the goal is to identify a ranked collection of rows/entities or a ranked collection of attributes, respectively. Then probabilistic models are used to rank candidate entities and attributes. The approach is evaluated using the WikiTables corpus [10], by removing rows or columns from existing tables, and using the approach to identify candidate replacements.

    3.2.3 Query-Driven Search.

    The provision of a Query -based search process involves specifying the language to be used for querying and the model over which the language is to be evaluated. In Aurum [33], the model is a graph that describes the columns in the underlying repository, such that each column is a node, and the edges represent relationships between the columns; the creation of this graph is described in more detail in Section 4. The language can then use functions to carry out a keyword search over headers, identify columns that are similar or related to a given column, or identify columns that are directly or indirectly related to a given column. For example, assume that we would like to identify tables that have columns that are similar to those in School1 in Figure 1 and that mention London . This could be captured as follows.
    In this example, drs is a discovery result set that contains the columns from School1, table(match(drs)) returns the tables that have columns that are similar to those in drs, table(valueSearch(“London”)) returns the tables that contain the value London, and AND computes the intersection of its operands. Result ranking is an extensibility point in Aurum but tends to build on the similarity of result values to requests.
    Some approaches use structured queries by building their data search systems/frameworks on existing database engines, enabling them to interact with their users and locate relevant datasets via structured queries, as in SPARQL [72]. SPARQL allows users to query information from any data source that can be mapped to RDF. It can express queries that range over both data and metadata, as mentioned in Section 3.1, and thus it can express data a variety of discovery and exploration tasks. KGLac [42] creates a KG to interconnect datasets and columns, capturing metadata and semantics between them. The graph is then represented in RDF, so users can execute SPARQL queries over the graph to search for datasets that meet quite specific criteria.

    3.3 Dataset Search Conclusions

    State of the Art . Dataset search is the process of identifying the datasets that meet a user-specified requirement. As the requirement can be specified in quite different ways, it transpires that dataset search proposals are quite diverse. The input to the search can take the form of keywords, a dataset or a query, giving rise to quite different technical solutions. Furthermore, where the search starts from a dataset \(d\) , the result can either be other datasets that are similar to \(d\) , other datasets that when joined are similar to \(d\) , or other datasets that can be used to augment the data in \(d\) in some way. Furthermore, technical solutions need to address data heterogeneity and scale both when trying to identify and rank candidate solutions. Thus, dataset search is a rich and diverse topic, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
    Benchmarking and Performance . Evaluations of dataset search techniques investigate both effectiveness and scalability .
    As searches assess the relevance of the datasets in a collection to an Input request, the notion of effectiveness involves metrics that take into account the ranking of solutions. This can be as direct as the fraction of the searches that contain a relevant result in the top-k (e.g., [17]) or can also consider the position in the top-k of the relevant results, for example, using the Mean Reciprocal Rank, the Normalised Discounted Cumulative Gain (e.g., [23, 100]) or precision/recall at k (e.g., [12, 66]). These metrics require an understanding as to the relevance of a result for a query, which can be obtained through crowdsourcing [17] or expert annotation [12, 100], or by generating datasets for experimentation [66]. Evaluations sometimes make use of Web tables. For example, among keyword search results, TRSS [100] uses tables from the WikiTables corpus [10], and the same datasets and keyword queries are used when evaluating TSBERT [23]. Several of the dataset-driven search evaluations use open government datasets [12, 65, 81], and the benchmark of synthesized data proposed for TUS [66] has been used to compare TUS, D3L and Aurum [12]. There has also been some evaluation relating to usability: Aurum [33] used questionnaires on usefulness and time savings, and Voyager [13], which builds on D3L [12], uses a questionnaire to assess usability and task times to assess productivity.
    In relation to scalability, keyword search papers tend not to put much emphasis on scalability evaluations, most likely because keyword search at scale is well understood from Web indexing. However, dataset-driven search techniques carry out similarity comparisons at the dataset level, which involves maintaining custom indexes for this purpose. Aurum, D3L and TUS have been compared in relation to indexing time and search time [12] for repositories with up to 12,500 tables and 100,000 attributes. These systems all use LSH indexes, and general lessons are that LSH indexes take less space than the underlying datasets, with D3L requiring the most space because it indexes more features than Aurum or TUS; that index creation times are dominated by tasks other than the inserting of data into the index, such as graph building in Aurum and ontology access in TUS; that the time taken to build the index grows broadly linearly with dataset size; and that search times are highest for TUS, due to the overhead of accessing an external ontology and because computation of similarity scores requires significant post-processing.
    Directions . Dataset search has given rise to techniques that, given a variety of different types of input, can identify datasets from repositories that match syntactic or semantic features of the input. In relation to the Input, the most investigated cases are Keywords and datasets (some or all of the Header, Body or Caption). It would be good to have further usability studies to investigate how suitable these are in practice; how straightforward are these to supply, and how often do searches really lead to a useful result? The usefulness of a result to a human user may not be quite the same as relevance used in an empirical evaluation of a method. There are a few evaluations that explore usability aspects data search and exploration (e.g., [13, 60]), but these are more providing summative evaluations on existing approaches than formative evaluations can inform the tasks to be supported. Furthermore, dataset search techniques often use quite limited information to inform the search, either intrinsic (e.g., dataset-driven approaches often only search using the table body) or extrinsic (i.e., searches rarely use much in the way of additional evidence, e.g., annotations or usage patterns). In addition, most work has focused on tables, without refinements to allow for the fact that searches can be expected to be over heterogeneous data models and formats. There are also likely to be further technical opportunities to exploit, such as making more extensive use of large language models.

    4 Data Navigation

    Data Navigation is the process of exploring a collection of datasets by following relationships between the datasets. Navigation can usefully follow different categories of relationship, for example, to combine datasets using join paths, or to identify similarity relationships that reveal where the same type of data may recur. There are several different types of relationship in Figure 1 that may usefully be used for navigation. For example, a join of School1 on its Borough attribute with Deprivation on its Name attribute would provide information on the economic environment of the schools. Furthermore, there are several different attributes that describe the domain of local government regions, thus capturing a recurring type of data (e.g., School1.Borough, School2.LA_Name and BrownfieldSites.Organisation). When using independently produced datasets, there are also likely to be representational inconsistencies to contend with. For example, BrownfieldSites.SiteNameAddress combines site name and street information in a single attribute, whereas street information is stored on its own in School2.Address . Furthermore, it is likely to be important to be able to identify and maintain information about relevant relationships at scale.
    There is earlier work of relevance to navigation that has likely influenced the results considered here, but that has already been covered by comprehensive surveys. Data Profiling [1] is the process of deriving metadata that describes properties of individual datasets and certain relationships within and between datasets. For example, data profiling may discover features such as primary keys, functional dependencies and inclusion dependencies. These can be used, among other things, to identify candidate join paths between collections. Schema Matching [78] is the batch process of identifying similar datasets and attributes; schema matching has often been used as evidence to inform the writing or generation of schema mappings for data integration [8], and is related to ontology mapping for knowledge bases [47]. Schema matching algorithms can be used to identify potentially equivalent attributes of relevance to dataset discovery and exploration, although in this section we will give priority to techniques that were specifically designed for these tasks. Experimental work has been carried out comparing matching with other data navigation techniques [54].

    4.1 Data Navigation Dimensions

    As in Section 3, we use dimensions to capture key features of different techniques using consistent terminology; the dimensions are illustrated in Figure 4. Taking them in turn:
    Fig. 4.
    Fig. 4. Data navigation dimensions and their values.
    The data that is the starting point for the data navigation process. In the scope of this survey, navigation is not typically from one dataset to similar datasets, as identification of the datasets that are similar to a given dataset is considered to be a form of Dataset Search (as discussed in Section 3). Navigation between datasets often involves related attributes, and as a result it is common to have as a starting point Attribute Names and/or Attribute Values, perhaps with some other contextual information such as Dataset Names.
    The output of a navigation task is typically either a set of related items or a graph that represents the occurrence of a relationship between many datasets. For example, given School1.Borough and a request to find other attributes with the same domain, the result could be the set {School2.LA_Name, School3.LA_Name, Deprivation.Name, BrownfieldSites.Organisation}. Alternatively, a request could, for example, ask for a graph to be constructed in which the nodes are the datasets and the edges are connections between the datasets that represent pairs of attributes that share the same domain. These approaches provide complementary ways of representing similarity between the attributes of datasets, where the former provides a local perspective and the latter is more global. The nature of the relationship over which navigation takes place also varies between approaches, and surveyed papers include those that support navigation based on join paths, shared domains and semantic similarity.
    Additional evidence:
    The information, in addition to that in the Input, that informs the identification of relationships for navigating. Additional evidence is typically used to help identify relationships between attributes that are related but that manifest representational inconsistencies either in their names or values. For example, Word Embeddings [3] or an Ontology may be used to reflect the semantics of attribute values in addition to or instead of syntactic similarity. A further source of evidence for a relationship between datasets is Provenance, which makes explicit which values are derived from others [64].
    Auxiliary data structures:
    The construction of the result may require the maintenance of additional data structures to provide access to the evolving solution space. Scale presents a significant challenge to identifying and maintaining relationships, as it is likely to be prohibitively expensive to conduct all-against-all comparisons of attributes in a repository. As a result, auxiliary data structures tend to be indexes. For example, an Inverted Index [74] containing values from different attributes would group together information about attributes with overlapping values, and thus could be used to accumulate evidence of similarity between the attributes. An LSH index [44] could play a similar role but accommodate some inconsistency in the way that values are represented.
    The technique that is used to identify the relationships to be navigated. Many techniques for identifying navigation opportunities involve custom algorithms, contending with challenges from one or more of heterogeneity or scale.

    4.2 Data Navigation Proposals

    In this section, we review data navigation techniques, applying the dimensions from Figure 4. Here the subsections are ordered by the nature of the relationship over which navigation can take place.

    4.2.1 Join Path Discovery.

    A join path captures a relationship between datasets that can underpin a join. With reference to Figure 1, even in the absence of declared foreign keys, analyses could establish that Deprivation.Name is a key for Deprivation, and that the values from School1.Borough are included in Deprivation.Name, thus inferring a foreign key relationship that could be used for joining. Join paths can be used in different ways during data discovery and exploration.
    Although this survey groups results within topics such as Dataset Search and Data Navigation, individual approaches may have elements that belong to more than one group. For example, from the Dataset Search approaches, D3L [12] constructs a graph of join paths behind the scenes, with a view to identifying which collection of joinable tables together are the best match to a query table. Analogously, Aurum [33] constructs an explicit graph of join paths for users to query. There is not always a crisp distinction between categories. However, there are approaches that specifically focus on joins, in particular, to contend with the fact that independently produced datasets that may be candidates for joining.
    JOSIE [105] supports a version of the joinable table discovery problem: given a table column, identify the set of tables with which that column can most usefully be joined (Table 2). In JOSIE, given a query consisting of the values in a column \(c\) , the aim is to find the top-k columns in a collection that have the highest overlap with \(c\) . An exhaustive search for the top-k columns is impractical for large repositories, and JOSIE provides techniques that dynamically identify subsets of the candidate attributes that are worthy of further consideration. For settings in which there are very large numbers of tables, for example, Web tables, LSH Ensemble [107] provides an approximate solution to the same problem. In essence, an index is produced that aims to returns the attributes in a repository with the highest set containment such that the containment of X in Y is defined as \(t(X,Y) = \frac{|X \cap Y|}{|X|}\) . As an individual LSH index can give low recall when indexing columns with highly variable cardinalities, LSH Ensemble provides techniques for identifying how to partition data over several LSH indexes to retain good recall and precision.
    Table 2.
    ProposalInputOutputAdditional EvidenceAuxiliary Data StructuresApproach
    JOSIEAttribute ValuesSet of Attributes Inverted IndexBespoke
    LSH EnsembleAttribute ValuesSet of Attributes LSH IndexPartitioning
    PEXESOAttribute ValuesSet of TablesWordInverted IndexBespoke
    [28]  Embeddings  
    Auto-JoinAttibute ValuesTransformation  Bespoke
    [106] Program   
    SeepingAttribute NamesKGWord Bespoke
    SemanticsDataset Names Embeddings,  
    [34]  Ontology  
    [65]Attribute ValuesNavigation GraphWord Bespoke
    C \(^4\) [58]Attribute ValuesDomain Hierarchy  Clustering
    D \(^4\) [69]Attribute ValuesSet of Domains  Bespoke
    RAF-STDAttribute ValuesSet of Domains Linkage GraphBespoke
    DomainNetAttribute ValuesSet of BipartiteGraph
    [57] Homographs GraphAnalysis
    FRT [82]Attribute NamesRanked TablesHypernymsHash IndexBespoke
     Attribute Values    
    Juneau [103]Attribute ValuesRanked TablesProvenanceProfile IndexBespoke
    Table 2. Data Navigation Dimensions Applied to Proposals
    PEXESO [28] also addresses the joinable table discovery problem, although allowing for the possibility that there may be representational inconsistencies in columns that it may be semantically meaningful to join. For example, in Figure 1, it is semantically meaningful to join Deprivation.Name with BrownfieldSites.Organisation, but values may not be represented consistently (e.g., see Camden). In PEXESO, an offline component constructs an inverted index of candidate join columns, using word embeddings with a view to capturing the meanings of values as multi-dimensional vectors, thereby abstracting over representational inconsistencies. The online component then looks up the column index using the same embeddings; the idea is then that the user can choose which of the joinable columns may be most useful in a given setting.
    Representational inconsistencies, in potentially joinable columns, may give rise to a requirement for some form of similarity join (e.g., [86]) rather than an equi-join. Alternatively, it may be possible to infer a transformation that can reformat the values in one of the potentially joinable attributes. In Auto-Join [106], similar values in the potentially joinable columns are sampled and used as training data to infer format transformation programs. These transformation programs can then extract, recombine or reorder tokens that enable equi-joins to be applied to the resulting values.

    4.2.2 Related Collection Discovery.

    In join path discovery, as discussed in Section 4.2.1, relationships are identified between individual data items, that allow navigation from one instance to another. This is clearly useful, but it may also be useful to identify more abstract relationships between collections. When collections are related, there will typically also be relationships between data items within those collections, but the graph of relationships at the collection level is expected to be compact and thus useful for comprehension.
    Seeping Semantics [34], along with Aurum [33] (discussed in Section 3.2), aims to populate a KG, in which datasets are nodes and edges support both joins (through Aurum) and semantic similarity (through Seeping Semantics). In Seeping Semantics, it is assumed that there is access to an ontology that characterises relevant concepts in a domain. This ontology is then matched with schema information from datasets in the repository; the matching uses a composite matcher that considers both syntactic similarity and word embeddings. Initial syntactic matches are then filtered, to retain only those associated with semantically related terms. Where a schema element from a dataset is matched with several ontology concepts, a pruning step seeks to identify the most specialised generally applicable concept. Where several datasets match the same concept, these datasets are themselves connected in the KG, indicating semantic relatedness. As such, the KG from Seeping Semantics and Aurum provides different types of edge with which to navigate between source datasets.
    With a view to making navigation efficient, in the sense that a target dataset can be identified by following a small number of links, a proposal has been made for a graph structure that is specifically designed to support navigation [65]. Navigation takes place through a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in which different nodes represent sets of attributes, and thereby the datasets that contain those attributes. Each node is associated with a subset of the attributes of its parents, and thus with a smaller number of datasets. The user navigates through the DAG from the root until a leaf node is reached. The DAG is constructed to maximise the probability that a table can be found by navigating from the root, visiting a child at each point based on the similarity of the child to the user’s requirement. The DAG construction algorithm penalises solutions with long paths. As each graph node represents a set of datasets, the DAG is likely to be much smaller than the KG generated by Seeping Semantics, in which each dataset forms a single node. As such, this approach is an attempt to abstract over the individual sources for the purposes of navigation. Further techniques that seek to abstract over the features of individual sources are discussed under Schema Inference in Section 6.

    4.2.3 Domain Discovery.

    A domain is a collection of values that instantiate an application concept. For example, Camden and Greenwich are both members of the domain of London Boroughs, and both Al Gore and Mike Pence belong to the domain of Former US Vice-Presidents . The discovery of a domain, which may occur in many different attributes in a repository, identifies where these attributes are related in the sense that they are representing the same application concept. Note that a single value may belong to multiple domains. For example, both Al Gore and Mike Pence belong to the domain of Authors . Thus, in relation to navigation, domain discovery can support users in answering the question what other attributes contain information that represents the same application concept as this one.
    Motivated by the prevalence of tabular datasets in enterprises, Concept Construction from Coherent Clusters (C \(^4\) ) [58] creates a hierarchy of domains, where each domain is a set of values drawn from potentially many columns. The approach is first to cluster values based on their co-occurrence in columns, so a pair of values is more likely to be part of a coherent domain if the pair of values appears together in a column (e.g., in Figure 1, Camden and Greenwich appear together in both School2.LA_Name and School3.LA_Name, which is a signal that they could be part of the same domain). As the clustering process merges smaller clusters to give larger ones, a potentially deep hierarchy of clusters is produced. The hierarchy represents domain containment, which occurs in practice (e.g., with reference to Figure 1, the boroughs listed belong to the domain of Local Government Areas in London, which might be considered to be part of the wider domain of Local Government Areas in England). As such, there is an Optimizing step that, given a fixed (probably small) maximum depth of tree, selects a subset of the nodes from the tree of clusters based on how well the clusters are covered by the values in table columns. This Optimizing objective assumes that domains are likely to be found in their entirety in at least some columns.
    Data-Driven Domain Discovery (D4) [69], a bespoke algorithm, explores overlap relationships between sets of column values with a view to identifying which sets of values can be considered to comprise separate domains. A particular focus is placed on coping with the fact that the same value may legitimately belong to more than one domain. For example, in Figure 1, in School1, City of London is the name of a school and the name of a borough, and both School Names and Borough Names are domains that it would be useful to identify in our open government scenario. A consequence of the emphasis on overlapping sets of values in the algorithm is that D4, like C \(^4\) , assumes that the values in a domain are represented consistently across different tables.
    Also providing a bespoke algorithm that builds domains from attribute extents, RAF-STD [73] has been developed in the context of online product specifications. RAF-STD iteratively extends the values in candidate domains, based on the similarity of the collections of values in different attributes. RAF-STD is not dependent on values being represented consistently in different sources, but depends on the provision of a reliable linkage graph for the instances from which the domains are being inferred to obtain high recall.
    Related to domain discovery, DomainNet [57] identifies homographs in data repositories, where a homograph is a data value that occurs with more than one meaning. In domain discovery based on overlaps between datasets, as in C4 and D4, homographs are values that risk the merging of domains that represent different concepts. For example, in Figure 1, the value City of London is used in School1 to represent both the Name of a school and the name of a Borough .
    These approaches to domain discovery are motivated by different applications, and features of these applications influence algorithm designs; it would be interesting to see an empirical comparison of each approach on the other’s data. Note that, unlike in Data Annotation (Section 5), none of these approaches give names to the discovered domains.

    4.2.4 Multiple Relationship Frameworks.

    Several proposals have been made that support more than one type of similarity within an overarching framework.
    In Finding Related Tables (FRT), Das Sharma et al. [82] identify related tables \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) as those that are related to a given target table \(T\) by queries \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) , respectively. Then the nature of the relationship between \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) depends on properties of the queries and the relatedness of their results. In practice, the idea is that the queries select or project values from \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) that in turn can be unioned or joined to yield a result that is similar to \(T\) . In common with many other techniques, there is significant technical focus on deriving degrees of relatedness. In FRT, this builds on the subject column of a table, a column that is inferred to contain information about the entities the table is about [91]. In Figure 1, Name is likely to be inferred as the subject column of each of the School tables. The values in these columns are then used to look up the type of the column in an external hypernym store, such as WebIsA [84]. The similarity between query results is then based on the similarity of the types inferred for column values in the hypernym store. This use of subject columns potentially provides a useful way of abstracting over representational inconsistencies in column values, but also depends on having access to a suitable hypernym store. The approach has been developed in the context of Web tables and uses a hypernym store inferred from a Web crawl.
    A still wider range of relationships is explored in Juneau [103], which is designed to support data scientists in identifying related tables for data science tasks. Tasks identified include augmenting training data, linking tables that have high column overlap, identifying additional features for machine learning, and data cleaning. Each of these tasks require different emphases when looking for datasets that are similar to a given dataset. As a result, Juneau provides a large number of different similarity metrics, many covering similar ground to that covered earlier in this section on navigation, but also including similarity of provenance, informed by how datasets were produced by a Python program. The contribution of this work has been to combine these techniques in a single relationship framework to provide targeted support for data science tasks [102].

    4.3 Data Navigation Conclusions

    State of the Art. . Obtaining value from data repositories often depends on combining datasets to obtain a more complete picture than is provided by datasets in isolation. This in turn involves navigating between datasets, to identify additional data that can be combined through joins, or to identify datasets that contain similar types of data. Specific results have to deal with challenges that result from scale (large numbers of datasets, or large datasets) or heterogeneity (different names in metadata, data values being formatted in different ways) or both. As a result, results are often approximate, building on models of similarity that are designed to capture an intuition as to what is likely to be suitable in a given setting [103].
    Benchmarking and Performance . Evaluations of data navigation techniques investigate both the effectiveness and scalability .
    In relation to effectiveness, although it is not unknown for techniques to provide exact solutions to a problem [105], most problem specifications give rise to approximate or best-effort solutions, to accommodate data inconsistencies [28, 34, 73, 106] or scale [107]. This is reflected in the datasets used for evaluation, where datasets can usefully be large and produced by multiple publishers; many techniques are evaluated using open government data (e.g., [69]) or Web tables (e.g., [106]) or both (e.g., [28, 105, 107]). However, although there is some shared practice in the datasets used, variations in the problems addressed tend to mean that individual approaches develop their own test cases. For example, in join discovery, some techniques focus on overlapping attribute values and thus require consistent representations in joinable columns (e.g., Josie [105] and LSH-Ensemble [107]), whereas others focus on cases where values have inconsistent representations (e.g., Auto-Join [106]). It is a similar story in domain discovery, where some techniques build on value overlap (e.g., C \(^4\) [58] and D \(^4\) [69]), whereas others build on value similarity (e.g., RAF-STD [73]). In such settings, many experiments develop ground truths that reflect the task at hand; this may have been obtained by comparing an approximate algorithm with the exact result [107], or by manual annotation (e.g., [28, 69, 73]). For example, manual annotation is commonly used in domain discovery, as only an expert user can determine what values constitute a domain, especially because domains can overlap. There are also cases where the suitability of a result is subjective, giving rise to user studies in which the results are assessed by individuals, for example, in Seeping Semantics that postulates relationships between collections [33] and when navigating within data collections for discovery purposes [65].
    In relation to performance, many of the techniques in data navigation involve the comparison of collections of collections of values, for example, exploring the collection of attributes, each of which is a collection of values, to identify which attributes may join or which attributes draw values from the same domain. Such comparisons can be supported by indexes, whether exact inverted indexes (e.g., as in Josie [105]) or approximate indexes (e.g., as in LSH-Ensemble [107]). Experiments on scalability then report runtimes for different dataset sizes. The nature of the evaluation varies from problem to problem. For example, in join discovery, scalability results have been reported for the following problems: identify the columns that may join with a given column [105], or identify the cost of evaluating a join involving syntactically inconsistent columns [106]. Thus, although there has been some consistency of practice in dataset selection, problem variants can give rise to very different scalability challenges. As a result, there are fewer head-to-head performance studies than might be expected, although LSH-Ensemble and Josie are compared in the work of Zhu et al. [105].
    Directions. . Although existing techniques can identify a variety of navigation opportunities at scale, there is quite some diversity in these. This is reflected in the fact that, as well as the individual types of navigation, there are papers that describe several types of navigation in a single environment. It would be good to have more insight on how these can be used in practice in different settings, such as notebooks [13, 103], data lakes [70] or open data systems [60]. Such experience may cast light on the recurring dichotomy between techniques that assume consistent value representations when inferring relationships (that support joins, for example) and those that allow for inconsistent value representations (but that are then more difficult to compute over). Much of the work on navigation could also provide a foundation for the provision of more abstract representations of the data in repositories, as discussed further in Section 6.

    5 Data Annotation

    Data Annotation is to associate data elements with some pre-defined annotations from vocabularies and KGs,7 so as to enrich the data meta information and semantics. Considering the tables in Figure 1, we could annotate that the Phase column of School2 is composed of categorical values, whereas the Pupils column of School3 contains integers. Such annotations bring data type information. Given a KG such as Wikidata,8 we could further annotate the cell Camden in Deprivation with the entity WD:Q149836, and annotate the column Name with the semantic type WD:Q149621 (district) .9 Different kinds of semantics have already been defined for these annotations in Wikidata, allowing us to capture a broader and more accurate understanding of the tables (e.g., “Camden” does not refer to the city Camden in New Jersey in the United States but an area of London in UK). In many semi-structured datasets in formats such as TSV and CSV, there is a shortage of meta information such as the file name and column header, or the meta information has no concrete meanings (e.g., the column header Name). In such cases, both data type annotations and semantic annotations become especially important to curate and fully understand the data.
    There have been quite a few studies on data annotation, especially for tabular data, mainly from the Database, the Semantic Web, NLP and Machine Learning communities. Table annotation is sometimes called table interpretation, whereas table annotation with knowledge base constructs is also known as semantic table interpretation, semantic table annotation, table to KG matching and so on [18, 45, 101]. The specific task of annotating table cells by KG entities is also equivalent to table entity linking [10]. There is some literature that partially reviews table annotation studies from specific perspectives. Pujara et al. [77] summarize a tutorial in KDD’21 on recent advances in table understanding, where some semantic table annotation works on table cell typing and entity linking are reviewed. Cafarella et al. [18] briefly review Web table processing and application in the past 10 years, covering some works on subject column discovery, column type annotation and inter-column relationship annotation. Zhang and Balog [101] focus on a comprehensive literature review on processing Web tables, which includes a part on table interpretation. Different from these review works, in this section we aim to give a more comprehensive overall picture on data annotation, especially different kinds of annotations towards tabular data.

    5.1 Data Annotation Dimensions

    Data annotation mainly focuses on semi-structured data, especially tabular datasets without high-quality meta information, such as Web tables, CSV files, TSV files and spreadsheets (Figure 5). For simplicity, we refer to such tabular data and relational databases as tables. Besides tables, semi-structured data for annotations also include graphs, and tables can sometimes be transformed into graphs using tools such as GraphDB OntoRefine and BootOX [35, 46]. The annotations can be a pre-defined vocabulary, which includes ad hoc labels defined for a task (e.g., “Primary School” and “Secondary School” for annotating a column’s semantic type) and widely recognized terms (e.g., xsd:integer for annotating a column’s data type). The annotations can also be data-level and schema-level semantics defined in a KG such as instances (a.k.a. entities), semantic types (a.k.a. classes or concepts), and data and object properties.
    Fig. 5.
    Fig. 5. Data annotation dimensions and their values.
    Output (annotations) and annotation subject:
    Data annotation outputs different annotations for data elements of different subjects. A table cell or graph node can be annotated by an entity if it is an entity mention, or a data type if it is a literal such as a number and a date; a table column can be annotated by a semantic type according to its cells. Specially, one whole table row is sometimes annotated by an entity and one whole table is sometimes annotated by a class. In this case, the table usually has a subject column, whose cells are subject entities of their corresponding rows. One example is the Name column in School2 in Figure 1. Note that one column can be annotated by multiple classes, and they are usually hierarchical with a subsumption relationship (e.g., School and Organization). The relationship between two columns can be annotated by hierarchical object properties (i.e., relations) if both columns contain entities, and hierarchical data properties if one column contains entities while another column contains literals as, for example, the entities’ attribute values [45, 59]. The annotation for the relationship between two graph nodes is similar.
    Additional evidence:
    Quite a few additional resources could be utilized to support data annotation. In table annotation, one common kind of resource is the table context, such as the table caption, and the surrounding text from Web pages or articles [104]. Similarly, table headers (table schema)—that is, the column names—sometimes could also be utilized. Besides the additional evidence from the data to annotate, vocabularies and KGs are sometimes augmented by some efficient knowledge retrieval tools, especially lookup services which enable efficient keyword-based entity search based on a lexical index (e.g., DBpedia Lookup10) and the query engine which enables complex knowledge access via logical queries (e.g., Wikidata Query Service11). Both lookup services and query engines are especially important when the KG or vocabulary for annotation has a huge size, as they can help to efficiently extract a candidate annotation set with a reasonable size and a high recall [22, 30, 68]. Meanwhile, some external resources such as search engines and synonym dictionaries could also be used as additional evidence for matching [104]. Today, with the application of machine learning and NLP methods applied in data annotation, some pre-trained word embeddings and models such as Word2Vec and BERT have also been widely used, especially for text understanding and inference.
    The key challenge in data annotation is capturing the contextual meaning of the target data element and the disambiguation of the candidate annotations. We divide these widely used techniques into four categories: (i) Lexical Matching, which compares the surface forms of a data element and an annotation for equivalence matching, usually with the help of lexical similarity metrics (e.g., edit distance and cosine similarity) or lexical indexes; (ii) Joint Optimizing, which jointly or collectively annotates multiple related data elements with their correlation and consistency considered for disambiguation (e.g., the type of the entity annotation to a cell should be consistent with the type annotation of this cell’s column); (iii) Neural Networks & Embedding, which first represents the data elements and annotations in a vector space with their semantics such as text and contexts conserved, often using Neural Networks (NNs) , pre-trained embeddings and models, and then calculates the vector distance or predicts the matching with a machine learning classifier; (iv) Crowdsourcing, which aims at developing platforms and tools for easier manual annotation with human labour reduced. It is worth mentioning that many successful table annotation systems or methods often combine technologies of more than one category. One typical paradigm is initially matching data elements with annotations such as KG entities and classes by lexical matching with different string similarity metrics, and then adjusting the matching degrees via joint optimizing which models the influence between annotations or maximizes an overall score using iterative algorithms or probabilistic models [59, 79, 104].

    5.2 Data Annotation Proposals

    Here we review data annotation proposals, grouped by the nature of the annotation produced.

    5.2.1 Entity Annotation.

    In textual data, there are often words or phrases that describe entities, often known as entity mentions in NLP. For tables and graphs, such entity mentions may appear at the level of a whole table cell, a phrase/word inside a table cell, a graph node, or even a whole table row with one cell as the subject and the remaining cells as its attributes. A straightforward solution for annotating such entity mentions is directly comparing their surface forms with annotations via string similarity metrics such as TF-IDF, cosine similarity and BM25. Some strategies, such as ensembling scores from different metrics, matching by some tokens of the entity mention, and looking for different forms or synonyms of words from external resources, could be adopted to improve the performance. However, it still suffers from the scalability issue, and in many cases cannot capture the semantics for disambiguation, especially when a large-scale KG is considered for annotation candidates. For the scalability issue, successful solutions, such as those of Efthymiou et al. [30] and MTab [68], adopt modern KG retrieval tools such as lookup services based on lexical indexes.
    To capture the semantics for disambiguation, the contexts of both mentions to annotate and entity annotations should be considered and utilized. Efthymiou et al. [30] proposes to use semantic embedding for better performance, besides KG lookup. It includes two stages: an offline stage, which calculates the embedding of each KG entity via a random walk of its neighbourhood and Word2Vec for its textual information, and an online stage, which first constructs a disambiguation graph whose vertices are candidate entities of each mention accessed by lexical matching and edges are normalized cosine similarities between candidate entities, and then applies a weighted PageRank algorithm to compute the scores of candidates of each mention. TURL [26] embeds a table for different semantic table annotation tasks. It pre-trains a structure-aware Transformer with a Masked Entity Recovery objective, and fine-tunes this model with labeled samples when applied to entity annotation. Instead of pre-training a new Transformer model from scratch, BERTMap [40] prefers to fine-tune a pre-trained BERT model. Note that although BERTMap is originally developed for matching two ontologies, it can be applied to annotate graph nodes with KG entities.
    Joint optimizing is also widely used for utilizing the correlation between annotations for disambiguation. TabEL [10] adopts the Iterative Classification algorithm to collectively disambiguate all mentions in a given table, using different kinds of features, such as prior probability features, semantic relatedness features, and entity-mention similarity features. The online stage of Efthymiou et al. [30] also belongs to joint optimizing, where entity candidates of each mention are considered for disambiguation. Limaye et al. [59], TableMiner+ [104] and T2K Match [79] consider the correlation of not only the entity annotations, but also other kinds of annotations. The first method uses a probabilistic graph model to optimize an overall score that takes all the annotations of a table into consideration, whereas the following two methods adopt iterative algorithms to let the annotations impact each other. One simple iteration idea often adopted by such methods is first determining a column’s semantic type via its cells’ partial entity annotations and then adjusting the cells’ entity annotations under the constraint of the column type.
    It is worth mentioning that table or graph entity annotation has a significant overlap with entity linking in NLP, which has been widely investigated [85]. Some of the entity linking methods could also be applied to table or graph entity annotation after extension. Meanwhile, developing a user-friendly system for easier human annotation and crowdsourcing is also a feasibility solution. OpenRefine [92] is such a table annotation system that supports entity annotations from Wikidata.

    5.2.2 Semantic Type Annotation.

    Like entity annotations, semantic type annotations can be directly inferred from the entities. In semantic column type annotation, a column is usually annotated with the common types of the entity annotations of its cells. For example, MTab [68] first gets cells’ high-quality entity annotations via data preprocessing (e.g., data type prediction, header prediction and subject column prediction) and different matchings with WikiGraph—a target KG built from DBpedia, Wikipedia and Wikidata—and then infers semantic column types. However, this solution will fail if the entities are challenging to annotate, or some or even all of the entity mentions in a column do not have entity associations in the KG, or the semantic types for annotation do not have enough instances [22]. In joint optimizing methods with different kinds of annotations considered, such as those of Limaye et al. [59], TableMiner+ [104] and T2K Match [79], column type annotations and entity annotations are improved together, usually in an iterative way.
    Another more straightforward solution is directly predicting the semantic column types without entity linking. ColNet [22] first gets relevant KG entities and semantic types via lexical matching by table cells, and then trains a one-vs-rest classifier for each candidate semantic type using synthetic columns generated from relevant KG entities. Word embeddings and a convolutional NN are adopted by the classifier for embedding the column semantics for disambiguation. TURL [26], which embeds a table via pre-training a structure-aware Transformer, can also be applied to predict semantic column types via fine-tuning with labeled samples.
    Semantic type annotation for graph nodes has been investigated for years in domains such as KG construction and refinement. For example, SDType [71] calculates the statistical distribution of the types in the subject and object positions of each property, and then simply infers the type of an entity according to its associated properties with a weighted voting approach. Modern KG embedding techniques have also been applied to type KG entities, where the types are embedded with their relationships concerned (e.g., [97]).

    5.2.3 Property Annotation.

    As with semantic type annotation, properties can be annotated by utilizing the annotated entities. Given a pair of entities \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) , a straightforward solution is to match \(e_1\) with all the associated entities of \(e_2\) in the KG, and adopt the properties that associate the matched entity with \(e_2\) . Similarly, \(e_2\) can also be matched with the associated entities of \(e_1\) . To annotate the relationship between two table columns, simple majority voting or weighted voting (as in, e.g., T2K Match [79]) can be adopted based on all entity pairs from table cells. Some systems, such as MTab [68] and TableMiner+ [104], also detect the subject column for assistance and utilize the names (headers) of surrounding columns as indicators. As in semantic column type annotation, table properties are also jointly annotated with other kinds of annotations for disambiguation in systems such as T2K Match [79], those of Limaye et al. [59] and TableMiner+ [104]. TURL [26] also fine-tunes its pre-trained structure-aware table representation model to directly predict property annotations with the table contexts embedded for disambiguation. For graph data, the relationship between two nodes can also be annotated by relations (object properties), which is sometimes known as link prediction. There have been quite a few methods using graph algorithms and deep learning techniques, including random walk, graph kernel, graph feature engineering, graph embedding, graph NNs and so on [19, 63].

    5.2.4 Data Type Annotation.

    Data types often need to be recognized before annotating entities, semantic types and properties, and some semantic table annotation systems firstly annotate data types for cells and columns. For example, MTab [68] first predicts a table cell’s type as empty, named entity or literal type (e.g., numerical tags, e-mail, URL and phone number), and then determines a column’s data type via majority voting with its cells. Similarly, TableMiner+ [104] addresses data type annotation as a preprocessing step. It uses regular expressions over each cell to classify them into empty, named entity, number, date expression, long text or other.
    Some methods, in contrast, are developed specifically for data type annotation for table columns. Neumaier et al. [67] construct contextual data types using data properties and the subjects of data properties, such as height of people and height of building, represent these types as a tree, and develop a nearest neighbours classification model to predict the type of a numeric table column. Alobaid et al. [4] define a number typology (vocabulary), which includes types such as nominal, ordinal and interval-ratio and sub-types such as categorical, counts and sequential, for annotating numerical table columns. Their method, TTLA, uses complex type-wise heuristic rules and a type detection order to detect the type and sub-type of a column from a set of values.

    5.3 Data Annotation Conclusions

    State of the Art . Data annotation, which associates data elements of tables or graphs with pre-defined (and often shared) semantic labels, can enhance data understanding and has started to play a fundamental role for supporting other dataset discovery and exploration tasks including dataset search, data navigation and schema inference. Different kinds of annotations, including data types and KG-defined entities, semantic types and properties, have been supported by the current methods for data elements in tables and graphs. Some typical technologies and paradigms together with external resources for annotation, including lexical matching with KG index and retrieval service, joint optimizing of multiple annotations for disambiguation, and table semantic embedding, have been well investigated in the existing studies.
    Benchmarking and Performance . For semantic table annotation, there are several widely used benchmarks with different ground truth annotations. One typical benchmark is the table set extracted from Wikipedia pages, which was originally proposed in the work of Limaye et al. [59] and recently released by others [22, 30]. Wikipedia tables often have high quality, and their cells’ hyperlinks to other Wikipedia pages can be utilized to get the ground truth entity annotations via the correspondence between Wikipedia pages and entities of KGs such as Wikidata. Another typical benchmark is called T2Dv2, which was extracted from regular pages of the Web with manual entity annotations from DBpedia [79]. Note that with the entity annotations to the cells, the columns’ type annotations and inter-column property annotations can be inferred via semantics in the KG. These two benchmarks both have a medium scale with hundreds of tables. Recently, the yearly SemTab challenge12 on matching tabular data to KG has developed quite a few real-life and synthetic benchmarks with varying sizes and tasks of cell entity annotation, (hierarchical) column type annotation and inter-column property annotation, covering KGs of DBpedia, Wikidata and Schema.org [45].
    Regarding the evaluation, most of the current data annotation works focus on the annotation quality with metrics such as Precision, Recall and F1 Score. Although some works report the computation, efficiency and scalability are much less considered in the current studies. SemTab also focuses on the accuracy evaluation. It attracts around 10 systems for evaluation in each year, covering all the approaches listed in Table 3. According to SemTab’s evaluation reports and studies of the methods reviewed in this work, those systems that ensemble different lexical matching methods, such as MTab [68], can often easily achieve quite good performance. NN and embedding-based approaches have shown strong capability in capturing the semantics and often achieve better performance on matching cases with different surface forms, but they often need to be carefully combined with some lexical matching methods or KG indexes for higher overall performance and higher scalability.
    Table 3.
    ProposalInputOutput (Annotation)Annotation SubjectAdditional EvidenceApproach
    [30]TablesEntityTable RowKnowledge RetrievalLexical Matching
     KG  Word EmbeddingNN & Embedding
         Joint Optimizing
    MTab [68]TablesEntityTable CellPre-trained ModelLexical Matching
     KGSemantic TypeTable ColumnKnowledge Retrieval 
      Data TypeRelationship  
    TURL [26]TablesEntityTable CellTable ContextNN & Embedding
     KGSemantic TypeTable ColumnTable Header 
    BERTMapGraphsEntityGraph NodePre-trained ModelLexical Matching
    [40]KG   NN & Embedding
    TabEL [10]TablesEntityTable CellLexical Matching
     KG   Joint Optimizing
     TablesEntityTable CellTable ContextLexical Matching
    [59]KGSemantic TypeTable ColumnTable HeaderJoint Optimizing
    TableMiner+TablesEntityTable CellTable ContextLexical Matching
    [104]KGSemantic TypeTable ColumnTable HeaderJoint Optimizing
      PropertyRelationshipSearch Engine 
      Data Type   
    T2K MatchTablesEntityTable RowTable HeaderLexical Matching
    [79]KGSemantic TypeTable Joint Optimizing
    OpenRefineTablesEntityTable CellCrowdsourcing
    ColNet [22]TablesSemantic TypeTable ColumnKnowledge RetrievalLexical Matching
     KG  Word EmbeddingNN & Embedding
    SDTypeGraphsSemantic TypeGraph NodeJoint Optimizing
    [67]TablesData TypeTable ColumnTable HeaderLexical Matching
     KG  Knowledge Retrieval 
    TTLA [4]Tables VocabularyData TypeTable ColumnJoint Optimizing
    Table 3. Data Annotation Dimensions Applied to Proposals
    Directions . Many techniques have been proposed and evaluated for data annotation, especially semantic table annotation, but there are likely to be significant remaining opportunities for annotating data repositories. One problem, for example, is that the current studies often regard annotation as an isolated task, ignoring the annotation’s downstream tasks and resulting requirements. Meanwhile, state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, such as pre-trained (large) language models (e.g., BERT [27] and ChatGPT13) in combination with prompt learning, which have significantly improved many natural language understanding and inference tasks, have not been widely explored for data annotation. Data annotation tools that can better utilize such techniques are expected to have better performance, especially for data with semi-structured and unstructured text.

    6 Schema Inference

    Schema inference is the process of identifying datasets that share structural elements, and thereby of generating a global schema that can represent the data captured by multiple datasets. Consider the example from Figure 1. The figure contains five tables, but two of them (School1 and School2) contain information about school locations. Thus, a schema inference process could infer a single table definition for inclusion in a global schema that includes the attributes from both School1 and School2, merging pairs of attributes that are inferred to be equivalent, as illustrated in Figure 6. At scale, schema inference can generate a summary of the structural properties in a repository that is much more concise than the original list of datasets. In addition, schema inference can identify recurring relationships, and in some cases can infer inheritance hierarchies.
    Fig. 6.
    Fig. 6. Example of an inferred School table with example rows from School1 and School2 in Figure 1.
    As a result, schema inference can be seen as complementing the other areas covered in this survey. By default, a dataset search is likely to return a ranked list of similar datasets; schema inference over such datasets can identify recurring patterns and make explicit relationships between the search results. Dataset Navigation typically identifies relationships between individual datasets; however, schema inference seeks to generalise from relationships between individual datasets to relationships between groups of datasets. Dataset Annotation can identify conceptually related datasets by associating them with related terms from a vocabulary; schema inference can potentially identify conceptually similar datasets in the absence of a relevant vocabulary.
    There is a substantial literature on schema inference, with most results focusing on specific data models. Different flavours of schema inference may be referred to as schema extraction [41], schema discovery [50], structure inference [25], graph summarize [37] and schema induction [93]. An inferred schema may have a precise relationship to the underlying individuals. For example, when inferring an XML Schema from a collection of XML documents, the documents may all conform to the inferred schema. This has some obvious advantages in terms of the role and use of the inferred schema, but if the underlying documents are highly heterogeneous, the inferred schema may become cumbersome, or even a union of the underlying representations. As such, in other approaches, the inferred schema may not attempt to have such a crisp relationship to the underlying data, and may more seek to produce a summary that captures recurring features. In this article, as the scope is discovery and exploration over heterogeneous and independently produced datasets, our focus is primarily on schema inference for Summarizing the structural features of datasets.

    6.1 Schema Inference Dimensions

    As in previous sections, we use a collection of dimensions to capture key features of different approaches using consistent terminology. The dimensions and their values are listed in Figure 7. Taking them in turn:
    Fig. 7.
    Fig. 7. Schema inference dimensions and their values.
    The data that is the starting point for the schema inference process. This is usually data described using a single data representation that includes instances, such as the tuples in a table, an XML document or a JSON dataset. The Input may include some type information. For example, an RDF document may include annotations on the types of resources and their properties.
    The result of the schema inference process is a schema described using some notation. The Output could use an existing representation, such as an E/R Diagram or an XML Schema, or a representation that has been developed specifically to capture the result of the inference process. The Output may or may not use a notation that is specifically designed for use with the Input. For example, if the Input is an XML document, the output could be an XML Schema or an E/R diagram; the nature of the output tends to be influenced by the Purpose of schema inference, a further dimension that is described in the following.
    Additional evidence:
    The information, contained within or in addition to the Input, that informs the schema inference process. For example, when inferring a type from two existing datasets, the similarity of the Attribute Names and Attribute Types of the two datasets are likely to be useful for establishing how similar they are and which of their attributes may be able to be merged in the inferred schema. Furthermore, when inferring relationships between inferred types, it may well be useful to consider Relationship Types and Relationship Values between the datasets in the repository for which a schema is being inferred.
    The technique that is used to carry out schema inference. There are often several facets of a schema inference process. For example, inference of types and relationships may be in distinct phases, so Summarizing them in a few words is likely to lose relevant information, but several techniques recur. For example, Clustering on similarity of Attribute Names and Relationship Names is a popular approach to identifying the entity types in datasets. Fuller details of the approaches followed by the surveyed techniques are provided in the text.
    The reason schema inference is taking place; the role to which the Output will be put. The purpose informs the level of detail that needs to be captured. Schema inference may provide enough information to allow the user to Query the available data; in this case, all attributes in the underlying datasets need to be present in the inferred schema. As retaining all attributes from sources can lead to unwieldy inferred schemas, a less detailed model may be more suitable to Document the available data; such an approach may, for example, drop attributes that appear only rarely in sources, thereby abstracting over some specifics. Approaches that aim to Document the schemas of a collection of data sources may generate a conceptual schema with a visual representation, such as an E/R model. A further possibility is that the goal is to give a concise insight into the most commonly available data, in which case the role of the approach is to Summarize the available data.

    6.2 Schema Inference Proposals

    This section describes specific schema inference proposals, applying the dimensions from Section 6.1 to provide consistent terminology and to allow comparison. Schema inference techniques can be grouped in different ways; we will group papers primarily based on the Purpose of the schema inference, with an emphasis in the discussion on the applicability of these techniques for discovery and exploration. As there is a substantial literature on schema inference, we discuss representative examples rather than seeking to provide exhaustive coverage. We aim to include examples that are representative of prior work by including approaches that (i) support different purposes, thus representing the different roles that schema inference can play, and (ii) act over different data models, thus representing different communities that have worked on schema inference.
    Existing surveys provide more detailed coverage by model, specifically in relation to XML [53], graph summarize [20] and the Semantic Web [49]. Whereas these surveys provide focused material on schema inference for specific models, here we aim to complement them by revisiting schema inference as one of a collection of approaches to dataset discovery and exploration, where it can fulfil a variety of purposes over different data models.

    6.2.1 Inferring Schemas for Querying.

    Before we move on to our main focus on techniques that support the documenting and summarizing of data, we consider some examples where the aim is to infer a schema that precisely describes the underlying data, for a specific data model. Baazizi et al. [6] propose a parametric schema inference technique for JSON. The approach is parametric in the sense that different approaches can be used to combine type definitions obtained from different individuals or collections. Given a collection of JSON datasets, the approach infers a type for each JSON record, and then merges these types to produce a type that describes all the available data. The proposed approach is always sound, in the sense that the inferred type is always a correct type for the given collection. However, there are different ways of generating sound types, and different parameters trade off the preciseness of the result with the size of the result. For example, assume that \(+\) is the operation for fusing types, \(?\) represents an optional field, and a record is represented as a set of \(name:type\) pairs. Consider the following type fusion:
    \(\lbrace name:Str, postcode:Str\rbrace + \lbrace name:Str, address:Str\rbrace .\)
    A possible result of the fusion is
    \(\lbrace name:Str, postcode:Str?, address:Str?\rbrace .\)
    Any valid input of type \(\lbrace name:Str, postcode:Str\rbrace\) or \(\lbrace name:Str, address:Str\rbrace\) can be represented as \(\lbrace name:Str, postcode:Str?, address:Str?\rbrace\) . However, for example, in the original fields, \(postcode\) and \(address\) never appear together in a record, whereas in the fused type, they can. So, in this case, the inferred type is concise, but not especially precise, as information has been lost. The tradeoff between concise and precise representations can be controlled by parameterising the approach with different fusion strategies.
    Note that although this approach is systematic, and guarantees soundness, it is not designed to resolve representational inconsistencies. As a result, if a name is represented by \(\lbrace firstname:Str, lastname:Str\rbrace\) and by \(\lbrace forename:Str, surname:Str\rbrace\) , no attempt will be made to resolve the representational inconsistency, and both representations will be present in the inferred schema.
    The approach of inferring schema definitions that precisely and concisely describe collections of inputs has also been investigated for XML [53]. For example, a bespoke algorithm has been developed that, given a collection of XML documents, infers an XML Schema with which the documents are consistent [9]. Given certain constraints on the underlying documents, a regular expression is inferred in which each XML element name occurs only once, and this expression is simplified to reduce the number of XML type definitions used. This approach identifies and seeks to address several challenges with the inference of a precise schema definition: the data over which inference is taking place may not represent all the legitimate cases, the training data contains only positive cases, and rich schema languages may present fundamental barriers to inference.
    Approaches that generate schemas to which all instances must conform provide useful ways of inferring missing schema information for individual modelling languages, but for practical purposes are designed to work in settings where the available documents are largely consistent. For example, in XML, the relationship between pupils and the schools they attend could be modelled with school as a parent element of pupil (/school/pupil) or the other way around (/pupil/school). If both cases are represented in the available XML documents, then schema inference is likely to include both cases in the inferred schema, even though they both represent the same application concepts.

    6.2.2 Inferring Schemas to Document a Collection.

    Due to our focus on data discovery and exploration, we subsequently focus on papers that seek to infer schemas that look to provide useful information about the underlying data, without seeking to infer a schema that directly captures the structure of all the existing data.
    RDF is a graph-based data model that is central to the Semantic Web, as well as being used as the model for several graph data management systems. In both settings, RDF graphs can be created that share terminology, but the resulting graphs are not constrained to support only certain properties. Furthermore, the foundational role of RDF in Linked Open Data [11] means that RDF is expected to be used in settings where numerous independent publishers are active, thus inevitably leading to inconsistent representations.
    Approaches that cluster over an RDF graph can identify recurring patterns within the graph. Although nodes in an RDF graph may be annotated with types, independent publishers may use different types to describe the same real-world concept. As a result, the annotated type is only one source of evidence, and the notion of similarity used by clustering algorithms can consider different kinds of evidence. Christodoulou et al. [25] use hierarchical clustering to group individual resources into entity types. The similarity of two resources is represented by the Jaccard similarity of their sets of relationship names, and the similarity of two clusters is represented by the average similarities of their members.14 In this setting, bottom-up hierarchical clustering is used to merge pairs of clusters, starting with unary clusters and ending up with a single cluster that represents the type of which all resources are members. For example, with reference to Figure 1, given that the Jaccard similarity between two sets \(A\) and \(B\) is \(Jaccard(A,B) = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}\) , the Jaccard similarity between the attributes of School1 and School2 (assuming that Borough and LA_Name are equated) is
    In contrast, Jaccard similarity between the attributes of School1 and School3 (assuming that Borough and LA_Name are equated) is
    As a result, School1 and School2 are going to be clustered together more readily than School1 and School3. The silhouette coefficient is used to identify a suitable number of clusters, taking into account cohesion within clusters and separation between clusters. The relationships between resources in different clusters are considered to be valid relationships between the corresponding clusters.
    Hierarchical clustering has also been used in schema inference for property graphs [14]. In contrast with Christodoulou et al. [25], here the clustering is top-down, and clusters are divided into sub-clusters taking into account the annotations of the nodes in the clusters and the most frequent property names.
    Kellou-Menouer and Kedad [50] also propose an approach to schema discovery for RDF data that builds on clustering. The input is an RDF graph, and the output is essentially an E/R model with inheritance, although this is represented as an RDF graph in the paper. Given an RDF resource (a node in an RDF graph), the user-defined properties associated with the resource are extracted; these properties constitute resource descriptions, and include incoming and outgoing relationships. The evidence used for schema discovery is the user-defined properties. The first step in the approach uses a density-based clustering algorithm [32] to group together resource descriptions based on a property vector that associates each property with a probability that the property is found in a resource description in the cluster. Each cluster represents a type. Given the types from clustering, the property vector may indicate that some properties are always present, and that some are sometimes present. This information is used to create a type hierarchy, where the less frequently occurring properties are used to identify subtypes.
    In RDF, resources can be annotated (using rdf:type) with one or more types. As this type information is partial, the clustering approaches described previously for RDF use relationship names as evidence, and ignore any available type annotations. With a view to making the most of the available evidence, HInT [48] combines relationship names with annotations when inferring types for the inferred schema. Initially, patterns are created that represent the relationships in which an instance participates, and these patterns are used as keys in an approximate (LSH [44]) index that provides access to the corresponding type annotations. Then types for the global schema are created that share relationship and type information. In this approach, the result is essentially an E/R model, in which the patterns provide the relationships of the inferred types, which in turn have been created taking into account rdf:type annotations on RDF resources.
    Some schema inference techniques build directly on the relationships in the underlying data. For example, graph summarize can identify nodes that are considered to be equivalent based on the graph of relationships in which they participate. For example, Goasdoué et al. [37] propose several definitions of node equivalence that use different types of evidence, which may lead to more or less concise summaries; there is not necessarily a correct level of summarize. For example, with respect to Figure 1, is it most appropriate to infer that there is a single school type, or to have separate types for school location and school attainment ? Also building on graph structures, Tsuboi and Suzuku [89] infer type descriptions using an expression that captures the co-occurrence of relationship names. The type descriptions are inferred by refining clusters created on the basis of relationship names, by combining similar clusters and identifying mutually exclusive patterns. The type descriptions inferred would be able to say that a school description contains either address or attainment data, if this is the case in the underlying data (as in Figure 1).
    Most approaches that seek to produce a summary that captures the main features of the available data, at least initially produce an essentially flat schema, without inheritance-style relationships. However, it is also possible to generate a summary schema that puts hierarchical relationships first, as in HIELDS [24]. In HIELDS, a hierarchy is constructed, in which the most general type is at Level 0, of which all values are members. Then at Level 1 is a collection of more specialised types, which can be distinguished using relationship-value pairs for a single relationship. At Level 2, the types from Level 1 are further subdivided, using evidence from a further relationship-value pair. A suitable subdivision is identified using an optimizing algorithm that seeks to satisfy various objectives relating to the size of the groups and their cohesion. For example, in an open government example, Level 0 might group on the basis of the rdf:type to provide groups that include one associated with the type School . The school group could then be further divided on the basis of different properties of school, for example, by Borough or Town .

    6.2.3 Inferring Concise Summaries.

    The previously described results for schema inference have sought to infer complete (Section 6.2.1) or reasonably comprehensive (Section 6.2.2) descriptions of the available data. However, the resulting schemas may be substantial, and a more concise summary may be useful for highlighting the main concepts in a repository.
    The benefits of producing a concise summary of a complex schema have been recognised for a considerable time, and initial investigations were in the context of a single schema, rather than heterogeneous sources. For example, Yu and Jagadish [98] provide an approach, primarily focused on hierarchical data models (although applicable to relational), that takes into account the relative importance of different schema elements that are candidates for inclusion in a summary and the coverage of the schema elements from the input in the summary. The objective is to include important elements in the summary while also representing a significant portion of the input. Focusing on relational schemas, Yang et al. [96] use entropy to characterise the information content and thus importance of individual tables, taking into account the relationships in which they participate. Tables are then clustered in a way that considers both the similarity and importance of the tables such that important tables have a good chance of being cluster centers, and thus summary tables. The number of tables in the summary is a parameter.
    Changing the setting away from an individual database schema to a potentially large and complex RDF graph, Yan et al. [95] describe an approach to inferring a specified number of summary tables that represent important types and attributes. The identification of summaries is cast as an optimizing problem, in which metrics are used to score tables and attributes on the basis of the value that they provide, and constraints are used to control how many such tables are produced. There is also an option in the formulation of the optimizing problem to prefer tight previews (in which tables in the summary cover closely related concepts) or diverse previews (in which tables in the summary may include attributes from more loosely related concepts).

    6.3 Schema Inference Conclusions

    State of the Art . There is considerable variety in the schema inference literature, reflecting the different purposes for which a schema can be inferred. Overall, schema inference seeks to consolidate complex heterogeneous structures, which supports data discovery and exploration by providing an integrated and more concise representation of the available data. However, most techniques are input data-model specific, not only in the sense that the input datasets must all conform to a single data model but also in the sense that much of the evidence used to inform the schema inference process is specific to that data model. This has allowed existing approaches to exploit model-specific features to carry out inferences but reduces applicability to homogeneous collections.
    Benchmarking and Performance . Evaluations of schema inference techniques investigate both the effectiveness and scalability of the inference process.
    The notion of effectiveness varies with Purpose . Where the Purpose is Query, the structure of the inferred schema tends to be derived very directly from the underlying datasets, and thus the inferred schema may be correct in some well-defined sense. As a result, effectiveness may make use of metrics relating to succinctness (how much smaller the inferred schema is than the underlying data [6]) or precision (how closely the inferred schema aligns with a ground truth schema [9]). Where the Purpose is to Document the available data, steps in the inference processes tend to be based on uncertain similarity measures, and effectiveness typically relates the inferred schema to a manually created or pre-existing ground truth. For example, DBpedia [55] has been used in the evaluation of several RDF proposals (e.g., [15, 37, 93]), as individual RDF resources in DBpedia have been manually associated with classes from the DBpedia ontology. Thereby, inferred clusters of RDF resources can be related to manually created class annotations. Where the Purpose is Summarize, sometimes the technique produces a summary of a given size; in this case, a measure of how effective this has been is to compare the inferred summary to a manually produced summary of the same size [98]. A further measure relates to the fraction of the structural elements in the original datasets that are represented in the summary [37].
    In relation to scalability, schema inference algorithms may run at the schema level or the instance level. For example, algorithms for RDF tend to cluster individual RDF resources [25, 48, 50], and algorithms for XML or JSON cluster individual documents [6, 9]. In contrast, algorithms over tabular datasets cluster the tables and not the rows, as every row in a table has a consistent schema [96, 98]; this clearly has a significant impact on the cardinality of the input to the inference process. A variety of techniques have been applied to support scalability, which tend to exploit parallelism or indexing. As can be seen in Table 4, a common initial step involves clustering data items, such as RDF resources, based on similarity. Let us assume that the similarity of RDF resources is based on the Jaccard similarity of their properties (as in some of the works presented [25, 48, 50] in Table 4). In this setting, one approach is to adopt a parallel clustering algorithm, where RDF resources are assigned to nodes for parallel clustering in a way that takes into account their Jaccard similarity [15]. Such similarity patterns can also be indexed using LSH indexes, to avoid the need for exhaustive comparison of instances during clustering [48]. Scalability techniques tend to be evaluated on a mixture of real and synthetic datasets (e.g., [37, 48], where RDF datasets of up to 100 million triples are experimented with). However, the diversity of data models supported and purposes of the techniques militates against the creation of widely used community benchmarks.
    Table 4.
    [6]JSONType DescriptionAttribute NamesTree-MergingQuery
       Attribute Types  
    [9]XMLXML SchemaAttribute NamesBespokeQuery
       Relationship Names  
    [25]RDFE/RRelationship NamesClusteringDocument
    GMMSchemaPropertyProperty GraphRelationship NamesClusteringDocument
    [50]RDFE/R, Is-ARelationship NamesClusteringDocument
    HInTRDFE/RRelationship NamesBespokeDocument
    [48]  Type Annotations  
    [37]RDFE/RRelationship NamesGraphDocument
       Relationship TypesSummarize 
    [89]RDFType DescriptionRelationship NamesClusteringQuery
       Relationship Types  
    HIEDSRDFE/R, Is-ARelationship NamesOptimizingDocument
    [24]  Type Annotations  
       Relationship Values  
    [98]RelationsXML SchemaRelationship NamesBespokeSummarize
     XML Relationship Values  
    [96]RelationsRelational SchemaAttribute ValuesClusteringSummarize
       Relationship Values  
    [95]RDFRelational SchemaType AnnotationsOptimizingSummarize
       Relationship Names  
       Relationship Types  
    Table 4. Schema Inference Dimensions Applied to Proposals
    Directions . There are now a wide range of results that support schema inference for different purposes over specific data models. However, the fact that existing techniques target specific input data models means that they are not applicable to heterogeneous repositories, thus reducing their applicability. The aspiration of providing clarity in complex data environments is significantly blunted if heterogeneous environments are out of scope. Similarly, schema inference techniques often lean heavily on specific properties of the input, for example, the hierarchical nature of JSON or XLM, or shared vocabularies in RDF. As a result, approaches do not account for common schematic heterogeneities; recourse to additional sources of evidence (e.g., external ontologies, word embedddings) could be of value for identifying and thus taking account of further heterogeneities.

    7 Conclusion

    Dataset discovery and exploration is an area of growing importance: there is ever more data with the potential to provide insights, and the need to make the most of such data as a differentiating factor in business is increasingly widely recognised [61]. This growing momentum, and the recognition that many organisations are not making full use of the available data, is driving research on different aspects of, and approaches to, data discovery and exploration. In this survey, we have reviewed and compared representative technical results in dataset search, data navigation, data annotation and schema inference. We have brought together these complementary areas in a single survey with a view to (i) highlighting the variety of challenges faced when trying to identify and obtain an understanding of the relevant data in a repository and (ii) making explicit the diverse technical proposals that have been made with a view to making complex data repositories more accessible to data scientists and engineers. In so doing, we have (i) identified how common objectives can be addressed in different ways, for example, with navigation between related datasets supported directly at the dataset level, implicitly within dataset search or more abstractly through schema inference; (ii) identified how these research directions can support each other, for example, table annotations with richer and shared semantics can directly augment dataset search and data navigation, whereas descriptive and summary schemas could be utilized for table annotation as evidence; and (iii) identified where recurring themes have surfaced across different tasks, for example, the use of inferred relationships for both navigation and search, and the use of embeddings to support scalable approaches to inconsistent data representations in search, navigation and annotation. Our aim has been to provide a consolidated review of the literature, bridging adjacent technical areas, and encouraging a more integrated view of approaches to dataset discovery and exploration.


    A domain is the set of values that a property may legitimately hold. For example, if the domain is color, then legitimate values would include red, green and black, but not California, which belongs (among others) to the domain of US States.
    The definition of KG often varies from literature to literature. For simplicity, we regard that KG includes relational facts, ontology, semantic network, catalog, and so on.
    WD: is short for the IRI prefix https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/
    In Table 4, when considering RDF, as triples can contain both literals and node identifiers; we do not distinguish between attributes and relationships, considering both to be relationships.


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    Received: 05 November 2022
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