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TEE-based General-purpose Computational Backend for Secure Delegated Data Processing

Published: 12 December 2023 Publication History


The increasing prevalence of data breaches necessitates robust data protection measures in computational tasks. Secure computation outsourcing (SCO) presents a viable solution by safeguarding the confidentiality of inputs and outputs in data processing without disclosure. Nonetheless, this approach assumes the existence of a trustworthy coordinator to orchestrate and oversee the process, typically implying that data owners must fulfill this role themselves. In this paper, we consider secure delegated data processing (SDDP), an expanded data processing scenario wherein data owners simply delegate their data to SDDP providers for subsequent value mining or other downstream applications, eliminating the necessary involvement of data owners or trusted entities to dive into data processing deeply. However, general-purpose SDDP poses significant challenges in permitting the discretionary execution of computational tasks by SDDP providers on sensitive data while ensuring confidentiality. Existing approaches are insufficient to support SDDP in either efficiency or universality. To tackle this issue, we propose TGCB, a TEE-based General-purpose Computational Backend, designed to endow general-purpose computation with SDDP capabilities from an engineering perspective, powered by TEE-based code integrity and data confidentiality. Central to TGCB is the Encryption Programming Language (EPL) that defines computational tasks in SDDP. Specifically, SDDP providers can express arbitrary computable functions as EPL scripts, processed by TGCB's interfaces, securely interpreted and executed in TEE, ensuring data confidentiality throughout the process. As a universal computational backend, TGCB extensively bolsters data security in existing general-purpose computational tasks, allowing data owners to leverage SDDP without privacy concerns.

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  • (2024)Object-oriented Unified Encrypted Memory Management for Heterogeneous Memory ArchitecturesProceedings of the ACM on Management of Data10.1145/36549582:3(1-29)Online publication date: 30-May-2024



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  1. data confidentiality
  2. data processing
  3. programming language and interpreter
  4. secure delegated computing
  5. trust execution environment


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  • (2024)Object-oriented Unified Encrypted Memory Management for Heterogeneous Memory ArchitecturesProceedings of the ACM on Management of Data10.1145/36549582:3(1-29)Online publication date: 30-May-2024

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