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Breaking State-of-the-Art Poisoning Defenses to Federated Learning: An Optimization-Based Attack Framework

Published: 21 October 2024 Publication History


Federated Learning (FL) is a novel client-server distributed learning framework that can protect data privacy. However, recent works show that FL is vulnerable to poisoning attacks. Many defenses with robust aggregators (AGRs) are proposed to mitigate the issue, but they are all broken by advanced attacks. Very recently, some renewed robust AGRs are designed, typically with novel clipping or/and filtering strategies, and they show promising defense performance against the advanced poisoning attacks. In this paper, we show that these novel robust AGRs are also vulnerable to carefully designed poisoning attacks. Specifically, we observe that breaking these robust AGRs reduces to bypassing the clipping or/and filtering of malicious clients, and propose an optimization-based attack framework to leverage this observation. Under the framework, we then design the customized attack against each robust AGR. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets and threat models verify our proposed optimizationbased attack can break the SOTA AGRs. We hence call for novel defenses against poisoning attacks to FL. Code is available at: https: //github.com/Yuxin104/BreakSTOAPoisoningDefenses.


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  1. Breaking State-of-the-Art Poisoning Defenses to Federated Learning: An Optimization-Based Attack Framework



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    CIKM '24: Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
    October 2024
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