Cited By
View all- Black GMathew Vaidyan VComert G(2024)Evaluating Large Language Models for Enhanced Fuzzing: An Analysis Framework for LLM-Driven Seed GenerationIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.348494712(156065-156081)Online publication date: 2024
Generator-based fuzzing is a capable technique for testing semantic processing stages of a system under test (SUT). The idea is to use format-specific input generators, which can guarantee that inputs will be syntactically valid. One open question ...
Whitebox fuzzing is a form of automatic dynamic test generation, based on symbolic execution and constraint solving, designed for security testing of large applications. Unfortunately, the current effectiveness of whitebox fuzzing is limited when ...
Whitebox fuzzing is a form of automatic dynamic test generation, based on symbolic execution and constraint solving, designed for security testing of large applications. Unfortunately, the current effectiveness of whitebox fuzzing is limited when ...
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