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Quantum Bisimilarity via Barbs and Contexts: Curbing the Power of Non-deterministic Observers

Published: 05 January 2024 Publication History


Past years have seen the development of a few proposals for quantum extensions of process calculi. The rationale is clear: with the development of quantum communication protocols, there is a need to abstract and focus on the basic features of quantum concurrent systems, like CCS and CSP have done for their classical counterparts. So far, though, no accepted standard has emerged, neither for the syntax nor for the behavioural semantics. Indeed, the various proposals do not agree on what should be the observational properties of quantum values, and as a matter of fact, the soundness of such properties has never been validated against the prescriptions of quantum theory.
To this aim, we introduce a new calculus, Linear Quantum CCS (lqCCS), and investigate the features of behavioural equivalences based on barbs and contexts. Our calculus can be thought of as an asynchronous, linear version of qCCS, which is in turn based on value-passing CCS. The combination of linearity and asynchronous communication fits well with the properties of quantum systems (e.g. the no-cloning theorem), since it ensures that each qubit is sent exactly once, precisely specifying which qubits of a process interact with the context.
We exploit contexts to examine how bisimilarities relate to quantum theory. We show that the observational power of general contexts is incompatible with quantum theory: roughly, they can perform non-deterministic moves depending on quantum values without measuring (hence perturbing) them.
Therefore, we refine the operational semantics in order to prevent contexts from performing unfeasible non-deterministic choices. This induces a coarser bisimilarity that better fits the quantum setting: (i) it lifts the indistinguishability of quantum states to the distributions of processes and, despite the additional constraints, (ii) it preserves the expressiveness of non-deterministic choices based on classical information. To the best of our knowledge, our semantics is the first one that satisfies the two properties above.


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cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 8, Issue POPL
January 2024
2820 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 05 January 2024
Published in PACMPL Volume 8, Issue POPL


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  1. Behavioural Equivalence
  2. Linear Process Calculi
  3. Probabilistic Bisimulation
  4. Quantum Communication


  • Research-article

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  • European Union Next-GenerationEU - National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) ? MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, INVESTMENT N. 1.4


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  • (2024)Quantum Bisimilarity Is a Congruence Under Physically Admissible SchedulersProgramming Languages and Systems10.1007/978-981-97-8943-6_9(176-195)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2024
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