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Unmasking the Veiled: A Comprehensive Analysis of Android Evasive Malware

Published: 01 July 2024 Publication History


Since Android is the most widespread operating system, malware targeting it poses a severe threat to the security and privacy of millions of users and is increasing from year to year. The response from the community was swift, and many researchers have ventured to defend this system. In this cat-and-mouse game, attackers pay special attention to flying under the radar of analysis tools, and the techniques to understand whether their app is under analysis have become more and more sophisticated. Moreover, these evasive techniques are also adopted by benign apps to deter reverse engineering, making this phenomenon pervasive in the Android app ecosystem.
While the scientific literature has proposed many evasive techniques and investigated their impact, one aspect still needs to be studied: how and to what extent Android apps, both malware and goodware, use such controls. This paper fills this gap by introducing a comprehensive taxonomy of evasive controls for the Android ecosystem and a proof-of-concept app that implements them all. We release the app as open source to help researchers and practitioners to assess whether their app analysis systems are sufficiently resilient to known evasion techniques. We also propose DroidDungeon, a novel probe-based sandbox, which circumvents evasive techniques thanks to a substantial engineering effort, making the apps under analysis believe they are running on an actual device. To the best of our knowledge, currently, DroidDungeon is the only solution providing anti-evasion capabilities, maintainability, and scalability at once.
Using our sandbox, we studied evasive controls in both benign and malicious Android apps, revealing insights about their purpose, differences, and relationships between evasive controls and packers/protectors. Finally, we analyzed how the execution of an app differs depending on the presence or absence of evasive counter-measures. Our main finding is that 14% and 4% of malicious and benign samples refrain from running in an analysis environment that does not correctly mitigate evasive controls.


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  1. Unmasking the Veiled: A Comprehensive Analysis of Android Evasive Malware



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