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OntoType: Ontology-Guided and Pre-Trained Language Model Assisted Fine-Grained Entity Typing

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


Fine-grained entity typing (FET), which assigns entities in text with context-sensitive, fine-grained semantic types, is a basic but important task for knowledge extraction from unstructured text. FET has been studied extensively in natural language processing and typically relies on human-annotated corpora for training, which is costly and difficult to scale. Recent studies explore the utilization of pre-trained language models (PLMs) as a knowledge base to generate rich and context-aware weak supervision for FET. However, a PLM still requires direction and guidance to serve as a knowledge base as they often generate a mixture of rough and fine-grained types, or tokens unsuitable for typing. In this study, we vision that an ontology provides a semantics-rich, hierarchical structure, which will help select the best results generated by multiple PLM models and head words. Specifically, we propose a novel annotation-free, ontology-guided FET method, OntoType, which follows a type ontological structure, from coarse to fine, ensembles multiple PLM prompting results to generate a set of type candidates, and refines its type resolution, under the local context with a natural language inference model. Our experiments on the Ontonotes, FIGER, and NYT datasets using their associated ontological structures demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot fine-grained entity typing methods as well as a typical LLM method, ChatGPT. Our error analysis shows that refinement of the existing ontology structures will further improve fine-grained entity typing.

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KDD '24: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2024
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Published: 24 August 2024

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  1. fine-grained entity typing
  2. masked language model prompting
  3. natural language understanding
  4. zero-shot entity typing


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