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Robots in the Wild: Contextually-Adaptive Human-Robot Interactions in Urban Public Environments

Published: 10 May 2024 Publication History


The increasing transition of human-robot interaction (HRI) context from controlled settings to dynamic, real-world public environments calls for enhanced adaptability in robotic systems. This can go beyond algorithmic navigation or traditional HRI strategies in structured settings, requiring the ability to navigate complex public urban systems containing multifaceted dynamics and various socio-technical needs. Therefore, our proposed workshop seeks to extend the boundaries of adaptive HRI research beyond predictable, semi-structured contexts and highlight opportunities for adaptable robot interactions in urban public environments. This half-day workshop aims to explore design opportunities and challenges in creating contextually-adaptive HRI within these spaces and establish a network of interested parties within the OzCHI research community. By fostering ongoing discussions, sharing of insights, and collaborations, we aim to catalyse future research that empowers robots to navigate the inherent uncertainties and complexities of real-world public interactions.


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  1. Robots in the Wild: Contextually-Adaptive Human-Robot Interactions in Urban Public Environments



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    OzCHI '23: Proceedings of the 35th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference
    December 2023
    733 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 10 May 2024

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    1. adaptive interaction
    2. human-robot interaction
    3. urban robots


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    December 2 - 6, 2023
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