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Putting Popularity Bias Mitigation to the Test: A User-Centric Evaluation in Music Recommenders

Published: 08 October 2024 Publication History


Popularity bias is a prominent phenomenon in recommender systems (RS), especially in the music domain. Although popularity bias mitigation techniques are known to enhance the fairness of RS while maintaining their high performance, there is a lack of understanding regarding users’ actual perception of the suggested music. To address this gap, we conducted a user study (n=40) exploring user satisfaction and perception of personalized music recommendations generated by algorithms that explicitly mitigate popularity bias. Specifically, we investigate item-centered and user-centered bias mitigation techniques, aiming to ensure fairness for artists or users, respectively. Results show that neither mitigation technique harms the users’ satisfaction with the recommendation lists despite promoting underrepresented items. However, the item-centered mitigation technique impacts user perception; by promoting less popular items, it reduces users’ familiarity with the items. Lower familiarity evokes discovery—the feeling that the recommendations enrich the user’s taste. We demonstrate that this can ultimately lead to higher satisfaction, highlighting the potential of less-popular recommendations to improve the user experience.

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Additional information about the statistical tests and metrics computed on the results from the user study.


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  • (2024)Fairness and Transparency in Music Recommender Systems: Improvements for ArtistsProceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems10.1145/3640457.3688024(1368-1375)Online publication date: 8-Oct-2024



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RecSys '24: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
October 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 08 October 2024

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  1. Bias Mitigation
  2. Fairness
  3. Music
  4. Popularity Bias
  5. Recommender Systems
  6. User-Centric Evaluation


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  • (2024)Fairness and Transparency in Music Recommender Systems: Improvements for ArtistsProceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems10.1145/3640457.3688024(1368-1375)Online publication date: 8-Oct-2024

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