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Counting Answers to Unions of Conjunctive Queries: Natural Tractability Criteria and Meta-Complexity

Published: 14 May 2024 Publication History


We study the problem of counting answers to unions of conjunctive queries (UCQs) under structural restrictions on the input query. Concretely, given a class C of UCQs, the problem #UCQ (C) provides as input a UCQ Ψ ∈ C and a database D and the problem is to compute the number of answers of Ψ in D.
Chen and Mengel [PODS'16] have shown that for any recursively enumerable class C, the problem #UCQ (C) is either fixed-parameter tractable or hard for one of the parameterised complexity classes W[1] or #W[1]. However, their tractability criterion is unwieldy in the sense that, given any concrete class C of UCQs, it is not easy to determine how hard it is to count answers to queries in C. Moreover, given a single specific UCQ Ψ, it is not easy to determine how hard it is to count answers to Ψ.
In this work, we address the question of finding a natural tractability criterion: The combined conjunctive query of a UCQ Ψ=φ1 ∨ ... ∨ φl is the conjunctive query ^ Ψ = φ_1 ∧ ... ∧ φl. We show that under natural closure properties of C, the problem #UCQ (C) is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if the combined conjunctive queries of UCQs in C, and their contracts, have bounded treewidth. A contract of a conjunctive query is an augmented structure, taking into account how the quantified variables are connected to the free variables --- if all variables are free, then a conjunctive query is equal to its contract; in this special case the criterion for fixed-parameter tractability of #UCQ (C) thus simplifies to the combined queries having bounded treewidth.
Finally, we give evidence that a closure property on C is necessary for obtaining a natural tractability criterion: We show that even for a single UCQ Ψ, the meta problem of deciding whether #UCQ (Ψ) can be solved in time O(|D|d) is NP-hard for any fixed d ≥ 1. Moreover, we prove that a known exponential-time algorithm for solving the meta problem is optimal under assumptions from fine-grained complexity theory. As a corollary of our reduction, we also establish that approximating the Weisfeiler-Leman-Dimension of a UCQ is NP-hard.


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      Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 2
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      1. conjunctive queries
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      3. simplicial complexes
      4. unions of conjunctive queries
      5. weisfeiler-leman algorithm


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