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Deep Optimizer States: Towards Scalable Training of Transformer Models using Interleaved Offloading

Published: 02 December 2024 Publication History


Transformers and large language models (LLMs) have seen rapid adoption in all domains. Their sizes have exploded to hundreds of billions of parameters and keep increasing. Under these circumstances, the training of transformers is very expensive and often hits a "memory wall", i.e., even when using 3D parallelism (pipeline, tensor, data) and aggregating the memory of many GPUs, it is still not enough to hold the necessary data structures (model parameters, optimizer state, gradients, activations) in GPU memory. To compensate, state-of-the-art approaches offload the optimizer state, at least partially, to the host memory and perform hybrid CPU-GPU computations. However, the management of the combined host-GPU memory is often suboptimal and results in poor overlapping between data movements and computations. This leads to missed opportunities to simultaneously leverage the interconnect bandwidth and computational capabilities of CPUs and GPUs. In this paper, we leverage a key observation that the interleaving of the forward, backward and update phases generate fluctuations in the GPU memory utilization, which can be exploited to dynamically move a part of the optimizer state between the host and the GPU memory at each iteration. To this end, we design and implement Deep Optimizer States, a novel technique to split the LLM into subgroups, whose update phase is scheduled on either the CPU or the GPU based on our proposed performance model that addresses the trade-off between data movement cost, acceleration on the GPUs vs the CPUs, and competition for shared resources. We integrate our approach with DeepSpeed and demonstrate 2.5× faster iterations over state-of-the-art approaches using extensive experiments.


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Index Terms

  1. Deep Optimizer States: Towards Scalable Training of Transformer Models using Interleaved Offloading



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Other conferences
        Middleware '24: Proceedings of the 25th International Middleware Conference
        December 2024
        515 pages
        This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.


        • IFIP
        • Usenix


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 02 December 2024

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        Author Tags

        1. scalable training of large language models
        2. hybrid CPU-GPU I/O performance tuning and middleware
        3. data management for hybrid LLM training
        4. scalable optimization methods for ML


        • Research-article

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        Middleware '24
        Middleware '24: 25th International Middleware Conference
        December 2 - 6, 2024
        Hong Kong, Hong Kong

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