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SERENUS: Alleviating Low-Battery Anxiety Through Real-time, Accurate, and User-Friendly Energy Consumption Prediction of Mobile Applications

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


Low-battery anxiety has emerged as a result of growing dependence on mobile devices, where the anxiety arises when the battery level runs low. While battery life can be extended through power-efficient hardware and software optimization techniques, low-battery anxiety will still remain a phenomenon as long as mobile devices rely on batteries. In this paper, we investigate how an accurate real-time energy consumption prediction at the application-level can improve the user experience in low-battery situations. We present Serenus, a mobile system framework specifically tailored to predict the energy consumption of each mobile application and present the prediction in a user-friendly manner. We conducted user studies using Serenus to verify that highly accurate energy consumption predictions can effectively alleviate low-battery anxiety by assisting users in planning their application usage based on the remaining battery life. We summarize requirements to mitigate users’ anxiety, guiding the design of future mobile system frameworks.


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  1. SERENUS: Alleviating Low-Battery Anxiety Through Real-time, Accurate, and User-Friendly Energy Consumption Prediction of Mobile Applications



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    UIST '24: Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
    October 2024
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