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SIMPLE: Efficient Temporal Graph Neural Network Training at Scale with Dynamic Data Placement

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


Dynamic graphs are essential in real-world scenarios like social media and e-commerce for tasks such as predicting links and classifying nodes. Temporal Graph Neural Networks (T-GNNs) stand out as a prime solution for managing dynamic graphs, employing temporal message passing to compute node embeddings at specific timestamps. Nonetheless, the high CPU-GPU data loading overhead has become the bottleneck for efficient training of T-GNNs over large-scale dynamic graphs. In this work, we present SIMPLE, a versatile system designed to address the major efficiency bottleneck in training existing T-GNNs on a large scale. It incorporates a dynamic data placement mechanism, which maintains a small buffer space in available GPU memory and dynamically manages its content during T-GNN training. SIMPLE is also empowered by systematic optimizations towards data processing flow. We compare SIMPLE to the state-of-the-art generic T-GNN training system TGL on four large-scale dynamic graphs with different underlying T-GNN models. Extensive experimental results show that SIMPLE effectively cuts down 80.5% ~ 96.8% data loading cost, and accelerates T-GNN training by 1.8× ~ 3.8× (2.6× on average) compared to TGL.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 3
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    Published: 30 May 2024
    Published in PACMMOD Volume 2, Issue 3


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    1. dynamic data placement
    2. large-scale dynamic graphs
    3. temporal graph neural networks


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