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Unstructured Data Fusion for Schema and Data Extraction

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


Recently, there has been significant interest in extracting actionable insights from the abundance of unstructured textual data. In this paper, we introduce a novel problem, which we term Semistructured Schema and Data Extraction (SDE). This task aims to enhance and complete tables using information discovered from textual repositories, given partial table specifications in the form of queries. To effectively solve SDE, several challenges must be overcome, which involve transforming the partial table specifications into effective queries, retrieving relevant documents, discerning values for partially specified attributes, inferring additional attributes, and constructing an enriched output table while mitigating the influence of false positives from the retrieval.
We propose an end-to-end pipeline for SDE, which consists of a retrieval component and an augmentation component, to address each of the challenges. In the retrieval component, we serialize the partial table specifications into a query and employ a dense passage retrieval algorithm to extract the top-k relevant results from the text repository. Subsequently, the augmentation component ingests the output documents from the retrieval phase and generates an enriched table. We formulate this table enrichment task as a unique sequence-to-sequence task, distinct from traditional approaches, as it operates on multiple documents during generation. Utilizing an interpolation mechanism on the encoder output, our model maintains a nearly constant context length while automatically prioritizing the importance of documents during the generation.
Due to the novelty of SDE, we establish a validation methodology, adapting and expanding existing benchmarks with the use of powerful large language models. Our extensive experiments show that our method achieves high accuracy in enriching query tables through multi-document fusion, while also surpassing baseline methods in both accuracy and computational efficiency.


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Published: 30 May 2024
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