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IsoPredict: Dynamic Predictive Analysis for Detecting Unserializable Behaviors in Weakly Isolated Data Store Applications

Published: 20 June 2024 Publication History


Distributed data stores typically provide weak isolation levels, which are efficient but can lead to unserializable behaviors, which are hard for programmers to understand and often result in errors. This paper presents the first dynamic predictive analysis for data store applications under weak isolation levels, called IsoPredict. Given an observed serializable execution of a data store application, IsoPredict generates and solves SMT constraints to find an unserializable execution that is a feasible execution of the application. IsoPredict introduces novel techniques to handle divergent application behavior; to solve mutually recursive sets of constraints; and to balance coverage, precision, and performance. An evaluation shows IsoPredict finds unserializable behaviors in four data store benchmarks, and that more than 99% of its predicted executions are feasible.


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  1. IsoPredict: Dynamic Predictive Analysis for Detecting Unserializable Behaviors in Weakly Isolated Data Store Applications



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 8, Issue PLDI
    June 2024
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    Published: 20 June 2024
    Published in PACMPL Volume 8, Issue PLDI


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