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RFBoost: Understanding and Boosting Deep WiFi Sensing via Physical Data Augmentation

Published: 15 May 2024 Publication History


Deep learning shows promising performance in wireless sensing. However, deep wireless sensing (DWS) heavily relies on large datasets. Unfortunately, building comprehensive datasets for DWS is difficult and costly, because wireless data depends on environmental factors and cannot be labeled offline. Despite recent advances in few-shot/cross-domain learning, DWS is still facing data scarcity issues. In this paper, we investigate a distinct perspective of radio data augmentation (RDA) for WiFi sensing and present a data-space solution. Our key insight is that wireless signals inherently exhibit data diversity, contributing more information to be extracted for DWS. We present RFBoost, a simple and effective RDA framework encompassing novel physical data augmentation techniques. We implement RFBoost as a plug-and-play module integrated with existing deep models and evaluate it on multiple datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that RFBoost achieves remarkable average accuracy improvements of 5.4% on existing models without additional data collection or model modifications, and the best-boosted performance outperforms 11 state-of-the-art baseline models without RDA. RFBoost pioneers the study of RDA, an important yet currently underexplored building block for DWS, which we expect to become a standard DWS component of WiFi sensing and beyond. RFBoost is released at https://github.com/aiot-lab/RFBoost.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Commodity Wi-Fi-Based Wireless Sensing Advancements over the Past Five YearsSensors10.3390/s2422719524:22(7195)Online publication date: 10-Nov-2024
  • (2024)Towards Robust mmWave-based Human Activity Recognition using Large Simulated Dataset for Model Pretraining2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)10.1109/BigData62323.2024.10825019(7332-7337)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2024

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  1. RFBoost: Understanding and Boosting Deep WiFi Sensing via Physical Data Augmentation



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 8, Issue 2
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    Published in IMWUT Volume 8, Issue 2


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    • (2024)Commodity Wi-Fi-Based Wireless Sensing Advancements over the Past Five YearsSensors10.3390/s2422719524:22(7195)Online publication date: 10-Nov-2024
    • (2024)Towards Robust mmWave-based Human Activity Recognition using Large Simulated Dataset for Model Pretraining2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)10.1109/BigData62323.2024.10825019(7332-7337)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2024

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