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10.1145/3661167.3661195acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageseaseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Improving classifier-based effort-aware software defect prediction by reducing ranking errors

Published: 18 June 2024 Publication History


Context: Software defect prediction utilizes historical data to direct software quality assurance resources to potentially problematic components. Effort-aware (EA) defect prediction prioritizes more bug-like components by taking cost-effectiveness into account. In other words, it is a ranking problem, however, existing ranking strategies based on classification, give limited consideration to ranking errors. Objective: Improve the performance of classifier-based EA ranking methods by focusing on ranking errors. Method: We propose a ranking score calculation strategy called EA-Z which sets a lower bound to avoid near-zero ranking errors. We investigate four primary EA ranking strategies with 16 classification learners, and conduct the experiments for EA-Z and the other four existing strategies. Results: Experimental results from 72 data sets show EA-Z is the best ranking score calculation strategy in terms of Recall@20% and Popt when considering all 16 learners. For particular learners, imbalanced ensemble learner UBag-svm and UBst-rf achieve top performance with EA-Z. Conclusion: Our study indicates the effectiveness of reducing ranking errors for classifier-based effort-aware defect prediction. We recommend using EA-Z with imbalanced ensemble learning.


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  1. Improving classifier-based effort-aware software defect prediction by reducing ranking errors



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    1. Effort-aware
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    3. Ranking strategy
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