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Non-Expert Programmers in the Generative AI Future

Published: 25 June 2024 Publication History
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    Generative AI is rapidly transforming the practice of programming. At the same time, our understanding of who writes programs, for what purposes, and how they program, has been evolving. By facilitating natural-language-to-code interactions, large language models for code have the potential to open up programming work to a broader range of workers. While existing work finds productivity benefits for expert programmers, interactions with non-experts are less well-studied. In this paper, we consider the future of programming for non-experts through a controlled study of 67 non-programmers. Our study reveals multiple barriers to effective use of large language models of code for non-experts, including several aspects of technical communication. Comparing our results to a prior study of beginning programmers illuminates the ways in which a traditional introductory programming class does and does not equip students to effectively work with generative AI. Drawing on our empirical findings, we lay out a vision for how to empower non-expert programmers to leverage generative AI for a more equitable future of programming.


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    CHIWORK '24: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work
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