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10.1145/3664647.3680890acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Point Cloud Reconstruction Is Insufficient to Learn 3D Representations

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


This paper revisits the development of generative self-supervised learning in 2D images and 3D point clouds in autonomous driving. In 2D images, the pretext task has evolved from low-level to high-level features. Inspired by this, through explore model analysis, we find that the gap in weight distribution between self-supervised learning and supervised learning is substantial when employing only low-level features as the pretext task in 3D point clouds. Low-level features represented by PoInt Cloud reconsTruction are insUfficient to learn 3D REpresentations (dubbed PICTURE). To advance the development of pretext tasks, we propose a unified generative self-supervised framework. Firstly, high-level features are demonstrated to exhibit semantic consistency with downstream tasks. We utilize the high-level features as an additional pretext task to enhance the understanding of semantic information during the pre-training. Next, we propose inter-class and intra-class discrimination-guided masking (I2Mask) based on the attributes of the high-level features, adaptively setting the masking ratio for each superclass. On Waymo and nuScenes datasets, we achieve 75.13% mAP and 72.69% mAPH for 3D object detection, 79.4% mIoU for 3D semantic segmentation, and 18.4% mIoU for occupancy prediction. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness and necessity of high-level features.

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We revisit the development of generative self-supervised learning in 2D images and 3D point clouds in autonomous driving. In 2D images, the pretext task has evolved from low-level to highlevel features. Inspired by this, through explore model analysis, we find that the gap in weight distribution between self-supervised learning and supervised learning is substantial when employing only low-level features as the pretext task in 3D point clouds. Low-level features represented by Point cloud reconstruction are insufficient to learn 3D representations (dubbed PICTURE).


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Published: 28 October 2024


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  1. autonomous driving
  2. multimedia foundation models
  3. point cloud scene understanding
  4. self-supervised learning


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October 28 - November 1, 2024
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