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10.1145/3664647.3681548acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Document Registration: Towards Automated Labeling of Pixel-Level Alignment Between Warped-Flat Documents

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Photographed documents are prevalent but often suffer from deformations like curves or folds, hindering readability. Consequently, document dewarping has been widely studied, however its performance is still not satisfied due to lack of real training samples with pixel-level annotation. To obtain the pixel-level labels, we leverage a document registration pipeline to automatically align warped-flat documents. Unlike general image registration works, registering documents poses unique challenges due to their severe deformations and fine-grained textures. In this paper, we introduce a coarse-to-fine framework including a coarse registration network (CRN) aiming to eliminate severe deformations then a fine registration network (FRN) focusing on fine-grained features. In addition, we utilize self-supervised learning to initialize our document registration model, where we propose a cross-reconstruction pre-training task on the pair of warped-flat documents. Extensive experiments show that we can achieve satisfied document registration performance, consequently obtaining a high-quality registered document dataset with pixel-level annotation. Without bells and whistles, we re-train two popular document dewarping models on our registered document dataset WarpDoc-R, and obtain superior performance with those using almost 100× scale of synthetic training data, verifying the label quality of our document registration method.


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Index Terms

  1. Document Registration: Towards Automated Labeling of Pixel-Level Alignment Between Warped-Flat Documents



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      MM '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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      Published: 28 October 2024


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      1. document dewarping
      2. document registration
      3. image matching
      4. photographed documents
      5. pixel-level alignment


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      MM '24
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      October 28 - November 1, 2024
      Melbourne VIC, Australia

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