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10.1145/3664647.3681639acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Deeply Fusing Semantics and Interactions for Item Representation Learning via Topology-driven Pre-training

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Learning item representation is crucial for a myriad of on-line e-commerce applications. The nucleus of retail item representation learning is how to properly fuse the semantics within a single item, and the interactions across different items generated by user behaviors (e.g., co-click or co-view). Product semantics depict the intrinsic characteristics of the item, while the interactions describe the relationships between items from the perspective of human perception. Existing approaches either solely rely on a single type of information or loosely couple them together, leading to hindered representations. In this work, we propose a novel model named TESPA to reinforce semantic modeling and interaction modeling mutually. Specifically, collaborative filtering signals in the interaction graph are encoded into the language models through fine-grained topological pre-training, and the interaction graph is further enriched based on semantic similarities. After that, a novel multi-channel co-training paradigm is proposed to deeply fuse the semantics and interactions under a unified framework. In a nutshell, TESPA is capable of enjoying the merits of both sides to facilitate item representation learning. Experimental results of on-line and off-line evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our proposal.


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  1. Deeply Fusing Semantics and Interactions for Item Representation Learning via Topology-driven Pre-training



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