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`Baymax' or `RoboCop'? Exploring Different Feminine Avatar Personalities for Shared Automated Vehicles

Published: 01 September 2024 Publication History


Shared automated vehicles (SAVs) will offer a lot of benefits, from improving the overall mobility to environmental benefits. However, perceived security in SAVs is a major concern and may influence their acceptance and adoption negatively. To address this, we propose a digital companion (DC) concept embodied as an avatar inside the vehicle to accompany passengers in substitution of a human driver. In a co-creation workshop with participants (N = 6) we collected ideas about the appearance and personality of such DCs and derived two contrasting concepts (‘Baymax’ and ‘RoboCop’). Inspired by a design space from the gaming context, we implemented the two DCs and evaluated them in a VR study (N = 23) experiencing two scenarios in SAVs. The results show that a DC improves passengers’ perceived security. Generally, the ‘Baymax’ companion was preferred in both scenarios but no correlation between scenario and preferred personality type could be determined.

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Published: 01 September 2024


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  1. Shared automated vehicles
  2. digital companions
  3. gender.
  4. participatory design
  5. security


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  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action


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MuC '24: Mensch und Computer 2024
September 1 - 4, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany


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