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TESLA: Thermally Safe, Load-Aware, and Energy-Efficient Cooling Control System for Data Centers

Published: 12 August 2024 Publication History


The increasing demand for artificial intelligence and cloud computing has led to skyrocketing energy consumption of data centers (DCs). This paper focuses on tackling this energy challenge through cooling control system optimization, which aims to ensure thermal safety with minimal cooling energy consumption. Current industry practice involves human operators, while many data-driven methods have also been proposed. However, human intervention often results in unnecessary energy consumption, particularly in the face of fluctuating server loads, whereas existing data-driven methods struggle to maintain thermal safety in practice. To overcome these issues, we propose TESLA, a thermally safe, load-aware, and energy-efficient cooling control system for data centers. TESLA employs a novel data-driven framework that integrates domain knowledge to predict DC temperature and cooling energy under dynamic server load. Based on these predictions, a Bayesian optimizer (BO) finds the energy-optimal settings for the cooling system at every control step. Besides cooling energy, BO’s optimization objective also includes minimizing cooling interruption that causes rapid temperature rise within the data center and leads to thermal safety violations. We deploy TESLA on a real data-center testbed and show that it achieves on average <Formula format="inline"><TexMath><?TeX $10.1\%$?></TexMath><AltText>Math 1</AltText><File name="icpp24-106-inline1" type="svg"/></Formula> cooling energy saving relative to a fixed cooling system parameter setting and no thermal safety violation relative to previous data-driven methods.


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ICPP '24: Proceedings of the 53rd International Conference on Parallel Processing
August 2024
1279 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 12 August 2024

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  1. Bayesian optimization
  2. Data centers
  3. cooling control optimization
  4. thermal safety
  5. time-series modeling


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