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Self-Supervised Representation Learning and Temporal-Spectral Feature Fusion for Bed Occupancy Detection

Published: 09 September 2024 Publication History


In automated sleep monitoring systems, bed occupancy detection is the foundation or the first step before other downstream tasks, such as inferring sleep activities and vital signs. The existing methods do not generalize well to real-world environments due to single environment settings and rely on threshold-based approaches. Manually selecting thresholds requires observing a large amount of data and may not yield optimal results. In contrast, acquiring extensive labeled sensory data poses significant challenges regarding cost and time. Hence, developing models capable of generalizing across diverse environments with limited data is imperative. This paper introduces SeismoDot, which consists of a self-supervised learning module and a spectral-temporal feature fusion module for bed occupancy detection. Unlike conventional methods that require separate pre-training and fine-tuning, our self-supervised learning module is co-optimized with the primary target task, which directs learned representations toward a task-relevant embedding space while expanding the feature space. The proposed feature fusion module enables the simultaneous exploitation of temporal and spectral features, enhancing the diversity of information from both domains. By combining these techniques, SeismoDot expands the diversity of embedding space for both the temporal and spectral domains to enhance its generalizability across different environments. SeismoDot not only achieves high accuracy (98.49%) and F1 scores (98.08%) across 13 diverse environments, but it also maintains high performance (97.01% accuracy and 96.54% F1 score) even when trained with just 20% (4 days) of the total data. This demonstrates its exceptional ability to generalize across various environmental settings, even with limited data availability.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 8, Issue 3
August 2024
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Published: 09 September 2024
Published in IMWUT Volume 8, Issue 3


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  1. Bed Occupancy
  2. Self-Supervised Learning
  3. Spectrum-temporal feature fusion


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed

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  • National Heart Lung and Blood Institute


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