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I2VEdit: First-Frame-Guided Video Editing via Image-to-Video Diffusion Models

Published: 03 December 2024 Publication History


The remarkable generative capabilities of diffusion models have motivated extensive research in both image and video editing. Compared to video editing which faces additional challenges in the time dimension, image editing has witnessed the development of more diverse, high-quality approaches and more capable software like Photoshop. In light of this gap, we introduce a novel and generic solution that extends the applicability of image editing tools to videos by propagating edits from a single frame to the entire video using a pre-trained image-to-video model. Our method, dubbed I2VEdit, adaptively preserves the visual and motion integrity of the source video depending on the extent of the edits, effectively handling global edits, local edits, and moderate shape changes, which existing methods cannot fully achieve. At the core of our method are two main processes: Coarse Motion Extraction to align basic motion patterns with the original video, and Appearance Refinement for precise adjustments using fine-grained attention matching. We also incorporate a skip-interval strategy to mitigate quality degradation from auto-regressive generation across multiple video clips. Experimental results demonstrate our framework’s superior performance in fine-grained video editing, proving its capability to produce high-quality, temporally consistent outputs.

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  1. I2VEdit: First-Frame-Guided Video Editing via Image-to-Video Diffusion Models



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    SA '24: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers
    December 2024
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    Published: 03 December 2024

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    3. Stable Video Diffusion


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    December 3 - 6, 2024
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