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The Explanation That Hits Home: The Characteristics of Verbal Explanations That Affect Human Perception in Subjective Decision-Making

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


Human-AI collaborative decision-making can achieve better outcomes than either party individually. The success of this collaboration can depend on whether the human decision-maker perceives the AI contribution as beneficial to the decision-making process. Beneficial AI explanations are often described as relevant, convincing, and trustworthy. Yet, we know little about the characteristics of explanations that result in these perceptions. Focusing on collaborative subjective decision-making, using the context of subtle sexism, where explanations can surface new interpretations, we conducted a user study (N=20) to explore the structural and content characteristics that affect perceptions of human and AI-generated verbal (text and audio) explanations. We find four groups of characteristics (Tone, Grammatical Elements, Argumentative Sophistication and Relation to User), and that the effect of these characteristics on the perception of explanations for subtle sexism depends on the perceived author. Thus, we also identify which explanation characteristics participants use to identify the author of an explanation. Demonstrating the relationship between these characteristics and explanation perceptions, we present a categorized set of characteristics that system builders can leverage to produce the appropriate perception of an explanation for various sensitive contexts. We also highlight human perception biases and associated issues resulting from these perceptions.


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Index Terms

  1. The Explanation That Hits Home: The Characteristics of Verbal Explanations That Affect Human Perception in Subjective Decision-Making



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      Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CSCW2
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      Published: 08 November 2024
      Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CSCW2


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      1. collaborative decision-making
      2. explainable ai
      3. explanation characteristics
      4. perceptions
      5. subjectivity
      6. verbal explanation


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