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The ART of Sharing Points-to Analysis: Reusing Points-to Analysis Results Safely and Efficiently

Published: 08 October 2024 Publication History


Data-flow analyses like points-to analysis can vastly improve the precision of other analyses, and enable powerful code optimizations. However, whole-program points-to analysis of large Java programs tends to be expensive – both in terms of time and memory. Consequently, many compilers (both static and JIT) and program-analysis tools tend to employ faster – but more conservative – points-to analyses to improve usability. As an alternative to such trading of precision for performance, various techniques have been proposed to perform precise yet expensive fixed-point points-to analyses ahead of time in a static analyzer, store the results, and then transmit them to independent compilation/program-analysis stages that may need them. However, an underlying concern of safety affects all such techniques – can a compiler (or program analysis tool) trust the points-to analysis results generated by another compiler/tool? In this work, we address this issue of trust in the context of Java, while accounting for the issue of performance. We propose ART: Analysis-results Representation Template – a novel scheme to efficiently and concisely encode results of flow-sensitive, context-insensitive points-to analysis computed by a static analyzer for use in any independent system that may benefit from such a precise points-to analysis. ART also allows for fast regeneration of the encoded sound analysis results in such systems. Our scheme has two components: (i) a producer that can statically perform expensive points-to analysis and encode the same concisely, (ii) a consumer that, on receiving such encoded results (called artwork), can regenerate the points-to analysis results encoded by the artwork if it is deemed “safe”. The regeneration scheme completely avoids fixed-point computations and thus can help consumers like static analyzers and JIT compilers to obtain precise points-to information without paying a prohibitively high cost. We demonstrate the usage of ART by implementing a producer (in Soot) and two consumers (in Soot and the Eclipse OpenJ9 JIT compiler). We have evaluated our implementation over various benchmarks from the DaCapo and SPECjvm2008 suites. Our results demonstrate that using ART, a consumer can obtain precise flow-sensitive, context-insensitive points-to analysis results in less than (average) 1% of the time taken by a static analyzer to perform the same analysis, with the storage overhead of ART representing a small fraction of the program size (average around 4%).


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Published: 08 October 2024
Published in PACMPL Volume 8, Issue OOPSLA2


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