Cited By
View all- Lehman MParr FYeh RRamamoorthy C(1976)Program evolution and its impact on software engineeringProceedings of the 2nd international conference on Software engineering10.5555/800253.807698(350-357)Online publication date: 13-Oct-1976
This paper describes the structure and expounds the underlying motivations of the 'Testing System' which is presently being designed and experienced in testing the Honeywell GCOS Level 62 operating system. TS is a hierarchical system in which two main ...
When software is modified, during development and maintenance, it is <i>regression tested</i> to provide confidence that the changes did not introduce unexpected errors and that new features behave as expected. One important problem in regression ...
When software is modified, during development and maintenance, it is <i>regression tested</i> to provide confidence that the changes did not introduce unexpected errors and that new features behave as expected. One important problem in regression ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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