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Analysis of Security Attacks and Taxonomy in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

Published: 01 January 2021 Publication History


Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) have gained more attention from researchers in recent years due to their advancement in marine monitoring, deployment of various applications, and ocean surveillance. The UWSN is an attractive field for both researchers and the industrial side. Due to the harsh underwater environment, own capabilities, and open acoustic channel, it is also vulnerable to malicious attacks and threats. Attackers can easily take advantage of these characteristics to steal the data between the source and destination. Many review articles are addressed some of the security attacks and taxonomy of the Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. In this study, we have briefly addressed the taxonomy of the UWSNs from the most recent research articles related to the well-known research databases. This paper also discussed the security threats on each layer of the Underwater Wireless sensor networks. This study will help the researchers design the routing protocols to cover the known security threats and help industries manufacture the devices to observe these threats and security issues.


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          • (2024)Underwater wireless sensor networks: a review of routing protocols, taxonomy, and future directionsThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-023-05646-w80:4(5163-5196)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024
          • (2022)A New V-Net Convolutional Neural Network Based on Four-Dimensional Hyperchaotic System for Medical Image EncryptionSecurity and Communication Networks10.1155/2022/42608042022Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022
          • (2022)Energy-Efficient Cluster Formation in IoT-Enabled Wireless Body Area NetworkComputational Intelligence and Neuroscience10.1155/2022/25585902022Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022

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