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Teaching Mode in the Management of Higher Vocational Colleges in the Era of Big Data

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


In the current information society, colleges and universities have produced a wealth of data on educational learning, research, personnel training, and student management. Changes in data formats and quantity lead to changes in quality. If university administrators can summarize these massive data, conduct effective mining and analysis, and finally present the analysis results in university management decision-making, then this should be the creative research of university administrators. In the construction of digital campuses, informatization promotes multiple innovations in teaching and management in vocational colleges, resulting in teaching big data, teaching big data, and data management needs. After analyzing the reading data of students’ on-campus learning system through big data, it can be concluded that the learning data of Blue Nebula from 2017.09.20 to 2017.10.10 is 8.5 more than that of Chaoxing on average. During the period of 10.01–10.10, the learning data of the two platforms increased by 15 and 7, respectively, compared with the period of 09.20–09.30.


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Published: 01 January 2022


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