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Varieties of Political Process During Systems Development

Published: 01 December 1997 Publication History


This study uses a longitudinal research design with multiple data collection methods on a systems development project. Five theoretical perspectives about power have been used to evaluate the case: zero sum, processual, organizational, structurally constrained, and social shaping/social construction. Our working assumption is that power is multidimensional and therefore that any attempt to understand systems development must simultaneously use several complementary perspectives. Studies of information systems development have in the past often been based on a view of power as zero sum with winners and losers from systems development and of power as based on information. We will attempt to show that expansion from this narrow definition of power has much to offer information systems research. The paper will attempt to identify what unique and essential insights about the relationship between power and systems development are surfaced by each perspective.


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cover image Information Systems Research
Information Systems Research  Volume 8, Issue 4
December 1997
102 pages



Linthicum, MD, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 1997

Author Tags

  1. organisational factors
  2. organizational design
  3. organizational power
  4. political roles of systems analysis
  5. politics
  6. power
  7. processual power
  8. project trajectory
  9. requirements determinationy
  10. socially shaped power
  11. software development lifecycle
  12. structurally constrained power
  13. zero sum power


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