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My Mobile Music: An Adaptive Personalization System for Digital Audio Players

Published: 01 January 2009 Publication History


New information technologies increasingly make it possible for service providers to adaptively personalize their service, fine-tuning the service over time for each individual customer, based on observation of that customer's behavior. We propose an “Adaptive Personalization System” and illustrate its implementation for digital audio players, a product category with rapidly expanding sales. The proposed system automatically downloads personalized playlists of MP3 songs into a consumer's mobile digital audio device and requires little proactive user effort (i.e., no explicit indication of preferences or ratings for songs). The system works in real time and is scalable to the massive data typically encountered in personalization applications. A simulation study shows the Adaptive Personalization System to outperform benchmark approaches. We implemented the Adaptive Personalization System on Palm PDAs and tested its performance with digital audio users. For actual users, the Adaptive Personalization System provides substantial improvements over benchmark approaches both in terms of the number of songs listened to and listening duration.


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Published In

cover image Marketing Science
Marketing Science  Volume 28, Issue 1
January 2009
78 pages



Linthicum, MD, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2009
Received: 19 July 2007

Author Tags

  1. collaborative filtering
  2. customization
  3. digital audio players
  4. one-to-one marketing
  5. personalization
  6. service marketing


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