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Financial Reform and Public Good Provision: : Municipal Bankruptcy Law and the Financing of Hospitals

Published: 01 April 2024 Publication History


Does financial reform improve public good provision? We examine state-level adoption of municipal bankruptcy law. After reform, municipalities’ borrowing costs decrease and bonds’ issuance increase, particularly for bonds financing hospitals; hospitals’ investments increase, particularly when using such bonds; local firms’ investment and performance increase, particularly in the construction sector. Ex ante, reform occurs earlier in states with weaker unions, stronger bondholders’ interests, and better courts. Similar factors explain congressional voting on municipal bankruptcy law. These results support the hypothesis that financial reform destroys labor union rents and expands investment, highlighting a novel spillover channel from public finance to the real economy.
This paper was accepted by Victoria Ivashina, finance.
Funding: This work was supported by the Baffi-CAREFIN Research Center at Bocconi.
Supplemental Material: The data files and online appendix are available at https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2023.4800.


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Published In

cover image Management Science
Management Science  Volume 70, Issue 4
April 2024
687 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents



Linthicum, MD, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2024
Accepted: 27 July 2022
Received: 23 November 2020

Author Tags

  1. bankruptcy
  2. Chapter 9
  3. municipal bonds
  4. hospitals


  • Research-article


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