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Technical Note-Location Theory: A Selective Bibliography

Published: 01 April 1974 Publication History


This note lists 226 papers published largely during the last ten years dealing with normative approaches to solving location problems.


ALAO, NURUDEEN, "TWO Classes of Distance Minimization Problems: A Review, Some Interpretations, and Extensions," Geographical Anal. 3, 299-319 (1971).
ARMOUR, G. C., AND E. S. BUFFA, "A Heuristic Algorithm and Simulation Approach to the Relative Location of Facilities," Management Sci. 9, 294-309 (1963).
ATKINS, R. J., AND R. H. SHRIVER, "New Approaches to Facilities Location," Harvard Business Rev., May-June, 70-79 (1968).
BALLOU, R., "Dynamic Warehouse Location Analysis," J. of Marketing Res. 5, 271-282 (1968).
BALLOU, R., "Locating Warehouses in a Logistic System," The Logistics Rev. 4, 23-40 (1968).
BAUMOL, W. J. AND P. WOLFE, "A Warehouse-Location Problem," Opns. Res. 6, 252- 263 (1958).
BECKMANN, M., "Principles of Optimum Location for Transportation Networks," Quantitative Geography, Atherton Press, NY, 1963.
BECKMANN, M., Location Theory, Random House, NY, 1968.
BELLMAN, RICHARD, "An Application of Dynamic Programming to Location-Allocation Problems," SIAM Rev. 7, 126-128 (1965).
BINDSCHEDLER, A. E. AND J. M. MOORE, "Optimal Location of New Machines in Existing Plant Layouts," J. Indust. Eng. 12, 41-48 (1961).
BOWERSOX, D. J., "An Analytical Approach to Warehouse Location," Handling and Shipping, 2, 17-20 (1962).
BRADFIELD, MICHAEL, "A Note on Location and the Theory of Production," J. Regional Sci. 11, 263-266 (1971).
BROWN, PHILLIP A., AND DAVID F. GIBSON, "A Quantified Model for Facility Site Selection-Application to a Multiplant Location Problem," AIIE Trans. 4, 1-10 (1972).
BURSTALL, R. M., R. A. LEAVER, AND J. E. SUSSMAS, "Evaluation of Transport Costs for Alternative Factory Sites--A Case Study," Opnal. Res. Quart. 13, 345-354 (1962).
CABOT, A. V., AND R. L. FRANCIS, "Solving Certain Quadratic Minimization Problems by Ranking the Extreme Points," Opns. Res. 18, 82-86 (1970).
CABOT, A. V., R. L. FRANCIS, AND MICHAEL A. STARY, "A Network Flow Solution to a Rectilinear Distance Facility Location Problem," AIIE Trans. 2, 132-141 (1970).
CHAN, ALBERT W., AND DONALD W. HEARN, "A Solution Procedure for a Rectilinear Distance Minimax Round Trip Location Problem," Research Report No. 73-3, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1973.
CHARNES, A., J. E. QUON, AND S. J. WERSAN, "Location-Allocation Problems in the l1 Metric," Joint CORS-ORSA 25th National Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, May 1964.
CHRISTOFIDES, N., AND P. VIOLA, "The Optimum Location of Multicenters on a Graph," Opnal. Res. Quart. 22, 145-154 (1971).
COCKAYNE, E. J., AND Z. A. MELZAK, "Steiner's Problem for Set Terminals," Quart. Appl. Math. 26, 213-18 (1969).
CONWAY, R. W., AND W. L. MAXWELL, "A Note on the Assignment of Facility Locations," J. Indust. Eng. 12, 34-36 (1961).
COOPER, LEON, "An Extension of the Generalized Weber Problem," J. Regional Sci. 8, 181-197 (1968).
COOPER, LEON, "Location-Allocation Problems," Opns. Res. 11, 331-343 (1963).
COOPER, LEON, "Heuristic Methods for Location-Allocation Problems," SIAM Rev. 6, 37-53 (1964).
COOPER, LEON, "Solutions of Generalized Locational Equilibrium Models," J. Regional Sci. 7, 1-18 (1967).
COOPER, LEON, "The Transportation-Location Problem," Opns. Res. 20, 94-108 (1972).
COOPER, LEON, "Probabilistic Location-Allocation," ORSA Bull. 21, Sup. 1, B-25 (1973).
COOPER, LEON, "A Random Locational Equilibrium Problem," Computer Science/Operations Research Center, Southern Methodist Institute of Technology, Dallas, Texas, 1973.
CORLEY, H. W., JR., AND S. D. ROBERTS, "A Partitioning Problem with Applications in Regional Design," Opns. Res. 20, 1010-1019 (1972).
CURRY, GUY L., AND RONALD W. SKEITH, "A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Facility Location and Allocation," AIIE Trans. 1, 133-138 (1969).
DACEY, MICHAEL F., "A Hypergeometric Family of Discrete Probability Distributions: Properties and Applications to Location Models," Geographical Anal. 1, 283-317 (1969).
DAVIS, F. S., AND T. L. RAY, "A Branch-Bound Algorithm for the Capacitated Facilities Location Problem," Naval Res. Log. Quart. 16, 331-344 (1969).
DAY, RICHARD H., AND PETER E. KENNEDY, "On A Dynamic Location Model of Production," J. Regional Sci. 10, 191-198 (1970).
DEARING, P. M., AND R. L. FRANCIS, "A Network Flow Solution to a Multi-Facility Minimax Location Problem Involving Rectilinear Distances," ORSA Bull. 20, Sup. 2, B-469 (1972).
DEARING, P. M., AND R. L. FRANCIS, "A One Facility Minimax Location Problem Involving Rectilinear Distances," Department of Operations Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1973.
DEE, N., AND J. C. LIEBMAN, "Optimal Location of Public Facilities," Naval Res. Log. Quart. 19, 753-760 (1972).
DEIGHTON, DONALD, "A Comment on Location Models," Management Sci. 18, 113-114 (1971).
DOKMECI, VEDIA F., "An Algorithm for a Class of Multilevel Facility Location Problems," ORSA Bull. 20, Sup. 2, B-317 (1972).
DONATH, W. E., "Statistical Properties of the Placement of a Graph," SIAM J. Appl. Math. 16, 439-457 (1968).
DREYFUS, S. E., AND R. A. WAGNER, "The Steiner Problem in Graphs," College of Engineering, Operations Research Center, ORC-70-32, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1970.
DRYSDALE, J. K., AND P. J. SANDIFORD, "Heuristic Warehouse Location--Case Study Using A New Method," Canad. Opnal. Res. Soc. J. 7, 45-61 (1969).
EFROYMSON, M. A., AND T. L. RAY, "A Branch-Bound Algorithm for Plant Location," Opns. Res. 14, 361-368 (1966).
EILON, S., C. D. T. WATSON-GANDY, AND N. CHRISTOFIDES, Distribution Management: Mathematical Modelling and Practical Analysis, Hafner Publishing Co., New York, 1971.
EISEMANN, K., "The Optimum Location of a Center," SIAM Rev. 4, 394-401 (1962).
ELLWEIN, LEON B., AND PAUL GRAY, "Solving Fixed Charge Location-Allocation Problems with Capacity and Configuration Constraints," AIIE Trans. 3, 290-298 (1971).
ELSON, D. G., "Site Location via Mixed Integer Programming," Opnal Res. Quart. 23, 31-43 (1972).
ELZINGA, J., AND D. HEARN, "Geometrical Solutions For Some Minimax Location Problems," Trans. Sci. 6, 379-394 (1972).
ELZINGA, J., AND D. HEARN, "The Minimum Covering Sphere Problem," Management Sci. 19, 96-104 (1972).
ELZINGA, J., AND D. HEARN, "A Note on a Minimax Location Problem," Trans. Sci. 7, 100-103 (1973).
ELZINGA, J., AND D. HEARN, AND PAUL POLYZOS, "An Implicit Enumeration Algorithm for a Class of Multifacility Location Problems," ORSA Bull. 20, Sup. 2, B-316 (1972).
ELZINGA, J., D. HEARN, PAUL POLYZOS, AND W. D. RANDOLPH, "Minimax Multifacility Location with Euclidean Distances," Research Report No. 73-13, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
EYSTER, J. W., J. A. WHITE, AND W. W. WIERWILLE, "On Solving Multifacility Location Problems Using a Hyperboloid Approximation Procedure," AIIE Trans. 5, 1-6 (1973).
FADEN, ARNOLD M., "Inefficiency of the Regular Hexagon in Industrial Location," Geographical Anal. 1, 321-328 (1969).
FELDMAN, E., F. A. LEHRER, AND T. L. RAY, "Warehouse Location Under Continuous Economies of Scale," Management Sci. 12, 670-684 (1966).
FIELDHOUSE, MARTIN, "The Depot Location Problem," The Institute of Management Science, 17th International Conference, July 1-3, 1970, University Computing Co., (Great Britain) Ltd.
FISHER, K., "Determination of the Most Favorable Location of a Branch Office," Unternehmensforschung 7, 131 (1963).
FRANCIS, R. L., "A Note on the Optimum Location of New Machines in Existing Plant Layouts," J. Indust. Eng. 14, 57-59 (1963).
FRANCIS, R. L., "On the Location of Multiple New Facilities with Respect to Existing Facilities," J. Indust. Eng. 15, 106-107 (1964).
FRANCIS, R. L., "Some Aspects of a Minimax Location Problem," Opns. Res. 15, 1163-1168 (1967).
FRANCIS, R. L., "Sufficient Conditions for Some Optimum-Property Facility Designs," Opns. Res. 15, 448-466 (1967).
FRANCIS, R. L., "A Geometric Solution Procedure for a Rectilinear Distance Minimax Problem," AIIE Trans. 4, 328-332 (1972).
FRANCIS, R. L., "A Selective Review of the Location Problem Literature," ORSA Bull. 21, Sup. 1, B-25 (1973).
FRANCIS, R. L. AND A. V. CABOT, "Properties of a Multifacility Location Problem Involving Euclidean Distances," Naval Res. Log. Quart. 19, 335-353 (1972).
FRANCIS, R. L., A. V. CABOT, AND J. A. WHITE, Facility Layout and Location: An Analytical Approach, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1974.
FRANK, H., "Optimum Location on a Graph with Probabilistic Demand," Opns. Res. 14, 409-421 (1966).
FRANK, H., "Optimum Location on Graphs with Correlated Normal Demands," Opns. Res. 15, 552-556 (1967).
GAVETT, J. W., AND NORMAN V. PLYTER, "The Optimal Assignments of Facilities to Locations by Branch and Bound," Opns. Res. 14, 210-232 (1966).
GEOFFRION, ARTHUR M., "The Capacitated Plant Location Problem with Additional Constraints," ORSA Bull. 20, Sup. 2, B-317 (1972).
GILBERT, E. N., AND H. O. POLLAK, "Steiner Minimal Trees," SIAM J. Appl. Math. 16, 1-29 (1960).
GOLDMAN, A. J., "Optimal Location for Centers in a Network," Trans. Sci. 3, 352-360 (1968).
GOLDMAN, A. J., "Optimal Center Location in Simple Networks," Trans. Sci. 5, 212-221 (1971).
GOLDMAN, A. J., "Approximate Localization Theorems for Optimal Facility Placement," Trans. Sci. 6, 195-201 (1972).
GOLDMAN, A. J., "Minimax Location of a Facility on a Network," Tram. Sci. 6, 407-418 (1972).
GOLDMAN, A. J., AND C. J. WITZGALL, "A Localization Theorem for Optimal Facility Placement," Trans. Sci. 4, 406-408 (1970).
GREENBERG, IRWIN, AND RAYMOND A. ROBERTELLO, "The Three Factory Problem," Math. Magazine 38, 67-72 (1965).
HAKIMI, S.L., "Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and the Absolute Centers and Medians of a Graph," Opns. Res. 12, 450-459 (1964).
HAKIMI, S.L., "Optimum Distribution of Switching Centers in a Communication Network and Some Related Graph Theoretic Problems," Opns. Res. 13, 462-475 (1965).
HAKIMI, S.L., "Steiner's Problem in Graphs and Its Implications," Networks 1, 113-134 (1972).
HAKIMI, S.L. AND S. N. MAHESHWARI, "Optimum Locations of Centers in Networks," Opns. Res. 20, 967-973 (1972).
HAMMER, P. L., "Plant Location--A Pseudo Boolean Approach," Israel J. of Tech. 6, 330-332 (1968).
HANAN, M., "On Steiner's Problem with Rectilinear Distance," SIAM J. Appl. Math. 14, 255-265 (1966).
HANAN, M. AND J. M. KURTZBERG, "A Review of the Placement and Quadratic Assignment Problems," SIAM Rev. 14, 324-342 (1972).
HANDLER, G. Y., "Minimax Location of a Facility in an Undirected Tree Graph," ORSA Bull. 21, Sup. 1, B-42 (1973).
HANSSMANN, F., "Optimal Inventory Location and Control in Production and Distribution Networks," Opns. Res. 7, 483-498 (1959).
HEGGIE, I. G., "Are Gravity and Interactance Models a Valid Technique for Planning Regional Transport Facilities?" Opnal. Res. Quart. 20, 93-110 (1964).
HILLIER, FREDERICK 8., AND MICHAEL M. CONNORS, "Quadratic Assignment Problem Algorithms and the Location of Indivisible Facilities," Management Sci. 13, 42-57 (1966).
HITCHINGS, G. G., "Analogue Techniques for the Optimal Location of a Main Facility in Relation to Ancillary Facilities," Internat. J. Product. Res. 7, 189-197 (1969).
HOGG, JANE M., "The Siting of Fire Stations," Opnal. Res. Quart. 19, 275-288 (1968).
HOLMES, JOHN, FORREST B. WILLIAMS, AND LAWRENCE A. BROWN, "Facility Location Under Maximum Travel Restriction: An Example Using Day Care Facilities," Geographical Anal. 4, 258-266 (1972).
HOOVER, E. M., "Some Programmed Models of Industry Location," Land Economics 43, 303-311 (1967).
HOPKINS, FRANK E., "Transportation Cost and Industrial Location: An Analysis of the Household Furniture Industry," J. Regional Sci. 12, 261-278 (1972).
HORN, W. A., "Optimal Networks Joining n Points in the Plane," Technical Report to Northeast Corridor Transportation Project, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards Report 9832, May 1968.
HURTER, ARTHUR P., JR., AND RICHARD E. WENDELL, "Location and Production--A Special Case," J. Regional Sci. 12, 243-248 (1972).
HURTER, ARTHUR P., JR., MARGARET K. SCHAEFFER, AND RICHARD E. WENDELL, "Solutions of Constrained Location Problems," Urban Systems Engineering Center, The Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1972.
ISARD, WALTER, Location and Space Economy, Wiley, New York, NY, 1956.
JACKSON, RICHARD H. F., JAMES A. LECHNER, AND DAVID J. SOOKNE, "A System for Position-Location Based on Ranges," ORSA Bull. 20, Sup. 2, B-317 (1972).
JAHVINEN, P., J. RAJALA, AND J. SINERRO, "A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Seeking the p-median," Opns. Res. 20, 173-178 (1972).
JOHNSON, N. L., "Paths and Chains of Random Straight-Line Segments," Technometrics 8, 303-317 (1966).
JORDAN, RICHARD H., "Systems Analysis of Inland Consolidation Centers for Marine Cargo," National Bureau of Standards, Technical Note 530, 162, November 1970.
KANTOROVITCH, L., "On the Translocation of Masses," Management Sci. 5, 1-4 (1958).
KARASKA, GERALD J., AND DAVID F. BRAMHALL (eds.), Locatidnal Analysis for Manufacturing: A Selection of Readings, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
KARP, RICHARD M., AND MICHAEL HELD. "Finite-State Processes and Dynamic Programming," SIAM J. 15, 693-718 (1967).
KATZ, NORMAN, "On the Convergence of a Numerical Scheme for Solving Some Loeational Equilibrium Problems," SIAM J. Appl. Math. 17, 1224-1231 (1969).
KATZ, NORMAN AND LEON COOPER, "An Always-Convergent Numerical Scheme for a Random Locational Equilibrium Problem," Computer Science/Operations Research Center, Southern Methodist University, Institute of Technology, Dallas, TX, February 1973.
KEENEY, RALPH L., "A Method for Districting Among Facilities," Opns. Res. 20, 613- 618 (1972).
KHUMAWALA, BASHEER M., "An Efficient Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Warehouse Location Problem," Management Sci. 18, B-718-731 (1972).
KHUMAWALA, BASHEER M. AND D. C. WHYBARK, "A Comparison of Some Recent Warehouse Location Techniques," Logistics Rev. 7, 3-19 (1971).
KLINGER, ALLEN, "On Optimum Stochastic Allocation," Management Sci. 16, 208-210 (1969).
KOLESAR, PETER, AND WARREN E. WALKER, "An Algorithm for the Dynamic Relocation of Fire Companies," Opns. Res. 22, 244-274 (1974).
KOOPMANS, TJALLING C, AND M. BECKMANN, "Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities," Econometrica 25, 53-76 (1957).
KUEHN, A. A., AND M. J. HAMBURGER, "A Heuristic Program for Locating Warehouses," Management Sci. 9, 643-666 (1963).
KUENNE, ROBERT E., AND RICHARD M. SOLAND, "The Multisource Weber Problem, Exact Solutions by Branch and Bound," IDA Economic Papers, 1971.
KUHN, H. W., "A Note on Fermat's Problem," Math. Prog. 4, 98-107 (1973).
KUHN, H. W., "Locational Problems and Mathematical Programming," Colloquium on the Application of Mathematics to Economics, Akademiai Kiado, Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1963.
KUHN, H. W., "On a Pair of Dual Nonlinear Problems," Nonlinear Programming, Wiley, New York, NY, 1967.
KUHN, H. W. AND ROBERT E. KUENNE, "An Efficient Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Generalized Weber Problem in Spatial Economics," J. Regional Sci. 4, 21-33 (1962).
LARSON, R. C., AND K. A. STEVENSON, "On Insensitivities in Urban Redistricting and Facility Location," Opns. Res. 20, 595-612 (1972).
LAWLER, E. L., "The Quadratic Assignment Problem," Management Sci. 9, 586-599 (1963).
LAWRENCE, R. M., AND P. J. PENGILLY, "The Number and Location of Depots Required for Handling Products for Distribution to Retail Stores in South-East England," Opnal. Res. Quart. 20, 23-32 (1969).
LEA, A. C, "Location-Allocation Systems: An Annotated Bibliography," Discussion Paper No. 13, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 1973.
LEAMER, EDWARD E., "Locational Equilibria," J. Regional Sci. 8, 229-242 (1968).
LEVY, JOSEPH, "An Extended Theorem for Location on a Network," Opnal. Res. Quart. 18, 433-442 (1967).
LLOYD, P. E., AND P. DICKEN, Location in Space: a Theoretical Approach to Economic Geography, Harper and Row, N.Y., 1972.
LO-KENG, HUA, AND OTHERS, "Application of Mathematical Methods to Wheat Harvesting," Chinese Math. 2, 77-91 (1962).
LOVE, ROBERT F., "A Note on the Convexity of the Problem of Siting Depots," Internat. J. Product. Res. 6, 153-154 (1967).
LOVE, ROBERT F., "Locating Facilities in Three-Dimensional Space By Convex Programming," Naval Res. Log. Quart. 16, 503-516 (1969).
LOVE, ROBERT F., "A Computational Procedure for Optimally Locating a Facility with Respect to Several Rectangular Regions," J. Regional Sci. 12, 233-242 (1972).
LOVE, ROBERT F. AND J. G. MORRIS, "Modelling Inter-City Road Distances by Mathematical Functions," Opnal. Res. Quart. 23, 61-71 (1972).
LOVE, ROBERT F., J. G. MORRIS, SVEND A. KRABMER, AND GEORGE O. WESOLOWSKY, "A Multi-Facility Minimax Location Method for Euclidean Distances," Internat. J. Product. Res. 11, 37-46 (1973).
MCHOSE, A. H., "A Quadratic Formulation of the Activity Location Problem," J. Indust. Eng. 12, 334 (1961).
MCILROY, M. D., "Transportation Problems with Distributed Loads," Recent Advances in Mathematical Programming, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1963.
MACKINNON, ROSS G., AND G. M. BARBER, "A New Approach to Network Generation and Map Representation: The Linear Case of the Location-Allocation Problem," Geographical Anal. 4, 156-168 (1972).
MANDELL, PAUL I., AND LUTHER G. TWEETEN, "The Location of Cotton Production in the U.S. Under Competitive Conditions: A Study of Crop Location and Comparative Advantage," Geographical Anal. 3, 334-353 (1971).
MANNE, ALAN S., "Plant Location Under Economies-of-Scale-Deeentralization and Computation," Management Sci. 11, 213-235 (1964).
MARANZANA, F, E., "On tie Location of Supply Points to Minimize Transport Costs," Opnal. Res. Quart. 15, 261-270 (1964).
MARKS, DAVID H., CHARLES S. REVELLE, AND JON C. LIEBMAN, "Mathematical Models of Location: A Review," J. Urban Planning and Development Div. 96, 81-93 (1970).
MELZAK, Z. A., "On the Problem of Steiner," Canad. Math. Bull. 4, 143-148 (1961).
MIEHLE, WILLIAM, "Line-Length Minimization in Networks," Opns. Res. 6, 232-243 (1958).
MINIEKA, EDWARD, "The m-Center Problem," SIAM Rev. 12, 138-139 (1970).
MOLE, RICHARD H., "Comments on the Location of Depots," Management Sci. 19, 832- 833 (1973).
MOORE, J. M., "Optimal Locations for Multiple Machines," J. Indust. Eng. 12, 307- 313 (1961).
MORRILL, RICHARD L., AND MARY B. KELLEY, "The Simulation of Hospital Use and the Estimation of Location Efficiency," Geographical Anal. 2, 283-300 (1970).
MOSES, L. M., "Location and the Theory of Production," Quart. J. Economics 73, 259- 272 (1958).
MYCIELSKE, JERRY, AND WITOLD TRZECIAKOWSKE, "Optimization of the Size and Location of Service Stations," J. Regional Sci. 5, 59-68 (1963).
NAIR, K. P. K., AND R. CHANDRASAKAEAN, "Optimal Location of a Single Service Center of Certain Types," Naval Res. Log. Quart. 18, 503-510 (1971).
NUGENT, C. E., T. E. VOLLMAN, AND J. RUML, "An Experimental Comparison of Techniques for the Assignment of Facilities to Locations," Opns. Res. 16, 150-173 (1968).
PALERMO, F. P., "A Network Minimization Problem," IBM J. Oct., 335-337 (1961).
PERREUR, J., AND J-F. THISSE, "Central Metrics and Optimal Location," Research paper 7306, C. R. E. O. E. L., Universite de Liege, Liege, Belgium, 1973.
PFAFFENBERGER, VON V., AND R. WIEGERT, "Zur Bestimmung Des Optimalen Standortes Eines Einkaufszentrums," ("On the Determination of the Optimal Location of a Shopping Center"), Unternehmenforschung 9, 121-131 (1965).
PIERCE, J. F., AND W. B. CROWSON, "Tree-Search Algorithms for Quadratic Assignment Problems," Naval Res. Log. Quart. 18, 1-36 (1971).
POLOPOLUS, L., "Optimum Plant Numbers and Locations for Multiple Produce Processing," J. Farm. Economics 47, 287 (1965).
PRITSKER, A. A. B., AND P. M. GHARE, "Locating New Faculties with Respect to Existing Faculties," AIIE Trans. 2, 290-297 (1970).
PRITSKER, A. A. B., AND P. M. GHARE, "A Note To Correct the Procedure of Pritsker and Ghare for Locating New Facilities with Respect to Existing Facilities," AIIE Trans. 5, 84-86 (1973).
PRITSKER, A. A. B., AND P. M. GHARE, "Locating New Facilities with Respect to Existing Facilities (Errata and Revisions)," AIIE Trans. 3, 158-159 (1971).
QUANDT, R. E., "Models of Transportation and Optimal Network Construction," Regional Sci. 2, 27-45 (1960).
READ, R. R., AND T. YOSHIKAWA, "Operations Analysis of Locating High-Speed Runway Exits," Opns. Res. 10, 1-8 (1962).
REVELLE, C. S., AND R. S. SWAIN, "Central Facilities Location," Geographical Anal. 2, 30-42 (1970).
REVELLE, C. S., D. MARKS, AND J. C. LIEBMAN, "An Analysis of Private and Public Sector Location Models," Management Sci. 16, 692-707 (1970).
RISK-AZIZ, KEMIL, AND ARTHUR P. HURTER, JR., "On the Location of Liquid Waste Treatment Plants," ORSA Bull. 20, Sup. 2, B-317 (1972).
RITZMAN, LARRY P., "The Efficiency of Computer Algorithms for Plant Layout," Management Sci. 18, 240-248 (1972).
ROBERS, P. D., "Some Comments Concerning ReVelle, Marks and Liebman's Article on Facility Location," Management Sci. 18,109 (1971).
ROBERTS, S. M., AND B. FLORES, "Solution of a Combinatorial Problem by Dynamic Programming," Opns. Res. 13, 146-156 (1965).
ROJESKI, PETER, AND CHARLES REVELLE, "Central Facilities Location Under an Investment Constraint," Geographical Anal. 2, 343-360 (1970).
ROSENHEAD, JONATHAN, "Some Comments on 'A Note on the Location of Depots,' by Ralph Snyder," Management Sci. 19, 831-832 (1973).
RYDELL, PETER C, "A Note on a Location Principle: Between the Median and the Mode," J. Regional Sci. 1, 185-192 (1967).
RYDELL, PETER C, "A Note on the Principle of Median Location: Comments," J. Regional Sci. 11, 395-396 (1971).
SA, G., "Branch and Bound and Approximate Solutions to the Capacitated Plant Location Problem," Opns. Res. 17, 1005-1016 (1969).
SCHAERLIG, ALAIN, "La localisation optimale d'une entreprise," Revue Suisse d'Economie politique et de statistique 107, 599-611 (1971).
SCHNEIDER, J. B., Letter to the Editor, Management Sci. 14, B-662 (1968).
SCHNEIDER, J. B., "Solving Urban Location Problems: Human Intuition Versus the Computer," J. American Inst. Planners 37, 95-99 (1971).
SCOTT, ALLEN J., "On the Optimal Partitioning of Spatially Distributed Point Sets," Studies in Regional Science, Poin, Ltd., London, (1969).
SCOTT, ALLEN J., "Location-Allocation systems: A Review," Geographical Analysis 2, 95-119 (1970).
SCOTT, ALLEN J., Combinational programming spatial anaysis and planning, Harper and Row, New York, N.Y., 1971.
SERCK-HANSSEN, J., Optimal Patterns of Location, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1970.
SHANNON, ROBERT D., AND JAMES P. IGNIZIO, "A Heuristic Programming Algorithm for Warehouse Location," AIIE Trans. 2, 334-339 (1970).
SHULMAN, II., "The Pole Spotting Problem," SIAM Rev. 4, 12 (1962).
SIMMONS, D. M., "One Dimensional Space Allocation: An Ordering Algorithm," Opns. Res. 17, 812-826 (1969).
SIMMONS, D. M., "A Further Note on One-Dimensional Space Allocation," Opns. Res. 19, 249 (1971).
SMALLWOOD, RICHARD D., "Minimax Detection Station Placement," Opns. Res. 13, 636-646 (1965).
SNYDER, R. D., "A Note on the Location of Depots," Management Sci. 18, 97 (1971).
SNYDER, RALPH, "A Note on the Principles of Median Location," J. Regional Sci. 11, 391-394 (1971).
SOFFER, BENSON AND MICHAEL KOREKICH, "'Right to Work' Laws as a Location Factor," J. Regional Sci. 3, 41-56 (1963).
SOLAND, RICHARD M., "Optimal Plant Location with Concave Costs," ORSA Bull. 19, Sup. 1, B-50 (1971).
SPIELBERG, KURT, "Algorithms for the Simple Plant-Location Problem with Some Side Conditions," Opns. Res. 17, 85-111 (1969).
SPIELBERG, KURT, "Plant Location with Generalized Search Origin," Management Sci. 16, 165- 178 (1969).
STEINMANN, K., AND M. MEYER, "About a Special Location Problem," Industrielle Organisation 32, 59-62 (1963).
STEVENS, B. H., "Linear Programming and Location Rent," J. Regional Sci. 3, 15-26 (1963).
STEVENS, B. H., AND CAROLYN A. BRACKETT, Industrial Location: A Review and Annotated Bibliography of Theoretical, Empirical, and Case Studies, Bibliography Series No. 3, Regional Science Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA, 1967.
STEVENS, B. H., AND CAROLYN A. BRACKETT, "Residential Location with Externalities," ORSA Bull. 21, B-25 (1973).
TAKAYAMA, T., AND G. JUDGE, Spatial and Temporal Price and Allocation Models, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1971.
TAPIERO, CHARLES S., "Transportation-Location-Allocation Problems Over Time," J. Regional Sci. 11, 377-386 (1971).
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cover image Operations Research
Operations Research  Volume 22, Issue 2
April 1974
280 pages



Linthicum, MD, United States

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Published: 01 April 1974


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