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What Happens When Evaluation Goes Online? Exploring Apparatuses of Valuation in the Travel Sector

Published: 01 June 2014 Publication History


<P>Our research focuses on the fast-changing landscape of contemporary social media where user-generated content is increasingly being used to evaluate a wide range of products and services. The move to online valuations is raising important questions about how valuations change when they are produced online by consumers and what outcomes they generate for the organizations being evaluated. To address these questions, we investigate two prominent hotel valuation schemes currently at work in the hospitality industry, and we identify significant differences in their valuation practices and outcomes. We develop a practice-based lens for examining the materiality of valuations, providing a way of understanding the differences we observed in terms of performativity. This lens explains both how valuations are actively produced in ongoing practice and how their production is significantly reconfiguring everyday practices of the organizations being evaluated. We conclude by considering the implications of our findings for research on valuation and organizations.</P>


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Published In

cover image Organization Science
Organization Science  Volume 25, Issue 3
June 2014
315 pages



Linthicum, MD, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2014

Author Tags

  1. apparatus
  2. materiality
  3. performativity
  4. practice lens
  5. social media
  6. valuation


  • Article


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