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Butterfly-core community search over labeled graphs

Published: 01 July 2021 Publication History


Community search aims at finding densely connected subgraphs for query vertices in a graph. While this task has been studied widely in the literature, most of the existing works only focus on finding homogeneous communities rather than heterogeneous communities with different labels. In this paper, we motivate a new problem of cross-group community search, namely Butterfly-Core Community (BCC), over a labeled graph, where each vertex has a label indicating its properties and an edge between two vertices indicates their cross relationship. Specifically, for two query vertices with different labels, we aim to find a densely connected cross community that contains two query vertices and consists of butterfly networks, where each wing of the butterflies is induced by a k-core search based on one query vertex and two wings are connected by these butterflies. We first develop a heuristic algorithm achieving 2-approximation to the optimal solution. Furthermore, we design fast techniques of query distance computations, leader pair identifications, and index-based BCC local explorations. Extensive experiments on seven real datasets and four useful case studies validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our BCC and its multi-labeled extension models.


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        Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 14, Issue 11
        July 2021
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        Published: 01 July 2021
        Published in PVLDB Volume 14, Issue 11


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