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PerfGuard: deploying ML-for-systems without performance regressions, almost!

Published: 01 September 2021 Publication History


Modern data processing systems require optimization at massive scale, and using machine learning to optimize these systems (ML-for-systems) has shown promising results. Unfortunately, ML-for-systems is subject to over generalizations that do not capture the large variety of workload patterns, and tend to augment the performance of certain subsets in the workload while regressing performance for others. In this paper, we introduce a performance safeguard system, called PerfGuard, that designs pre-production experiments for deploying ML-for-systems. Instead of searching the entire space of query plans (a well-known, intractable problem), we focus on query plan deltas (a significantly smaller space). PerfGuard formalizes these differences, and correlates plan deltas to important feedback signals, like execution cost. We describe the deep learning architecture and the end-to-end pipeline in PerfGuard that could be used with general relational databases. We show that this architecture improves on baseline models, and that our pipeline identifies key query plan components as major contributors to plan disparity. Offline experimentation shows PerfGuard as a promising approach, with many opportunities for future improvement.


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          cover image Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
          Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 14, Issue 13
          September 2021
          168 pages
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          VLDB Endowment

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          Published: 01 September 2021
          Published in PVLDB Volume 14, Issue 13


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          • (2024)The Holon Approach for Simultaneously Tuning Multiple Components in a Self-Driving Database Management System with Machine Learning via Synthesized Proto-ActionsProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3681954.368200717:11(3373-3387)Online publication date: 30-Aug-2024
          • (2024)A Cause-Focused Query Optimizer Alert SystemProceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management10.1145/3627673.3679771(2981-2990)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2024
          • (2024)Learned Query Optimizer: What is New and What is NextCompanion of the 2024 International Conference on Management of Data10.1145/3626246.3654692(561-569)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2024

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