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Scaling a Declarative Cluster Manager Architecture with Query Optimization Techniques

Published: 01 June 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Cluster managers play a crucial role in data centers by distributing workloads among infrastructure resources. Declarative Cluster Management (DCM) is a new cluster management architecture that enables users to express placement policies declaratively using SQL-like queries. This paper presents our experiences in scaling this architecture from moderate-sized enterprise clusters (102 - 103 nodes) to hyperscale clusters (104 nodes) via query optimization techniques. First, we formally specify the syntax and semantics of DCM's declarative language, C-SQL, a SQL variant used to express constraint optimization problems. We showcase how constraints on the desired state of the cluster system can be succinctly represented as C-SQL programs, and how query optimization techniques like incremental view maintenance and predicate pushdown can enhance the execution of C-SQL programs. We evaluate the effectiveness of our optimizations through a case study of building Kubernetes schedulers using C-SQL. Our optimizations demonstrated an almost 3000× speed up in database latency and reduced the size of optimization problems by as much as 1/300 of the original, without affecting the quality of the scheduling solutions.


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    • (2023)Solver-In-The-Loop Cluster Resource Management for Database-as-a-ServiceProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3625054.362506216:13(4254-4267)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023



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    • (2023)Solver-In-The-Loop Cluster Resource Management for Database-as-a-ServiceProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3625054.362506216:13(4254-4267)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023

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