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RALF: Accuracy-Aware Scheduling for Feature Store Maintenance

Published: 01 November 2023 Publication History


Feature stores (also sometimes referred to as embedding stores) are becoming ubiquitous in model serving systems: downstream applications query these stores for auxiliary inputs at inference-time. Stored features are derived by featurizing rapidly changing base data sources. Featurization can be costly prohibitively expensive to trigger on every data update, particularly for features that are vector embeddings computed by a model. Yet, existing systems naively apply a one-size-fits-all policy as to when/how to update these features, and do not consider query access patterns or impacts on prediction accuracy. This paper introduces RALF, which orchestrates feature updates by leveraging downstream error feedback to minimize feature store regret, a metric for how much featurization degrades downstream accuracy. We evaluate with representative feature store workloads, anomaly detection and recommendation, using real-world datasets. We run system experiments with a 275,077 key anomaly detection workload on 800 cores to show up to a 32.7% reduction in prediction error or up to 1.6X compute cost reduction with accuracy-aware scheduling.


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